Vote for person not party

Tue, 10/31/2006 - 5:03pm
By: Letters to the ...

It’s time for us to stop being Republicans and Democrats and start being Americans. There are faults in both parties. In 1994 the Democratic-lead Congress’ disapproval was 75 percent. Now, just 12 years later, the Republican-lead Congress’ disapproval is 75 percent.

There are many conclusions that can be drawn from those numbers, and equally as many excuses made. The bottom line is that our party blindness has put in this situation.

People aren’t good or bad because they are Republican, neither are they good or bad because they are Democrat. It’s time for us to be true patriots and take a moment to learn about the candidates and educate ourselves on the issues.

True Americans are willing to split their ticket on Election Day. I’m the vice chair of the Coweta County Democratic Party. I’m voting for a Republican or two, so can you vote for some of each. On Nov. 7, vote for the person, not the party.

Joshua Hickman
Newnan, Ga.

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G35 Dude's picture
Submitted by G35 Dude on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:59am.

The two party system is not working ! We need a third party that has a chance to win !

Submitted by thebeaver on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:28am.

Normally, I might agree with you. But if we vote in the Democrats, that will put that moonbat, Nancy Pelosi, in charge of the House and Charles Rangel in charge of Ways and Means. If you want higher taxes and the terrorists to strike again on U.S soil, by all means, vote democrat.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 10:06am.

Excuse me, Norwester1, but even if the best-case scenario comes true next week and Democrats recapture both the House and Senate by 55-45% margins, you overlook the fact that for the next 800 or so days America will still be plagued by the executive office mismanagement of one George W. Bush.

It is extremely unlikely that our Wartime Deserter president will sign any tax increase into law, and the numbers in both the House and Senate will not be enough to override a presidential veto.

I think you should try and come up with another reason to scare the general populace into voting Republican.

cogitoergofay's picture
Submitted by cogitoergofay on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 2:03pm.

Even though I am a conservative and he is a liberal, I once again agree with Basmati. Thus, I could vote for Mike McGraw in good conscience. There is only the slightest statistical chance that the GOP will lose the Senate. Perhaps the house, but not the Senate. The President will still have two years within which to make most appointments, since the House is largely uninvolved in the process. Rice Boy is right; Bush would veto the Dems anyway. Frankly the best thing that could happen to the GOP is to hear the words “Speaker Pelosi”. It might make them wake up, clear out the deadwood like Westmoreland and Foley and return us to the Contract with America.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 3:38pm.

Don't you mean contract ON America?

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 9:54am.

Sorry but bush has finally driven off this republican. Everytime I say to myself things couldn't get any worse they do. I have had it, and this former republican is voting Democrat.

I would fire my heating and air guy for poor service, I'm going to treat my congressmen the same way. Do the job or you are out of here.

Submitted by Aetatis on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 1:10pm.

I'm a conservative at heart. I believe that government
as it gets larger gets worse and more corrupt. I also believe
in being fiscally responsible as well. I didn't like Clinton as
president but we did not have a debt we had a surplus. Look at
what we have with the republicans.. We have a ever increasing debt
on top of that a war that is becoming more and more of a quagmire.
Even if we "stay the course" we are going to be drained fiscally because of the war and rebuilding the country. Does anyone remember what happened to the countries in Europe when the KIngs went onto crusade leaving only heavy taxes and no army? We do have much more resources than in that example but we also shouldn't be as complacent as we are now.

I'm also bothered by the fact that we have never been morally correct in this war. We've tortured, held prisoners at secret prisons, and wiretapped innocent americans. The response to that is not to question
the Government and also if we were at a full blown terrorist war whereby we were openly being attacked what would you say then? I don't know what I would say, but whatever I would say in that hypothetical situation doesn't mean anything. If I take and rob a store it is wrong. Even if authority doesn't matter. Even if something like Katrina happens and NO ONE cares if a store is robbed. It is still wrong. In fact I would argue that ethics matter more in a case like that where the law has devolved more than previously. The voice of the American doesn't matter as long as the voice of justice can be heard.

