School redistricting flap shows ignorance

Tue, 10/24/2006 - 4:51pm
By: Letters to the ...

As always, school redistricting is a continued source of amusement. Especially from those who seem to think that there is a Peachtree City School district (The Citizen, Oct. 18, 2006).

It’s amazing how many people do not realize that their school taxes are paid to Fayette County schools. It’s the Fayette County School District that is ranked so high in the state.

Agreed, within each state school district, one school will be at the very top and one will be at the bottom. However, the school in our district ranking last is still ahead of most of the state.

Get a grip, folks. As long as this county grows, the school populations are going to change, and this change will necessitate redistricting at times.

Teachers and administrators shift from school to school every year. Walking in the doors of a particular Fayette County school does not automatically insure a better education that at any other Fayette County School.

Watch your own children and their progress, wherever they are. Celebrate their individual abilities, whatever they may be. Support and encourage them to do their best at whatever school they attend. Work with, not against, the teachers and administrators of your child’s school to help your kids achieve their best.

Both of my children are graduates of Fayette County High School, one in 1991 and one in 2006. Yes, things have changed a great deal in those 15 years. But both graduated in the top quarter of their classes. Both received excellent scholarships to the colleges of their choice. I have no doubt that they would have done equally well no matter which of the Fayette County schools they attended.

How wonderful if the citizens of this county could stop thinking that any of us are better than others — that’s pretty much the bottom line in all the bickering.

Carol Story
Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by FriendofPTC on Thu, 11/09/2006 - 7:58pm.

I'm sorry, what citizens think they're better than others? The only ones I'm aware of are the members of the FCBOE and its redistricting committee. They in their infinite wisdom are using children like pawns on a chessboard. The only problem is they are trying to take these pawns from one chessboard, PTC, to another in Fayetteville, Bennett's Mill. Parents of these kids don't think Booth is any better than this new school or that their kids are any better than any other kids. They know very well there are no PTC schools. They object to (1) the elementary school being split 3 ways, only to have the middle school then split 3 or 4 ways; (2) having their kids bused seven miles across the county to a different community where they won't know anyone, whereas at Booth (two miles away) they will meet up with kids from church, PTC rec league sports, parents' friends, etc.; and (3) being blatantly and repeatedly lied to about the reasons this is "necessary." It's not necessary, and it goes against every single one of the supposed "criteria" the committee was using to decide who would move, as well as their other announced criterion of having a straight feeder pattern. Unfortunately, the more of a "grip" we get on the facts, the more outrageous this move appears.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 8:18pm.

Thank you for bragging about your kids and telling us all how to think and feel.

Since your children did not attend a middle school that was a feeder school for THREE high schools, like Bennett's Mill will, we will assume you have no clue what it will be like. Your kids did not have the joy os losing friends when they transferred to high school - and yet they somehow made it through! Loyalty was not a problem for your kids either! They were little Tigers (Cubs I bet). Ours will have friends of all three loyaltees...great idea, huh?

Also, since your kids actually went to the school district you bought a house in, again, we will assume you have no idea what is is like to have someone come tell you your youngest will NOT go to FCHS where you bought the house for them to go but will instead go to Sandy Creek or whatever they decide. It's amazing that your kids were both in the top 25% - maybe the lack of discipline problems in the class helped?

Thanks again for telling us how to think, feel and act. I for one feel much better!

I have a grip people - how about you? Eye-wink


Submitted by tc on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 11:39am.

Obviously, the previous redistrictings have been good for Ms. Story's family. Perhaps she should talk to some of the families who have had two children in the same family attending different high schools. Or, talk to my child or any friends who-if plans proceed with Bennett's Mill and the new high school on Hwy. 54-will attend 5 schools in 7 years. This is unacceptable.

Although Sam Sweat stated at Duke's auditorium Tueday night that redistricting occurs about every 5 years, the reality is that we have seen 3 redistricting efforts in 5 years. This is not good for the stability of children, teachers, neighborhoods, schools or for the reputation of Fayette County Schools. It's time for a change.

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