Republicans so so sad

Isn't it so sad you are the losers except here in the south where heads are still up where the sun doesn't shine maybe in six years you too will be rehabilitated like poor old TED Haggard but i won't hold my breath

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mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 5:06pm.

Barney Frank or Gerry Studds (RIP) .... what would have happened?

Is there something wrong with being gay? (You seem to indicate that there is a problem with it.)

Stirring the pot - but not in Grantville!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 5:55pm.

Yes...I do have a problem with gays in so much as that I hate it when they try to cram their agenda's down the rest of our throats. Other than that I could care less.

In regards to If Ted Haggard was a democrat - Like Say.... That's my point CPU....If Haggard were a Democrat the net effect on any race would have been zilch.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:15pm.

I wasn't talking to you - I was talking to 'William Faulkner' up there. He makes Democrats look like complete morons.

If he is a Democrat he needs to read his party platform. I have no problem with gays as long as it's a private matter. I also feel the same way about heterosexuals who can't keep their hands off each other in public.

Loghouse Republicans- google it.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:48pm.

Does anyone know who RightOnTheMoney is? I am being 'pinged' by user RightOnTheMoney.... logging out ..back in a bit- };-)

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:22pm.

I agree. Keep it private and out of the workplace and our schools.

Hey....why is it that the older we get the grosser it is to watch a couple grope each other. Other than the fact that it is not us doing the groping.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:19pm.

Where did GR reply to you?

He replayed to mainframecpu.

Do we have a split personality here?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:14pm.

Talking about gays and "cramming something down our throats" in the same sentence is disgusting.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:25pm.

Get you mind out of the gutter. Aren't you reading a bit too much into my words. I just don't understand what you are saying.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 3:56pm.

be a faggot and not a Democrat too. The nerve of queer preacher talking to a Republican.

buZZard's picture
Submitted by buZZard on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 3:26pm.

You waited for 39 weeks 1 day,
Now you need to relax and try to take a deep breath.
See, I didn’t think you could.
You need to get that checked by a Proctologist before you suffocate.


mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 2:51pm.

Have you ever read "The Sound and the Fury"? It's a novel by William Faulkner. In the novel, a character named Benjy (an adult idiot- literally)is represented by Blake by not using any punctuation or capitalization whatsoever.

This of course is done in a writing style called 'stream of consciousness' which is extremely difficult to read.

I can tell from your brief blog, you too are a masterful writer and I for one appreciate your intellect and writing style. I must ask however, for the benefit of those less well read, that you include some sort of punctuation if at all possible.

You are no doubt an intellectual. Kudos!

Stirring the pot-

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