Why for instance didn't we punish those involved in the gitmo scandal?
The scandal when it broke polorized those people that at once were on opposite sides of the table into fighting the common enemy: America.
Then the beheadings happened. I really wonder what would have happened if we had treated the prison guards and superiors in the harshest way
possible? What would have happened? What if some of these insurgents saw the president say. "We've had a situation that happened and those
responisble have been punished to the fullest extent of the law. These
people are prisoners but we aim to treat them with as much respect as possible. We do not nor have we ever condoned torture in any form. Our motive in this is justice." Sure there would have been condemnation and
hatred and vile anger. But we would have been seen as ultimately just. The terrorists are awful and beyond human but who are we when we stoop to their level?

Anyway this November this Conservative will vote all democrat.
It's time for a change.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 1:54pm.

Okay Aetatis. Thanks for sharing your views as you certainly have that right. But do not come on here pretending you are a Conservative and you've had a change of heart and now you have suddenly become a Democrat. The words you speak and terms you use betray your attempts to mislead the Citizen Online bloggers. Real Conservatives don't talk like you. Respectfully I implore that you not pee on our feet and try to convince us that it is raining. State your points and be man enough to admit your true political leanings.

You see son. I know Conservatives...and Aetatis...You're no Conservative.

DUMP WESTMORELAND NOW! I say that realizing he will win with 55% of the votes.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 3:36pm.

So, you want the substitute republican, running as a democrat (same as Sonny (democrat who ran as a republican), instead of your man? You must have paraphrased five old politicians in your blurb above--most of them the dumb irishman Ronnie.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 5:13pm.

Yup. You are way far more superior than me intellectually. Gosh I can only understand up to Muddle's level. But must have a way superior mind over Muddle's cause you've lost me again.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 1:52pm.

First of all, I doubt that you ever voted Republican in your life for the following reasons:

"We have a ever increasing debt" as a percent od GDP, the debt is lower now than before, even after 9/11 recovery, and Katrina aid.

"quagmire" is a word used by tyhe MSM and dems trying to get power back.

"We've tortured, held prisoners at secret prisons, and wiretapped innocent americans." If those aren't talking points, I do not know what is. Strees interrogation is NOT torture, Special Forces and Navy SEALS go through tougher training, and oh by the way, the illegal combatants who violate the Geneva convertion when sawing off heads of our servicemen are not entitled to its protection. The only wiretpas done have been when overseas terroists phoned their sleeper cells here, not civilians.

"NO ONE cares if a store is robbed" refer to local DEMOCRATIC MAYOR aand incompetent DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR.

"Why for instance didn't we punish those involved in the gitmo scandal?" WE DID

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 11:54pm.

But I must disagree with your contentions about the Geneva Conventions. There are no exceptions as to who is covered under the Conventions, just what protections they are entitled too. Terrorists are covered but are limited in the protections they receive. Most importantly, a terrorist can be tried for murder for loss of life incurred by them whereas military personnel cannot be legally tried for murder for combat deaths in a war. Also legitimate POWs must be released at the end of hostilities whereas a captured terrorist can be held after the hostilities end for whatever time they are sentenced by a court for their crimes.

I know I am not changing your mind here but your argument seems to lead to "we can do whatever they do" no matter where the bottom is. America is better that that.

This administration has tortured using waterboarding. Whether you wish to admit it is torture or not, many internetional courts have ruled that it is and so have US courts. Both an American and some Japanese were tried by US military courts and were found guilty for water torture in the Philippines in 1942. Secret prisons and illegal wiretapping are common knowledge and if you wish, you can look at the recent Supreme Court decision in Rumsfeld vs. Hamden to see that the wiretapping not only includes American citizens but is illegal and not exactlly a secret anymore.

