Blogger Broke?

Is the blogger broken, or am I just not welcome here anymore? I logged in and typed a long, but innoffensive blog, then pushed "prewiew" and it disappeared. A minute later, I was bumped off. Geez, if y'all want me to leave, just say so.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 9:59pm.

As the blog moderator it is my job to keep out-of-towners straight. Your blog got way to long so I axed it. Your second one was much shorter and to the point. Just kidding.

What happened is that you timed out on the site. Don't ask me how, why or how much because I've not been able to figure it out. After you preview and then you post you got a blank screen which indicates you timed out.

The best way that I've found to fix it is to hit your back button once and get the screen up that you were ready to post. I then open a new browser window and go to the Citizen where I once again log on. Then I click back to the browser that has the blog that I want to post and I re-post it and wha-lah! It goes through.

That's just one of those things that stinks about this blog board.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:15pm.

But why the time-out? I've got a good story to tell about an experience I had today, but if I get bumped halfway through, why should I risk wasting the effort? Who is the moderator? Has anyone complained to them about this?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:19pm.

If you get timed out, you can just log back on and re-paste it back in.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 9:17pm.

Today I had to go to Columbus. After taking care of business, I handed out the last of the McGraw stickers and flyers. I gave out McGraw stuff to over 200 strangers, in parking lots and gas stations. I've been doing it all summer on my spare time, and I feel good about it. At least a few of all those people will check out his website, and possibly decide to vote for him, thanks to my efforts.
I've done my bit. All that's left is to vote on Tuesday. Even if Westmoreland gets re-elected, I can say I tried. I didn't "just" vote this time.

cmc865's picture
Submitted by cmc865 on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 9:53pm.

but, do you know the PRINCE of Shilo?

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:44pm.

I know it well. Good barbecue place there. No Princes, though.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 9:35pm.

I did the same thing for Lynn years ago when he first ran for the state house. He did a great job the first two years. Then somehow he got poisoned and evolved into the corrupt do-nothing-er you see today. Come to think of it I also supported Mitch Seabaugh once. I'm convinced that the 80/20 rule comes into play with politicians with 80% of them being corrupted in less than 5 years.

I have to tell you though. I could not bring myself to vote for McGraw. Couldn't bring myself to supporting the National Democratic Party with my vote. But you may take joy in knowing that I did not vote for Westmoreland either. Right or wrong I'll sleep well with that decision.

Glad you got involved. Stay with it 10 years and you'll get disillusioned like me. Eye-wink

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 9:52pm.

McGraw, of course. Libertarian, when possible. I've been disllusioned for a long while, but not by Republicans until the last 3 or 4 years. Like McGraw, giving the job of security of our ports to a FOREIGN company was the last straw.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:26pm.

You didn't vote for McGraw just because he ran as a Democrat?? Man I knew you would chicken out.

Vote for the person who is best, not party line. I don't care if it is the "puple person from pluto", vote for the best guy.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:31pm.

It's not necessarily McGraw that I would be concerned about. It's who he would empower just by the virtue of his being elected. There's no doubt in my mind that McGraw's a better candidate than Westmoreland. But as much as I despise the Republican party I despise the thought of Speaker Pelosi even more.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:36pm.

McGraw doesn't care for her either. I hope you are wrong about westmoron winning. I can't stand the thought of living next to a poison plant.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:06pm.

For not voting Westmoreland. You're wrong, though. The National Democratic didn't give one iota of support, that I could see, to Mike McGraw. It was grass roots as it gets. When he wins, you can expect that bunch to rejoice and send him flowers and try to suck up to him, or more accurately, to get him beholden to them in some way. That will be when we see his true colors. I believe the man has the character to vote his conscience and tell them to take a flying jump when they disagree. Time will tell.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:16pm.

I hope you are right on McGraw Harris County. But Westmoreland's gonna win with 55% and I'll win a steak lunch at Ruth's Chris over Lynn's poor showing at the polls. 55% is a disastrous number for a Republican in this district. It indicates a loss for Westmoreland in 2 years.

Actually I'd give my "you know whats" to see a Democrat go against the national party as you have described. I just don't see it happening. The Republican's have one. Senator Colburn from Oklahoma. Other than the good doctor there the well's dry.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 4:38pm.

Lieberman. As far as I can see he went against the DNC and they kicked him out. I understand he has an excellent chance of beating Lamont on Tuesday.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 4:52pm.

Uh Oh. Please tell me that I'm not going to have to.......

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:46pm.

