County tweaks sign rules

Tue, 10/31/2006 - 4:36pm
By: The Citizen

In its ongoing quest to make the county’s sign ordinance user-friendly and defensible in court, the Fayette County Commission decided Thursday night to modify the ordinance.

Planning Director Pete Frisina explained one of the changes being proposed would allow changeable copy signs, which were not allowed under the current ordinance.

“These types of signs are vital for certain businesses,” he explained.

The law will now allow copy to be changed either electronically or manually, but the change must be static and not dissolve. He also said the sign could not change copy more than once in a 30-second interval.

Another change proposed by Frisina involved double-face signs. Under the proposal, if the sign is constructed in the form of a V, the backs of the sign faces could not be separated by more than two feet.

One other issue that was addressed is temporary signs. Currently, the ordinance caps the square feet of temporary signs at six feet, but Frisina recommenced the County Commission increase the size to 12 square feet. He also said favored allowing illumination for temporary signs.

“I don’t think that would cause a real problem for us,” he said.

But when the board decided to vote, they accepted the changes, but did not favor allowing illumination of temporary signs.

“I think this gives us a good set of rules,” said Commissioner Robert Horgan.

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Submitted by Jones on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 3:32pm.

Eric Maxwell told them over a year ago that the sign ordinance wasn't right. But no, Peter Pfeifer and Greg Dunn had to go into their "we are always right" routine.

Fried crow tastes better than baked.

Submitted by lawaboveall on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 5:16pm.

Do you check out an issue before you comment or do you just like to deride people for the heck of it.

The changes that were approved at the recent meeting were in the works BEFORE Eric the Rude sued them. He knew that the ordinance was being changed, but he sued them anyway. He did it for one reason and one reason only, to create a false campaign issue.

He cost the county about $20k in legal expenses that could have been avoided if he had obeyed the law. This is just a foretaste of what to expect from these people. I promise you that you will look back fondly at the days when Dunn and Wells were in those seats. These clowns are going to make Sprayberry and Co look like choir boys.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 5:19pm.


Submitted by lawaboveall on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 5:30pm.

He is rude, condescending and general dismissive of anyone that does not agree with his views. Saw it literally dozens of times during the campaign. But then he got a taste of his own medicine when he had the nerve to suggest that Randall take over the marshal's and roll them into his department. (A campaign promise that Maxwell will not keep) Randall was more high handed and dismissive than Maxwell when he told the Rude One and "Stiffy Smif" to stuff it. He did not want the marshals, he just wanted Dunn and Wells out because they were getting too close to the truth about the FCSO. It worked and the county will suffer for it. And in case you have not noticed, Dunn and Wells were right about the sheriff. Wait until the US Department of Justice is done.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 7:05pm.

Yeah You! Why don't you give these guys a chance to earn the public's disdain before you start labeling them and trashin them. Heck, they haven't even taken office yet. You remind me of the Harry Reid, Pelosi & John Kerry team.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 11/02/2006 - 6:04pm.

I called Mr. Maxwell a few times during the election and was impressed with him.

On one occasion, I called, introduced myself and asked when he would have time to discuss a topic I had interest in. His reply was, "I have time now if you do".

I found that refreshing and informative.

I don't have any other knowledge of him personally so I guess I'll just have to learn as I go.

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