As for fiscal responsibility, the Clinton administration left a budget surplus and now, just the increase in the interest we pay on the deficit (not the increase in the deficit, not the interest on the deficit, just the increase under President Bush on the interest on the deficit) is a breathtaking $383 million a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

The last thing I would expect from you is for you to change and vote for a Democrat. Actually the next to the last thing... the last thing is for you to take advice from me... but in all honesty I believe that people with your attitude who accept and support this administration whatever they do, massive deficits, torture, secret rendition and illegal wiretapping, are seriously damaging the Republican party. Keep this up and you're looking at a Democrat president in '08.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 3:32pm.

I think you are right about the guy never being a republican. They never waver from their cause even when wrong. It is like the protection of the ped. priests, it doesn't matter much!
The SEALS know they aren't going to be killed, the prisoners don't. That is called fear, since you haven't had any apparently, to know. What the terrorists do to us is NOT the way we want to be!
People like you don't argue positions of principle any more, you always go one way for the money, I suppose. Just like the male Big Church preacher today who admits seeing a male prostitute for sex and meth, and the armed robber who robbed a police station in Atlanta: you don't give a darn, and will say a "line" to keep your job. You sir aren't very deep, just like George.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 4:59pm.

Again I say, Huh?

You sir aren't very deep, just like George.

You are right dollar. I am not very deep and you are obviously way over my head.

Now can someone tell me what this newbie is talking about?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 1:55pm.

Didn't take much to see through that fool did it? Eye-wink

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 4:02pm.

I say that because you two spend so much time kissing eachothers' buttocks that you are figuratively in bed together. How in the world do you know how this person votes? You DON'T. Come down off of your paper machet horses for a moment and riddle me this: What is true conservatism... these days? Is it :

Pro torture Westmoreland or anti-torture McCain, Graham, Specter, etc?

Is it fiscal responsibility pay as you go or is it rationalizing a deficit by citing the ever so stagnant GDP?

Is it huge government or is it the small govt you can drag in the bathroom and drown in the toilet?

Is it pro states' rights or is it interfere in Florida family court?

Is it the President's view of immigration reform, the senate view, or the House approach?

Is it the Reagan republican view on stem cell research or the Santorum view?

Don't blame any of these posters for your identity crisis. And don't call them liars if you don't know how they vote for a fact. It causes my respect for you two to wain. Just the facts guys. Our current elected crop is not pleasing their constituents, and a responsible voter considers this before pulling the lever.


Hack King

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 5:16pm.

I say that because you two spend so much time kissing each others' buttocks that you are figuratively in bed together.

Oh yeah Hack. Like the Major has needed me to bolster his arguments. Heck, to my recollection I don't know that we've even corresponded to each other on this site.

Now for your ignoramus statement. Alright goofball if you look at the times the Major and I posted you will see our posts were within 2 minutes of each other. It's quite a coincidence that we spotted the disingenuous deceiver at the same time and both instantaneously called him out on the carpet for his obvious and failed distortion.

Your bed wetter buddy listed word by word the talking points the left has used against the president, the war and our economy. Do you really think we're that stupid and gullible? If you noticed I did not go after him for expressing his views but for the BS he posted in trying to play like he was actually a Conservative. Like I said and I stand by....Conservatives don't talk like your activist friend does. His mission was to deceive us into thinking he had a "Road To Damascus" experience. All he had to do was state what he believed in and the rest of us would have rolled our eyes and moved on or like you drooled on his shoes.

It causes my respect for you two to wain.

Oh my....I guess it'll be a sleepless night tonight. You're a left wing liberal Hack. And with all due respect do you really think I or the Major expected the same from you? I expect the same respect your party dishes out to everyone that disagrees with them. So why would I have ever expected anything more from you?

Our current elected crop is not pleasing their constituents, and a responsible voter considers this before pulling the lever.

Hack. You hit it right on the head with that statement and I agree with you 110%. Yes both the Republicans and Democrats are a bunch of spineless weasels that couldn't lead themselves in battle if their enemies were already dead on the battlefield. Truth be known there really isn't that much difference between the two parties at this point in time. So you should rejoice that the Republicans are morphing into Democrats. Or are you just bent out of shape because it hasn't happened fast enough for you?

army major and git real: Foley conservatives

As for the title of your post. Did you get the Dollar Dude to write that for you? I actually thought you to be brighter than that.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 4:30pm.

