Re-elect the experience and professionalism of Supreme Court Justice Carol Hunstein.

I tried . . . I really tried to watch the Atlanta Press Club debates with an open mind. I hoped that Wiggins would say something to make me believe he was even minimally competent to be a justice in the highest court in the State of Georgia. He only confirmed what I originally thought – and then some.

The background:

A case can only get to the Supreme Court after a trial or hearing. Something has to have happened in a courtroom somewhere in the State of Georgia in order to get to the Georgia Supreme Court. And when that case gets to the Georgia Supreme Court, the justices there do not reconsider every piece of evidence. They look at how the judge in the trial court applied the rules – the law -- to the case. If the trial court judge didn’t follow the law, the case is overturned and returned to the trial court for another trial. The case doesn’t just go away (although Wiggins’ supporters would have you believe that it does).

The facts:

Wiggins has never tried a case, period. How he believes that he is qualified to be more than a security guard at the highest court in the State is beyond me. How would he know a bad trial court ruling if he has never seen action in a trial court? His campaign ads say he “supervised litigation” with the Dept. of Homeland Security. Heck, I “supervise” my dog relieve himself in the yard; that doesn’t make me qualified to be a veterinarian. And it was really telling when Wiggins got this panicked look on his face and said, "I'll pass" when they got into the facts of the death penalty case that recognized the legislature's intent to establish lethal injection as the only method of capital punishment in Georgia.

The proverbial “nail in the coffin”:

Wiggins said he was approached to run for this position. (Note that he had to be approached by Washington, DC politicians because he wasn’t working in the State of Georgia at that time.) Wiggins said he consulted with and was encouraged to run by Lynn Westmoron!!! Shocked Suddenly, it all made sense. Who else but the do-nothingest member of Congress would have the audacity to think he could prop up some Beltway “pro” for a Georgia Supreme Court candidate?

And, finally, for those of you who may have missed this . . . at Wiggins’ age, at this stage of his career, nobody gives a rat’s behind what his GPA was in law school. By now, he has (or should have) established a professional reputation that should tell any employer whether they should hire him. This employer plans to send him a rejection letter.

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Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 6:09am.

Hunstein is just another cheap, get-along-go-along incumbent like Westmoreland.

I am learning to like you SWMBO. I disgree with much of what you say but agree with some of it. You are right in your observations about Westmoreland and Seabaugh. And few people know it but Lynn did get a degree--- from the Velvet Jones School of Technology ("Be a Ho").

But I want to see you just once castigate a liberal. Come on.

You attack Wiggins for no trial experience. Why didn't you attack recent Supreme Court judge Harold Melton? He didn't have any experience to speak of either. Did you liberals lay off of him just because he was black ? Oh, I see. That was different. He worked for Sonny. That's his experience ? That's scary.

I truly do not think courtroom experience matters for the Supreme Court. I want intellect, independence and integrity. Forget about Hunstein's liberalism. Forget about her proven legislating from the bench, inventing gay marriage. Just look at her lack of leadership from the bench. She has run a very dirty, non-issues campaign that puts her right in the same barrel with a Lynn or a Mitch. Incumbency at all costs. She has dragged the courts to a low point. She is a hypocrite.

We have got to start demanding better from our officials. That means putting out the bad ones like Westmoreland and Hunstein. And that means supporting those that are honorable, whether they be Conservative or Liberal. Then and only then will we have character and real policy debate. Otherwise, its just all about keeping your little golden judgeship or just getting your little road built.

Go Wiggins.

Submitted by bowser on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 8:56am.

SWMBO speaks the truth, and this is a very important race.

Wiggins is a career bureaucrat and a conservative idealogue who was recruited and bankrolled -- heavily -- by a national PAC. If you listen to the candidates and look at their literature, there is no question that Wiggins is far, far, FAR liklier to bring his personal political convictions to the bench. (Of course, since he's conservative his backers don't mind that kind of 'activism.')

Hunstein has a long track record that is open for inspection and criticism -- as does any judge. Wiggins is a career bureaucrat with NO track record whatsoever.

Hunstein is portrayed as the liberal, yet she is backed by Zell Miller and Mike Bowers, who aren't known for supporting bedwetters. She's a tough lady who has sent a number of bad guys to the morgue. She's also overcome some challenges in life and isn't laying down on this one.
Wiggins claims to be nonpartisan, yet he's listed on the GOP's 'straight ticket.' For him this job appears to be more a political promotion than the culmination of a courtroom career.

I hope like heck that Georgians don't put an inexperienced, ideologically motivated, PAC-backed hired gun on the bench in place of a solid incumbent. Vote Hunstein.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 9:41am.

Hunstein is portrayed as the liberal, yet she is backed by Zell Miller and Mike Bowers, who aren't known for supporting bedwetters

Let's see here....Which one of the two men you mentioned has a DUI on their record and which one has the "Velcro Zipper" with a 10 year history of cheating on his wife? These may be values that Republicans and Democrats support but I choose otherwise.

I have to liken back to the days when our friend Dan Lakly stood against one of these guys and said: "If he's lied to his wife for ten years then what makes us think he hasn't been lying to the Georgia voters"? Yeah...just the kind of people I'd want backing me.

As far as Wiggin's qualifications go why wasn't this an issue when Harold Melton became a Georgia Supreme Court Judge? Did his lack of judicial experience get overlooked just because he was black? Come on guys....Hunstein is just as unethical as a Westmoreland or a Seabaugh. She is a judge for the trial lawyers and those with an agenda for social engineering with her propensity to legislate from the bench. I don't care that Wiggins doesn't have the experience Hunstein has. She needs to go for the same reasons you state that McGraw needs to replace Westmoreland.

Submitted by loanarranger707 on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 8:17am.

Lakly was right on this one.

So why has Sonny made Bowers chairman of the Judicial Nominating Commission, charged with evaluating the moral character and other qualifications of lawyers seeking to be appointed judges?

tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 8:56am.

Loan arranger has it pegged. Justice Hunstein to all her Democrat buddies from way back, during her 25 years as a bureaucrat: "You guys all owe me a big solid."

Here they come....All the Dixiecrats. Remember that guy Ronald Reagan? A Republican, yup. Even recently voted as the "The Greatest American". He served his two terms as President and retired. Even after he left, the following people still turned their backs on the Republican Party and stayed as Dems along with Carol Hunstein--- Zell Miller, Mike Bowers and Sonny Perdue.

Wait a minute...I didn't know that about Bowers. If he is on the committee that Nominates Judges, isn't it slimy for him to be endorsing one candidate? Particularly when he chooses the Democrat over the Republican ? As for Zell, well hell, he's just another lobbyist for hire.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 11:21am.

Isn't one Leah Ward Sears type enough?

Legalize pot!


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