Council tables decision on impact fee

Thu, 11/02/2006 - 3:54pm
By: John Munford

Developer wants $350,000 credit for building road

The Peachtree City Council has postponed consideration of a request to reduce the amount of impact fees owed by Ravin Homes on behalf of the Cedarcroft subdivision.

At a special called meeting Wednesday night, an attorney for Ravin Homes argued that the company’s impact fees should be reduced by $350,000 because of construction costs and the loss of developable land associated with construction of a portion of MacDuff Parkway.

City Attorney Ted Meeker said the city does not have to provide the credit since Ravin Homes agreed to build the addition to MacDuff as part of a development agreement it entered with the city to settle a lawsuit. Also, MacDuff Parkway was not on the list of city projects associated with the impact fee, meaning the city cannot legally reimburse Ravin Homes’ impact fees for the expense, Meeker noted.

Ravin Homes attorney Deron Hicks said the company should receive the credit for MacDuff because the road is used by the general public, not just residents of Cedarcroft.

The road was not necessary for development of Cedarcroft, Hicks said.

Meeker noted that crediting Ravin’s impact fees could have larger ramifications because, for example, John Wieland Homes built another section of MacDuff and its owed impact fees were not credited by the city.

Impact fees are charged per residential unit to reimburse the city for costs related to certain specific projects, most of which are focused on a particular area of the city. For Cedarcroft, part of the impact fees go towards the construction of the new Leach fire station and the 1995 expansion of the city library, among other projects.

Ravin’s impact fees likely won’t become due until sometime next year, but the company will owe a projected $309,000.

Council voted to table the matter until Ravin Homes was prepared to proceed. Mike Rossetti of Ravin Homes said he would get additional supporting information to council such as the economic determination of how much Ravin lost by losing what he said was eight acres of land to the road.

Rossetti later said part of that land consists of a power easement, meaning it could not be developed anyway. Also included in Ravin’s eight-acre calculation is land that is required as roadway buffer, which also would be undevelopable.

Rossetti also said he agreed to build the road because former mayor Bob Lenox told him to.

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Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 2:21pm.

I built the road because "Bob Lenox told me to" cried the developer. The taxpayers should pay for the road I agreed to build.

I don't know how much more of this stuff we can take. The Mayor of Peachtree City got our votes on the promises of tax relief and leadership. So far "we ain't seen either of them."

Instead of reduced taxes, we've got higher taxes and higher city fees. We're paying $1 million bucks to cover the hoods at the Development Authority. We're also going to get walloped from the traffic from TDK and the loss of sales taxes to the "other side of the border." Now, we're looking at giving tax refunds to some the mayor's developer friends.

The most satisfied patrons of the Harold Logsdon seem to be the development community. It looks like they're actually getting a tax reduction.

Vote Republican (except Westmoreland)

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 7:49pm.

It seems to me that this Raven family has made sufficient money here over the years to pay what they owe. To build a road without an agreement (just the word of Lenox) is either presumptious or they expected an approval later. I think the people of PTC are about as tired of the local developers and their friends shenannigans as the country is of the so called "conservatives" now running the country! Time to cut them off if we can't prosecute them.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:00pm.

The Raven family has done very well here over the years, but this is about government overextending its authority. Lenox and Williams and the real Mayor Brown)were famous for this type of thing. Illegal, but builders and developers willingly agreed to the extraction of money, land and improvements. All gladly paid because the rewards outweighed the costs.

Now Mike is upset because he has paid for Wieland's road. Don't know who actually cares about that, but that is what this is really about.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 7:59pm.

I think the people of PTC are about as tired of the local developers and their friends shenannigans as the country is of the so called "conservatives" now running the country!

I couldn't agree with you more. I am so tired of these "so called conservatives" who are now running the country. The more the Democrats scream the farther the left they move to pacify them. I'd like to see some "Real Conservative" leaders running this country for a change.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 8:55pm.

During the Al Gore-Bush campaign, people like you knew you were electing a light weight, but you did anyway because his name was republican!
The deliberate war salvaged another four years, and a weaker candidate for the democrats, Mr. Kerry.
I'm afraid you true republicans will now be waiting many, many years for another chance at leadership due to your mistake.
Anyway, we need to work on internal problems created in the last six years for awhile instead of interferring in Arabian business. Terrorists can be hunted down by Ollie North types without ruining our guard and reserves. We need someone as President and some people who work for him, who are interested in America instead of the oil companies and destroying the middle class. Americans won't stand for that. We know everyone can't, and shouldn't be, either rich or poor.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 7:05am.

Terrorists can be hunted down by Ollie North types without ruining our guard and reserves.

And then marched out in front of a senate hearing to defend themselves? What do you think the big torture debate was about this summer? Our special forces have be taught they had better CYA before they do their jobs. You can't get these free wheeling, no holds barred terrorists when you have to play nice and by the "rules."

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:26pm.

During the Al Gore-Bush campaign, people like you knew you were electing a light weight, but you did anyway because his name was republican!

I have to agree with you to a huge degree here Dollar. I thought then "W" was a lightweight but he did prove out to be stronger than I imagined although he falls way short of what I desired. As for your statement that I voted for him because he was an "R". Wrong...what was my choice? Al Gore? The nut case that is now roaming the world melting down under his own global warming road show. guys gave me a real choice there Dollar.

I'm afraid you true Republicans will now be waiting many, many years for another chance at leadership

Honestly Dollar I doubt Conservatism will survive in this country. You of all people should be delighting in the fact that the Republican party is morphing into the party of your dreams. For years now the "R's" have compromised and given in to the "D's" without getting anything in return thus migrating to left ever so slowly yet ever so consistently. It's just a matter of time before you get your way and then you and I will come to know the true meaning of bondage. Perhaps not in our lifetime but definitely in the lifetime of my precious children.

And to close...If you think the Democrat party is going to look out for the middle class then sir I have to say you are a fool. Please tell me you're not that naive.

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