Who pissed in your wheaties? Or do you have Jon Carry traumatic stress syndrome?

Because another conservative and I agree you make a gay refernce. So if you and basmati agree you're french kissing? One thing that I can detect is a LIAR.

Yes, there are RINOs that want things both ways.

Tell me the Dems will reduce the deficiet by cutting spending, I'll call BS. They will add spending to social programs, gut defense and raise taxes.

Is it pro states rights to purge any non abortion zealot judges from appointments?

Illegals are just that law breakers. The house got it right and the Senate and President followed the groundswell.

Hey, if you want to destroy life for research you are going to have to answer for it. Just how much genetic engineering and cloning do you support?

I care nothing for your so called respect. I am not insecure to give one thought about what others think of me. Let's pick up this discussion after the election, when the law suits from your side start. You counted 3 times in Washington state and finally got your way, hope it doesn't happen again.

If you win, so be it there won't be the melt down from Conservatives that you guys have suffered from for six years. Hell if Nancy Pelosi doesn't create more conservatives I will be suprised.


Can you forward me the Democratic plan? There does not seem to be one.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 12:31am.

When people are called out as liers without proof, it hits a nerve; kind of like when you perceived threats to old school. I'll use the KISS principle (pun intended). The melt down lately is by no means a democratic one. Read the Army Times Monday. And then post or email me to rationalize why all the military Times are calling for Rummy to go. Quagmire maybe? Maybe. I'll call your pelosi and raise you a Hastert. Which one of the two went before the ethics committee and contradicted two fellow Congressmen's testimony (Talent and Boehner)?

Therein lies the truth in who we should be fearful of.

God Bless, and I'm restabilized now,


JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 12:07am.

ArmyMaj, you can see the Democrats plan at: Click on "Agenda." It is sorted by topic for you convenience. Or for a brief read, check out the New York Times article, "If Democrats Win, They Have A Plan" at

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 9:41pm.

So if you and basmati agree you're french kissing?

Major, would it be too much to ask for you to leave my name out of your little homoerotic fantasies?

Thank you!
The Bas

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 11/03/2006 - 9:45pm.

Anger management hust have worn off for Major King. He cast the first nasty remark. I apologize to you for dragging you into his mudslinging.

Maybe that don't ask don't tell is getting frustrating for him.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 12:38am.

"The Pretender"

"I implore that you not pee on our feet and try to convince us that it is raining."

These GitReal zingers, even when lead with "respectfully," are not respectful. Just for context.

Kevin "Hack" T-38 psycho boy

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 12:49am.

Like you are so above it all.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 9:22am.

Greetings Git. I am absolutely NOT above it all; not in the least. You haven't figured me out yet? Here is fighter pilot 101:

-We don't carry briefcases
-We don't use spell check
-We hate umbrellas
-We are excellent at breaking things and killing people
-We aren't so touchy feely, warm or fuzzy

When you take a fight down a notch with us, we will gladly grab you by the throat with two hands and drag you further and further down into the muck.... Because we love it there. Not all of this is figurative. But you guys need to fortify your positions with strong facts. That is all us black and white guys see.

Notice ArmyMaj's reply to what is a true conservative? He danced all around and never defined it for me. He didn't want to call Nancy Reagan a murderer on stem cells. He couldn't quite figure out how to attack Republican, Baptist Judge Green who ruled correctly inb the Schaivo case, and he said dems would gut defense.
That last one is COMICAL because in the Air Force alone, RIGHT NOW, we are losing 40,000 people due to draw down. We have no intramural athletic budget when we need to be as fit as ever. Our training budget has been SLASHED for fiscal 07. In the words of Zell Miller, "What are they gonna do? Throw spitballs?" Check out how many aircraft North Korea has, and explain how our drawdown is a good idea.
Anyhow, I absolutely like challenging you guys here. I keep trying to quit, but like a New Hope pastor, I can't. By the way, you know USAFA is in C. Springs. New Life was my family's church. Pastor Haggard was so staunchly disciplanarian, if he found out teens in his theology internship program were DATING, they were kicked out of the program and had to apologize before the congregation. He would say you should not hold hands unless you would consider marrying the person.
Sometimes... oftentimes, the conservative chorus needs to be challenged. And that is what I find myself doing. I don't think you are gay. But I say Foley conservative to get under your skin. But I'd buy you a drink anytime. You'll get use to me yet.



Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 2:00pm.

What the heck does your being a fighter pilot have to do with anything. I'll assure you that had I chose that route there is no doubt I could do your job. Absolutely no doubt. Do you think I fear fighting in muck?

Now I would like to know how you put me in the same category as that fagot preacher and Republican fagot congressman? I'll tell you now that if I had a son and one of them tried that "you know what" with him I'd put a bullet between his eyes. You wag those POS's over my head like I somehow condone those sick "you know whats". Hack, if those degenerates were Democrats you know dang well they'd be party leaders who were defended and hoisted on a pedestal for their deviant behavior. The Republican party has it's share of human debris and I have never denied that and will do everything I can to wrap my hands around their necks and force them under the muck permanently so they wouldn't ever surface again. So spare me on that one cause I really don't give a "you know what" about what your trying to get at with your Foley BS.

There are many a fine people in positions of trust in this country. Some of them are politicians and there are even a few lawyers who have integrity. But even in positions of trust such as teachers, doctors, police officers and even our soldiers (and yes..our airmen too! Smiling )there are those that abuse the positions they hold. The vast majority of the time these are individual decisions that have no reflection on the rest of their peers. When a teacher molests a child in school do you hold the NEA responsible? If an Air Force pilot raped and killed a civilian would you hold the rest of his squadron responsible? Heck no you wouldn't unless those peers aided him in his crime which at that point I say take em both out.

I am unashamedly a Conservative. I know Conservatives and I will also proclaim that there are only a handful of them left in the Republican party. So do me a favor and don't lump me in with the Foley / Westmoreland ilk. Or for that matter the rest of the Republican party that does it's best to imitate the Democrat party these days.

By the way. What's an umbrella? And as far as that spell check thing goes.....I'll take all the help I can get. Won't drink with you buddy but I'd break bread for sure.

Submitted by kevin king on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 7:52pm.

When my wife is over my shoulder I type fast and may not be as clear as possible, but she's out with the daughter now, soooo...
I'm not lumping you in with Foley and Haggard ethically. My point is that one must never be afraid or hesitant to question labels or people who throw them around like "conservative" and "liberal."
You do share the "conservative" stamp that the ethically challenged Foley and Haggard share. My point is this: It is a convenient tool to use to make generalized attacks. Our president does it often: "Mass. Liberals", "Hollywood liberals", "California liberals". But again I ask, What is a conservative? Where are they? PLEASE tell me what they stand for? I am absolutely and honestly confused. It's like a republican trying to find democratic plans for Iraq. When you guys say you are conservatives, what does it mean? Does it mean you stay out of all American's bedrooms, email accounts, and phone calls? What does it mean.. I'm serious for a change? And I'll even buy the bread...

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 9:24pm.

I too have that same problem with the bride trying to interfere with my attempts to save mankind on this blog site.

Mass. Liberals", "Hollywood liberals", "California liberals Are you blind to all the insulting monikers the left throws out or do you only see those that come from the Right?

Conservative? Here's a few as to what I believe:

Limited Government

Individual and personal responsibility. Example: You have the right to be a queer and invite aids into you life. Deal with it. You pay for it and assume all responsibility for your choice. Same with riding a motorcycle without a helmet. Do it. But if your brains become scrambled you will live with it without burdening the rest of us.

Strong On National Security. Close our borders and fight terrorism. We will always have to fight Islamic Terrorists. Every time they stick their heads up out their holes we knock them off unmercifully.

