Mark this day: You will miss it.

Stock Market at an All Time High (yes, ALL time)

Gas prices falling (lowest level adjusted for inflation in ten years)

Lowest Unemployment rate since before 9/11/2001

No attacks on the US since 9/11

Intrest Rates Low

Terrorists being fought in IRAQ not in the U.S.

------- end ------
Democrats take control of House and Senate
------- begin -----

San Francisco Liberal Nancy Pelosi third in line to be President. First words out of her mouth - change course in IRAQ. Second comment - "America changes course - this is a vote for change".
----- stop -------

God help us all - here it comes again.

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mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 9:39am.

Please don't be offended but what the heck! I'm gonna say something that should be said...

I find myself defending this old school dude in blog after blog - is it me? What has this guy said or done that has you two so riled up?

I assume he is a Republicrat, and you are Democans, so what?

I'm third party and all mixed up - do I get the same treatment?

You guys seem really smart to me, dudes, Git Real is a Republicrat, and he doesn't get hammered (another Republicrat).

I will invite my fellow OldSchool blogger dude to share his opinion anytime.

Maybe I can actually convert him to a good oldSchool Libritarian or Green Party guy Eye-wink

Basmati- remember the MajorDude's reply to my questions about changing course in Iraq - that was common ground for you - fertile soil to plant the seeds of change. You never responded.

I bet a dollar to a doobie you guys are older than me - so I feel a little odd saying this: Play Nice!

Just gettin' mellow-

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 1:55pm.

You guys seem really smart to me, dudes, Git Real is a Republicrat, and he doesn't get hammered (another Republicrat).

I'll have you know that I've been called worse by better. Smiling You can call be alot of things but a cross between a Republican and Democrat is like me calling you an {{{{Edited}}}}. If you want to call me a Right Wing Conservative Dude With A Large Sprinkling Of Libertarian then I could handle that. But to equate me to being inbred by donkey mounting an elephant and becoming it's offspring.....well let's say that's a bit to much there oh High One.

As far as my not being hammered on here let's put it this way: "Boy...You ain't been here long and you ain't from around here are you?"

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 2:09pm.

Okay - okay - I stand corrected.

I tell my dad he is "just to the right of Attila the Hun". He always responds with "Thank you" - in the future I will refer to you as the "Reaganesque" Git Real.

Maybe you can steal OldSchool's moniker - you could be OldSchoolGitRealPolitics Smiling

That's still shorter than some of these on here.

It's just so hard to find the difference between the donkeys and the elephants now that I get confused ... must be the pot ... being all stirred up.

Watching the Circus

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 2:38pm.

It's just so hard to find the difference between the donkeys and the elephants

As I've been saying on here for the longest time the Democrats should rejoice in the politics of their Republican brethren. Year after year the "R's" have compromised and moved left in order to get along and please the "D's" in bi-partisan efforts only to give ground and and remain hated and ridiculed by the left. If you take an honest look at how far left we have moved in this country since the Republican's took control in "92" one would think the Democrats would be delighted. The "D's" have been getting there way for years as the "R's" have migrated from Conservative principles to those of the left. The reason the "D's" are so teed off is that it hasn't happened as rapidly as they desired. They should be grateful that there side has taken over slowly and gently as not to raise a rebellion in this country. By the time the Republican voters figured out that they've been duped by the likes of Bush and Westmoreland it'll too late. Conservatism I'm afraid is about dead in this country.

Corruption is what sank the Republicans in this election. The biggest thing I'm disappointed about is that you Democrats missed one. Our own Do-Nothing-er Westmoreland.

in the future I will refer to you as the "Reaganesque" Git Real.

Thanks CPU Dude. That is kind of you.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 10:46am.

