Student pleads to weapons violations

Mon, 11/06/2006 - 2:50pm
By: John Munford

A former 12th-grader at Whitewater High School has pled guilty to bringing four guns, a sword and a knife on school property on the first day of school back in August.

Robin Kittrell, 17, entered the plea in open court Monday morning, officials said. He pled guilty to six counts of possession of a weapon on school property, one count of carrying a concealed weapon and two counts of underage possession of a firearm.

Kittrell’s defense attorney had not struck a deal in exchange for the plea, according to court papers. Sentencing has been put off until a later date.

Sheriff’s deputies said more than 150 rounds of ammunition were found in Kittrell’s car when it was searched after school administrators — acting on a tip — had found a knife on Kittrell’s person inside the school.

Also found in Kittrell’s car were black clothing, a number of flexible plastic ties that can be used as handcuffs, and two devices used to quickly reload a revolver, officials said.

After the arrest, several of Kittrell’s friends came to his defense at The Citizen’s Web site. Some said Kittrell was no danger and would never harm anyone.

Police learned that the guns belonged to Kittrell’s family and that he and his father participated in competition shooting, practicing on a range at the family’s Fayette home.

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Submitted by 30YearResident on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 8:03pm.

This is one I wouldn't want to try and defend nor judge.

The kid is obviously not a terrorist nor a threat. Misguided, ignorant, stupid, but not a bad kid.

I hate this for two reasons... first and foremost, his parents. and second for the record he is going to end up with for the remainder of his life.

Hopefully by pleading guilty, something can be negotiated in his favor.

I can easily recall keeping deer rifles on gunracks in pickup trucks in school parking lots, teachers and students ... and that wasn't that many years back!

My prayers are with them all.

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 7:39am.

The kid is obviously not a terrorist nor a threat. Misguided, ignorant, stupid, but not a bad kid.

You mean like Dylan Harris and Eric Klebold? The EXACT same things were said about those two. How'd that turn out?

Hopefully by pleading guilty, he'll get what he deserves: serious jail time.

Submitted by 30YearResident on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 1:30pm.

The "Harris, Klebold" situation isn't even close. Read the background before making such harsh judgements and statements.
There were absolutely no sinister undertones to this case.... no behavioural issues, no profile, no writings, no video, no "black trench coat", nothing.

Please get your facts straight in the future.

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 1:43pm.

You commented that "The kid is obviously not a terrorist nor a threat." I responded to that with the FACT that the SAME characterizations were made about Klebold and Harris. Kip Kingle, Johnson and Golden, Jeffrey Weise et al. I confined my comparisons strictly to that fact. Obviously the outcome is dissimilar but we have the luxury of making these evaluations in retrospect. All of the kids above were called "misguided, ignorant, stupid, but not a bad kid." I know the background of those cases as well as Kittrell's case and would certainly bank my knowledge of the case against anyone else's. So again, focus on the immediate observation rather than making a sweeping defense against something that has not been said.

Submitted by SmithOak on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 7:47pm.

who is his lawyer? what could his big plans be for having the boy plead guilty?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 9:48pm.

The Pony Tailed Height Challenged Weinie Trial Lawyer represented him. It was a slam dunk case. I'd bet a bunch Lee Sexton did this case for free just so he could dress up and stand in front of the cameras for more free publicity.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 11/07/2006 - 9:09am.

His lawyer also happens to be helping out the person who arrested and charged Robin to begin with. It seems like a conflict of interest.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 7:55pm.

This was a "slam dunk" case. It's really not a CSI mystery - either he had the guns on (or within 1000 feet of)school property or he did not.

The plea will cause the judge to consider he is 'cooperating' in the case and allow him (the judge) to consider leniency for his cooperation.

in other words- he has NOTHING at all to lose and something possibly to gain for the plea.

stirring the ironsides-

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 7:08pm.

Mom and Dad said that he "just wanted to be prepared". Holy cow- for what?

Let's see here:

Bandaids, flashlight, advil, jumpercables, siphon hose, batteries, road reflectors, heavy jacket, umbrella, matches ... check- okay- gotcha - prepared.

"Four guns, a sword and a knife, more than 150 rounds of ammunition, black clothing, a number of flexible plastic ties that can be used as handcuffs, and two devices used to quickly reload a revolver." Uh... No.

Okay judge - what kind of schools do YOU want? We are watching and waiting for your sentencing. Get it right.

Stirring the pot-

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 8:11pm.

All of the guns were in a single case that had been reported to be in the back seat of the kids car for weeks.

What really pisses me off is that the BoE and administrators at the school will probably never have to answer for their actions.

This whole event reeks.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 8:26pm.

Yes I do. I hate that he made it in to the school building - he should have been met in the parking lot.

I am aware of the rumors from the summer - yes.

I know that he was a shooter and wanted to "save the world" in the event of an attack.

I know what a "great kid" he is according to his family and friends.

I am slow to criticize the shool administration - as much as I dislike them - because they are really just people who wanted to be coaches and TEACHERS who became ADMINISTRATORS - and are now forced to act as POLICE OFFICERS and they are NOT.

I do NOT know if this is just increadibly bad judgement or possible bad intentions and none of us ever will. What I do know is that every kid in America is aware of the problems with shootings and the like and they have all been told a gazillion times not to bring weapons (including the knife in his pocket) to a school - ever!

Sad - yes. A waste- yes. Do I want more 'heads to roll' - no.

Stirring the pot-

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 8:37pm.

If that's the case, have you ever heard of the Peter principle?

That's when someone reaches the level of incompetence.

Was the kid wrong, 110% YES!

Were the administrators wrong 110% YES!

Will the administrators have to answer for their incompetence, unfortunately no.

They'll gust muddle along, no offense intended, and draw a paycheck.

If you are implying that the current batch of school administrators are unqualified for the positions they hold, then I would have to agree with you in this case.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 8:41pm.

I would love to encourage you to start a blog:

What did the administrators do in this case that you disagree with?

I have already been hammering the "only cats in town" for their arrogance so it would sound self serving.

(I had a good experience here at McIntosh so I have no quarrell with the Administrators for the most part.)

Now that- would be stirring the pot!!

Eye-wink MainFrame

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