I believe in eliminating the welfare state. This while maintaining support for those truly in need. Mandatory community service labor in exchange for government assistance. Optimally the best solution would be to shift the burden back on to families and private charities.

Stop trashing the rich and successful. Be thankful for what we each have and appreciate the opportunities we each have in this wonderful country.

I believe in equal opportunity for all. With no special access for any particular group.

Privacy Rights - I want the government and businesses to halt their constant and intrusive databases that contain my personal information.

I believe in preserving the life of unborn children. I believe the choice was made when the legs were spread.

I believe do not believe in euthanizing people for the sake of convenience. I fear this is the path our country will take as you and I enter our elder years.

I believe in affordable health care for everyone. However, many people make choices in life that hamper their personal ability to acquire and afford insurance coverage.

Stay Out Of My Bedroom - And I'll stay out of yours. Meanwhile do not attempt to force me or my family to accept and condone as normal the sick choices you make in your bedroom.

Maintain the definition of marriage to be between a man and a woman.

Eliminate the new found trend of legislating law from the bench by appointed political activist judges.

Follow the Constitution.

Eliminate the Death Tax. There is a reason that the family farmers are dying out. When a farm is passed on to the family members most of the time the farm has to be sold off in order to raise the cash to pay off the Death Tax.

Keep taxes low and equal for all Americans.

Eliminate social engineering via the tax system.

Private property rights.

Reign in most of the out of control government agencies. The cost of complying to the ever changing rules bureaucrats bestow on businesses is driving companies offshore.

Eliminate government waste and cut spending across the board on all programs except those necessary for national security.

Eliminate wasteful pork barrel spending projects. Give the president the line item veto to strike wasteful spending.

Eliminate political correctness.

Take a hard and severe stance against crime and eliminate the ability and opportunities for criminals to inflict their terrorism on us.

Protect the sanctity of the family and severely restrict the ability of the government to interfere in matters of education, child rearing and such. With the exception that the child may be endangered.

Seek to promote the traditional family and the values that would keep it strong and together.

Privatize Social Security. Give me the option to opt out in order to provide for my retirement. Allow private accounts much like those of an IRA or a 401K plan.

Eliminate the IRS and fund the government via a National Retail Sales tax.

Protect the 2nd amendment. And all the rest of them too! Except the 16th which needs to be destroyed.

Protect our environment with realistic laws. Base our environmental laws upon sound scientific evidence and not Al Gore type hysteria.

Honor our veterans by fixing their VA health care issues.

Eliminate frivolous lawsuits and bring accountability to the judicial system via tort reform and loser pays.

Keep the government out of the church.

Eliminate career politicians. Yes, let's implement term limits. 8 years for Congress and 12 in the Senate. Eliminate Congressional pensions and put them on the Social Security program or allow them to invest privately it they'll give us that option. Cut their pay. I want to see A-10 pilots in Washington. I want to see business owners, law enforcement personnel, teachers, retired folks take time and represent us for a short period and then go back home. Like it was originally intended.

I could go on and on. Guess we'll continue this discussion. But in closing this Conservative stands for:

Banning the likes of Cynthia McKinney, Lynn Westmoreland, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Barney Fag, Foley and Haggard from ever being able to serve. Now that list could go on and on.

Just a few things to get started with. Now I guess I'll prepare myself for the volleys of misinterpretations that will start flying my way. Oh and I forgot one. Raise the pay of A-10 pilots. Are you still active duty Hack? Do you still fly those awesome beasts?

Submitted by kevin king on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:21pm.

We are on the same page in many more places than we are eskew. Can't quite figure out why we trade jabs and hooks so much. I'm a small, fiscally responsible govt guy. I am down the line with you accept for abortion. I would not have the law force a rape victim or endangered mother to have said baby. I have an adopted son, and I wish more people would go that route and show moms to be that there are options. There are about a half million kids in the system waiting for parents.
I'm now a T-38C instructor in OK. Three trips to Iraq were enough for me. And yes, I am very, very henpecked. When my wife starts feeling the computer is cheating her time with poppa, its gotta go. Thanks again for the answers, and trust that the smart a@@ hack will go away for a while. I do look forward to our Wed blogs. Believe me when I say nothing is a sure thing. The one thing dems are great at is blowing it... like badly-timed one-liners.