You have obviously misunderstood my posts. Please read them again.
My first asks Oldschool to "be constructive."
My second asks Basmati to NOT call Oldschool Oldfool. Read my post. I say drop the "fool" and just call him "old" for starters. I never call him oldfool. He doesn't even like you calling him dude. He is a bit sensitive and yet has no problem throwing "San Francisco liberal" inuendos. No problem here. But read my post again.
Oldschool talked about 1) The stock market 2) No attacks here since 9/11 3) unemployment and 4) Fighting terrorists in Iraq and not here.
I directly addressed his points linking Iraq to terrorism and the false sense of security envolved in touting 5 years without an attack on US soil while we bury the dead daily from our Iraq experiment.
For the record Mainframe: I really like your constructive pot-stirring. I respect Oldschool and admire his life's work. The only poster on these boards I neither respect or like in the least is NORWESTER1. Norwester shows up to interject racial bullsh@it when a crime says "black male", but is conspicuosly absent when a man rapes a 15 yr old, or a woman kills her estranged husband, or a boy brings an arsenal to school..... well, you get the point.
Back to the OldSchool: As he spreads gloom and doom by being selective with facts, I will absolutely challenge loose assumptions and references to San Francisco liberals. Nancy Pelosi is a mother of 5 and grandmother many times over. She grew up in Maryland. It seems family values folks would mention that every now and then. So, I mention it, but nothing malitious or maligning. It's all butter baby.



Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 11:58am.

Hack -
Please quote the phrase where I specifically interjectected racial &*%*%*&^. If you can't do that, then buzzoff, jaggoff.

Nancy Pelosi? The same Nancy Pelosi that marched in the gay pride parade next to the good ol' boys from NAMBLA? Do you mean THAT Nancy Pelosi? Yeah, she's a real soldier for family values alright.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:40pm.

Submitted by Norwester1 on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 5:43pm.
"He is described as a black male, medium complexion, 6’1” tall slim and possibly in his late 20s, police said."

What a shock

There is your quote Norwester. And it added sooooo much to the debate. But I've missed you on the guns at school, fatal shooting, 15 year old rape blog and news sites. Why no consistency? Because you have morally objectionable intent. You intend to show blacks as a threat and as criminals. You must ignore the crimes of non-blacks, even if fatal, to preserve your weak and pathetic arguments. I'm easily reached at or, but I won't hold my breath waiting for you.

Hack King

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 10:58am.

I stand corrected. I just feel for this Old dude- I looked at some old blogs and the guy get's slaughtered - mostly by basmati ( but a couple by you though - I read your apology so I shouldn't bring that up ) basmati doesn't seem to really like anyone Sad

I have a couple of pet peeves on here so I shouldn't say anything. The whole "Only REAL cat in town" group chaps my fanny so I guess I am being a bit hypocritical. You are a great blogger and I can see why you like the to and fro on here. There is no substitute for a good education Eye-wink

You have always made good arguments and I like your politics. Thanks for clarifying and again I apologize. (OldDude - if you are listening, you are on your own from here out!)

Gettin mellow-

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 6:06am.

Gas prices falling (lowest level adjusted for inflation in ten years)

Adjusting for inflation, the price of gas in 1996 (10 years ago) was $1.50 a gallon.

See for yourself

See any places selling gas in Fayette county for $1.50 today?

Stick to opinions, Old Fool. Facts just confuse you.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 11:24am.

Basmati, for the record and if you care, I object to the word "fool."

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 1:43pm.

Jeff, I actually do care. If both your and the "good Major" (Hack King) feel so strongly about it to mention it in a post, I must be doing something wrong. As I respect the intellect of both of you gentlemen, I'll no longer refer to him as "Old Fool".

May I add that I particularly admire your restraint in your responses to your critics.

Duly chastened,

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 9:41pm.

Maybe one day I'll learn what restraint is, but I've been conditioned through year and years of boxing and Jeet kun do to pound people when you smell or see blood. I'm in therapy though; not that it's working.


Kevin Hack King

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 3:15pm.

But wait.... I have critics???

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 9:22am.

.... that those were the good ole days regardless Eye-wink $3, $2 $1 what's the difference when oil companies are gouging the crap out of us with the blessing of the "gubbament".

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 9:21am.

Your chart is based on current gas prices of $3 - they are about $2 - so when you take the $2 and adjust for inflation that's $1.46 by my calculations.

Of course, Gas would not be sold at the rate of adjusted prices to be equivelent so it would not be sold for $1.46 - but you already know that - right? (Your $1.46 in 1996 is equal to about $2 now in gas terms)

Did you get the part about CDs and student loans being about equal right now? I just financed a car at 6.6 and put the cash in a CD for 6 months to pay for it at 4.89 so my actual percentage rate on the loan will be less than 2% - anytime you can borrow at 2% - I suggest holding on to your cash and borrowing the money Eye-wink

The student loan I saw you ask about on a blog would be "free money" if you borrow instead of paying cash and offset it with a CD investment.

