Wild-eyed and Crazy

Y'all bear with me, haven't had a cigarette in 24 hours. What a bad time to try to quit. "No- any time's a good time, right?" Still, I'd like to have a tomahawk in hand to sink into a convenient skull. Reading a good book, "WHEN THE MISSISSIPPI RAN BACKWARDS" by Jay Feldman. Check it out
It Makes our Modern troubles seem pale in comparison

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masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 3:44pm.

I smoked for 9 years then quit for 4 years then smoked for 2 years and quit again this June. I still find myself wanting to smoke some days. All I have to do is ride with someone who still smokes to remind me of why I quit.

They say the physical withdrawal symptoms only last 3 days. Instead of thinking about not smoking for ever, just try and make it through the first 3 days. Then tell yourself that it's all your head and just push on. I went cold turkey but my husband wanted me to get the shot. You know, the one that had folks on the tables taking their clothes off!!! Smiling

YOU CAN DO IT !! I did!!

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