Good night


Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 11:46pm.

I would not have the law force a rape victim or endangered mother to have said baby.

There's the dilemma. In the late 60's I had an aunt in Chicago that was "supposedly" raped by a black man. As you can imagine how difficult that must have been for a white teenager in those days. I honestly do not know what her options were at that time all I can tell you is that I have a beautiful cousin who is now happily married and the mother of two young boys. Hmmmm. Could she have been the product of a failed abortion?

Then we get to me and the "one whom I must obey". Childless. And like you we chose adoption also. I now have a beautiful daughter that melts me every time I lay my eyes on her or she sits in my lap and smiles at me. I know she is a product of a failed abortion because that is one of the options this young lady (our hero) had available to her. I'm so glad she didn't take the easy way out and make my daughter pay for her poor choices.

So you see.....I struggle with abortion. I hate it yet I also realize that the only way to change peoples minds on this issue is by changing their hearts.

Thanks for serving Hack. Seriously. I'm sure you probably had to do things that will stick with you for a lifetime. But I am truly grateful the job you do.

T-38's huh? Didn't they quit making those in the 70's? Where at in OK? Tinker? Altus? Do you live here or do you commute? Better yet do you get to commute in your toy?

Submitted by kevin king on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 8:51pm.

Hats off to you for your wonderful daughter. You walk the walk, and that is saying alot! All previous respect-based comments are rescinded. I live in PTC and commute to Vance AFB in Enid, Ok three times a month. It's like a double life, so to speak. We have a steady flow of guys comming from the wars (Afghanistan and Iraq). The stories they tell eclipse anything I have ever done. The most beautiful lesson we've learned in this country is to support the soldier's sacrifices as well as their family's. And we do that very well.
Oddly, I feel alot of the focus is on us military types, but not the regular "Joe Citizen" who actually makes this country what it is. We can't let radical jihaadists turn us against eachother or adversely effect our way of life. You probably know I'm not a "stay the course" guy, but I would pay money to be the one to separate Osamma's head from his body.
Enough of the mushy stuff.. Tuck the girl in, and have a good night.



Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 10:28pm.

When one can get past the political junk and compares life experiences and philosophies without the spin it is amazing as to how much we really have in common. I agree about your "regular Joe Citizen" comment although I would add that if it weren't for you guys protecting us "regular Joes" then we wouldn't be able to make this country into what it is.

I appreciate your stand against the radical jihadist. We would all be better off understanding that they all hate our guts and want us dead. Regardless of how we label ourselves. As far as staying the course. I don't have the answers. Perhaps no man does. All I am sure of is that we will be fighting these foes from now on. Better there than here.....and I am clueless as to what that should look like. My greatest fear however is that they gain a foothold in our own backyard. It'll be the Trojan Horse that takes us down.

Cheers Hack!

The Cat....oops..I mean the Lion

Tug13's picture
Submitted by Tug13 on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:26am.

I have been reading your comments...very interesting and entertaining! I enjoy them! Let me stir up the pot. How about some comments re the mosque being built between Fay. and PTC?? What do you think about that? I look forward to your banter re that! Have a great day!

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 2:35pm.

Are you afraid they will bring in guns and ammunition like Waco, TX? Until they do, this is the USA, isn't it?

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 11/04/2006 - 10:33am.

Must type fast. stop. Wife not happy. Stop. Danger if found typing again. Stop.

Quickly, I believe religious freedom is the foundation of our country and what separates us from China, the former USSR, Iran, etc. When we begin to dictate which religious groups are aloud to build houses of worship, we will have lost a key essence of what makes us the land of freedom.

Cheers, she's back! must go. break

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