(Dad is an Econ. Prof. at Georgia State- I trust him even though he is a Republicrat Eye-wink)

Vote third party-

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 12:49pm.

I hear what you are saying, Mainframe CPU, but I think you were looking at the wrong graph lines.

The actual price of gas in 1996 was something like $1.20. Today it is roughly 2 bucks a gallon. You cannot make a meaningful comparison of those two amounts without adjusting for inflation.

Ten years of inflation adjustment brings the price of 1996 gas from $1.20 to roughly $1.50 (inflation was low when Clinton was in office...those were the days my friend!)

There is no adjustment for the current price of gas because we're paying for it in 2006 dollars. Yes, the price is down from the all-time highs of this summer, but you cannot summarily discount the price from the all-time high because it's not meaningful from an inflation standpoint (remember, inflation is averaged over an entire year).

Therefore, an apples-to-apples comparison of inflation adjusted gasoline prices shows 1996's $1.50 is far below 2006's current price of $2 a gallon.

Please let me know if you think I've made a calculation error in my argument.

The Bas

Submitted by kevin king on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 9:03am.

You just threw a handgrenade into a funeral service. Oldschool is in an intense period of mourning along with many of our devout social, religious, and fiscal conservative posters. Trey Hoffman is virtually in a room alone arguing with himself hoping that Rumsfeld can have a Lazarus moment and come back from the dead.
Give them their time to come to grips with the fact that the Emperor truly has no clothes, and that the rest of America, somehow, saw this years and years ago.
I had a "Worst Ever" sticker on my car giving a counter point to the W04 stickers all over PTC. I have removed it. America gets it now, and I don't want to appear as a pompous gloater like so many Fayette County party liners. Heck, they have Mr. 3 Commandments as a consolation prize! Talk about a raw deal!
So Basmati, let's give them their time. Let's do what they did not do, and reach out across the isle. Just a simple jesture like dropping "fool" from Oldfool and just calling him "Old." That will be a start anyway. Just sit back, relax, and watch these guys go through the greiving process.


Kevin Hack King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 10:39pm.

First of all I'm so glad to see the Republican party get spanked so badly for their years of trying to act like and please Democrats. I'm just confused as to how Westmoreland wound up with 68% of the votes. Far better a man fell yesterday than our Congressman. There was a lot of decent Republican talent that lost yesterday and our own Cynthia McMoreland was left standing. Huh? I just don't get it.

Sorry...I rambled. What is going to happen to the stock market when the capital gains tax reductions sunset in 08? I know that in preparation I will be moving a whole bunch of money in to cash positions in preparation for that massive sell off in mid 07.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 8:47am.

You can get up to 5% on CDs right now - I suggest it

A special note for basmati: that's the same as the interest rate on some student loans - hint hint - so you can actually borrow money for free - hint hint - use other peoples money when possible basmati.

Precious metals are always good when the world economy is unstable.

Don't give up on the market - it prefers deadlock in the government - the less the goverment does- the more the market likes it. Remember- the president has veto power.

I read OldSchool and basmati's comments and disagree with both for different reasons. I think OldSchool is overly negative and basmati is wrong about the peaking market - just my opinion.

The market (the Dow) IS at an all time high right now (over 12k) so although shifting some investments (cashing out) would be wise, I would keep some money in the stock market (especially the Dow - the Nasdaq has floundered and may continue to).

More money - more money - more money-

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 10:09pm.

Stock Market at an All Time High (yes, ALL time)

Wrong again, fool. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at an all time high, largely because it consists of only 30 stocks and one of 'em happens to be ExxonMobil, which has profited immensely from $3.00 gas this past summer.

The broader based Standards & Poors 500 index remains 10% under it's pre-9/11 high.

Here's the link to back up my facts, fool

You really should exercise a bit more caution before regurgitating Republican talking points.

Submitted by kevin king on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 6:57pm.