I'll follow your advice when they bump me off because of time.
I haven't pawned a gun since the early 90's, but found myself in need of some extra cash about a month ago. So I pawned my Remington 1100 shotgun (nice little skeet killer) at the local shop. Now, we are going to have a company cook-out this next weekend, and do some skeet shooting. My co-workers and I are all good friends, but also competitive, so I'd like to get in some practice on the clay pigeons. Went to get my shotgun out today, filled out a form and the guy says, "Hold on while I call the FBI". I Think WTF?, but wait while he makes the call. Finally, he hangs up and says, "They put a hold on it until Thursday"
I ask why? He says it's because someone with my same name probably is wanted by the law somewhere. Now, I have a fairly common name, but a unique Social Security Number, right? Why on God's Green Earth would it take the FBI until Thursday to find out that I have no criminal record or outstanding warrants? Why, indeed, am I being hassled like this? I asked the shopkeeper since when does he have to do a background check on someone reclaiming their own property, especially a long gun? He said, "Since 9-11" I said, well see you Thursday, then and calmly walked out, but I'm still fuming mad. Why have I been paying NRA dues all these years if they let this happen? What the hell do me, a taxpaying, law-abiding citizen, and my 12 guage shotgun have to do with 9-11? Why do I bother voting when Washington's answer to any problem is to create another level of bureaucracy to slow things down and gum things up? Throw enough red tape at terrorism, and it'll go away? WTF is wrong with those people?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:03pm.

Next time pawn your wife. They always give them back without any hassles. Wow! What can you say. It's gotten so bad that I'm reluctant to buy a weapon from a dealer anymore. The NRA is doing what it can but often times the FBI and ATF enact their own rules without even going through congress. They get away with it until the law is challenged in the courts and eventually defeated.

Now that's what I'm talking about. I fear the "D's" will attempt to severely limit my 2nd ammendment rights if given the power. They have and agenda regarding gun control and confiscations that has been moth balled until they get back in power. Sarah Brady and Ted Kennedy have each stated that their goals have been delayed because those bad old Republicans are in power and are being influenced by the NRA.

That's part of my issue with not wanting to grant your guys power. I'm scared to death. It's easy to pretend like you're a moderate when you're not in power. But based on the agenda's of the Democrat's in the past I truly believe they are biding their time on issues like this until they can get back into power. Like I've said in the past. In regards to our freedoms they are rapidly eroding. The Republican's are allowing this to happen through compromise. I'm afraid that if your guys get in they'll kick their programs into high gear and by the time we realize what hit us it'll be too late.

It's kind of like we're getting screwed either way we go. Question is do we want it fast or slow?

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:14pm.

with that "your guys" stuff. I am NOT a Democrat, dammit! Have you ever known me to endorse a Democrat other than McGraw? As hard as it is for you to believe, the Independent Voter does exist, we may be like the Ivory Woodpecker, seldom seen. Yes, apparently, we are screwed either way. One of my co-workers retired from 30 years of Law Enforcement. He said the red tape after 9-11 got unbearable. So yeah, I guess the individual is screwed either way. It's almost like the terrorists HAVE won.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:38pm.

I was polite to the pawn guy. I'm sure he's just as angry that his transaction was delayed. Would this have happened if the Democrats had been in power? You Bet. 9-11 would have been an excuse for Gun Control. I would, believe me, be angry if this had happened under a Democrat regime. But I'm blinking FURIOUS that Republicans did this.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:54pm.

That's the word. Never been a member of any party, but I've voted for plenty of Republicans and Democrats, and one of the important issues that I research is a candidate's stand on the Second Amendment. I've also paid dues to the NRA for decades...where are they now? Is gun control Okay, as long as the GOP does it and uses 9-11 as an excuse?

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 12:06am.

Disgusted that it will take the FBI, with all their fancy computers, four business days to run a check on little old me. No wonder they can't get the job done. They're jammed up with busy-work. Sure gives you confidence in the system, doesn't it? Like when the computer holding EVERYONE'S V.A. records was "stolen".

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 12:12am.

Hit the reply button below the person you are replying to and the blog will post in proper order. Otherwise there will be a lot of confused people when they start reading this in the morning. It looks like you're talking to yourself.

What are you anyways? Some kind of Arab Muslim Terrorists that they're so interested in you? Smiling

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 12:22am.

I'll try to be more careful. Just was upset, now sleepy. Yeah, I'm a real threat. A member of the Mulberry Creek Militia. We terrorize clay pigeons. So far, it's just me and my brother-in-law. Wanna join?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 12:04am.

And to use this issue as an example. We're going on a down hill road to losing our liberties. The difference in my opinion is that the the "D's" are going down the hill on an ice covered road on a sled while the "R's" are scooting down that same hill on the thawed side while sitting. One way is definetly faster than the other but the end result is still down. must be getting late. That analogy sounds stupid and I'm too tired to change it.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 12:18am.

We need a third party to appear that actually represents the mainstream and marginalizes the two that are now trading power back and forth. There would be Pelosi and Kennedy crying on one end, and Cheney and Rumsfeld counting their take on the other end, with most of the country behind the third party takeover. That's my dream, anyway. Vote Libertarian whenever possible! Thanks to all you locals for letting me post here. We have a good little print newspaper in Harris County, but no online blog. The Columbus paper has a discussion board, but it's not much used.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:49pm.

What more could I say to that?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:26pm.

I'll try to get it through my thick skull.

Harris County is not a Democrat.

Harris County is not a Democrat.

Harris County is not a Democrat.

Harris County is not a Democrat.

Harris County is not a Democrat.

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