I'm not sure what you're aiming for here, Oldschool. America voted. That is what representative democracies do. And the American people have spoken CLEARLY that they want a change of course in Iraq. That is what Speaker Pelosi must work towards. To recap:
We have spent a half trillion dollars invading and occupying a country that 1) Had no WMD 2) Had not attacked us and 3) Had, in the words of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission as well as the President, no operational link to Al Qaeda.
We have currently lost over 2800 troops and wounded over 20,000. Whether they died here or there, the funerals and greiving families are HERE. We were not attacked from 1993 to 2001. Would you call that proof that we were on the right track during that 8 yr period? Americans can't see a clear return on the endless investment in Iraq.
Afghanistan (where our attackers were based) is slipping as we turned it over to NATO (the NATO commander said we have less than 6 months to secure Afghanistan before the citizens of that country turn to the Taliban).
Each and every prediction from finding WMD to the state of the insurgency to the cost HAS BEEN MORE THAN WRONG. Americans on Tuesday, demanded accountability; not the Dick Cheney "full speed ahead" no matter what approach. Here is the KEY:
Washington works for the American citizens. We do not work for them! They are accountable to the voters. The voters who ushered in a GOP majority in the face of dissatisfaction with Dems, have given the GOP majority their vote of no confidence.
Democrats have not won this election cycle. Republicans lost it with wreckless spending, ethical problems, and zero accoutability for unadmitted shortcomings.
Millions upon millions of dollars have dissapeared in Iraq, and there have been ZERO subpeonas. This is not acceptable.
Oldschool, you said, "God help us", but where has God been in the ethical practices of your party? I'm not tlaking words, but deeds?
The reconciliatory tone of the President this week follows last week's "A vote for the Democrats is a vote for the terrorists." Who would make this comment about fellow Americans for whom millions upon millions of Americans voted?
Have no fear Oldschool. We don't have to "fight them there to not fight them here." Al Qaeda has no Air Force, Navy, or Marine amphib units. We simply have to take the policing actions that the UK have and scrub passenger lists on ships and aircraft. Yes, Oldschool. A police function; not military function. And we won't bomb and shoot Sunni Muslims into loving Shiites or Kurds. Tell me how we "win" in Iraq. I'm here to listen. ps: The Stock market (DOW) is still surging my friend. Have no fear.

Cheers, and God Bless,

Kevin Hack King

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 9:25pm.

Unless I totally must have missed something.... I thought he was ranting about the economy going bust with the democans in office ... no?

Relax - you need a package from amsterdam! Eye-wink I'll bet you a six pack there isn't any change in anything from the Democans or Republicrats.

You are the kind of guy who needs to vote independant! We doubled our senate seats! Eye-wink


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 5:43pm.

Walmart wages do not an economy make for the middle class--and the 4.4% unemployment is a bold faced lie. The economy is "borrowed" by the government and individuals. So far we have killed about 100,000 Arabs, and wounded a half million. We have lost 3000 and severely wounded 20,000. And on and on....don't just pick out crap, rcognize total failure.

Submitted by 1bighammer on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 1:08pm.

which should only be used as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

I consider this one of those instances. Our lives, property and freedom are all in danger now. The Socialist..err I mean the Democratic Party will now begin to slowly begin to try and take people's personal property for "The Greater Good"(ie...the lowlife, sit on their A$$es, I don't want a job, You owe me, sucking on the Welfare teet people.) That in turn will give them the right to say "oh you can't do that, it doesn't benifit the greater good",hence a loss of your freedoms. But that's not the worst thing, they'll try and talk to the terrorist and they will attack us again, that's when we will LOSE OUR LIVES!

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 3:04pm.

This is really going to piss you off:

MINNEAPOLIS, Nov 7 (Reuters) - Voters elected a black Democrat as the first Muslim in Congress on Tuesday after a race in which he advocated quick U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and made little mention of his faith.

Allah Akbahr or some crap like that -

Submitted by 1bighammer on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 6:04pm.

It makes me sad That there are that many STUPID people in the USA. Obviously people haven't paid attention to what has happenned in France with their government.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 12:49pm.

What about the skies filled with locusts and the seas filled with blood you swore would happen if Democrats regained control of Congress?

Hmmm? Laughing out loud


mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 3:01pm.

Holy crap. What will happen when independants (we doubled our seats) take over?

Running from the bugs-

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