Brown’s points lost in slanderous misinformation

Tue, 10/24/2006 - 4:48pm
By: Letters to the ...

Steve Brown responded to my letter regarding his shifting of sides in the TDK project by accusing me of “sidestepping” the issue. Actually I avoided the issue. He dared me to speak about it. OK, Steve, here goes.

Steve, contrary to what you allude to, I have never publicly stated a position on TDK. I agree it is a very serious project that needs to be well-thought-out. In fact, you actually bring up some excellent points. The City Council needs to consider these issues and do an in-depth study (if it hasn’t already been done) as to the actual impact of the road versus the benefits of the road.

But your points are always punctuated with accusations, so they get lost. And as usual your minions in Free Speech enter in with slanderous insults. That’s why people don’t listen to you. That’s why with many of us you have no credibility. That is why you were so destructive to the reputation and dignity of Peachtree City.

Your entire reign was a period of constantly accusing and insulting everyone. You publicly accused, insulted, alleged, or implied wrong-doing by everyone from private citizens like me to state representatives. You have repeatedly implied that ALL the former mayors were “developer puppets” who, by innuendo, profited by their decisions.

Now that is a major accusation. Taking bribes is illegal. Yet you never offered a shred of evidence and never filed a single charge. You simply put the idea out there and let it grow. You see, Steve, that’s simply unethical. You slander someone’s character with the help of Free Speech, but never offer any substantiation. Now, let’s just look at the slander and misinformation you and your Free Speech partners put out there about me.

“DirectPac author.” Not true. I have not been active in DirectPac for two years and I have never authored anything for them. I defy you to produce anything that I authored for DirectPac.

“Seabaugh and Westmoreland supporter.” Not true. I have NEVER supported either of them. My political stance is in complete opposite to theirs.

“Coward, liar, cheat.” Well, I could use some examples. I sign my letters (not “cowardly” around here), back up what I say with direct quotes from you (not “lying”), and don’t even understand “cheat.” Need some clarification on that one.

“Moral compass.” Come on. That’s a laugh. I simply am holding you accountable for your own words and flip-flops on positions. If you want a “moral compass,” go to church, talk to your parents, emulate a hero.

And now for your response. You stated I didn’t quote the entire meeting minutes. That’s true. In fact I didn’t quote the minutes at all. I simply copied and pasted YOUR words from your Oct. 5, 2005, letter. YOU failed to quote the entire minutes. Oops, your bad.

You quoted a passage from 2003. And indeed you did say that. What you failed to point out though is you also said in the very same article, “I’m not dragging my feet on this, I’m just trying to find where we get the additional funding.”

Steve, you failed to mention that, although you had “reservations,” you worked hard at funding the project. Doesn’t sound like resounding opposition to me. In fact one wonders why you tried to fund a project that you so vigorously opposed?

You stated that you never supported TDK. In fact your exact words were, “Even if I did support TDK, and I did not....” Well, here is a history of your iterations about TDK.

In 2001 on your campaign Web site you had a section entitled “TDK not now, not ever.” Then in 2003, as we have already discussed, you expressed “reservations” but included, “I’m not dragging my feet on this, I’m just trying to find where we get the additional funding.” So you have moved from “no way” to “I have reservations but am funding it.” Then in Oct. 5, 2005, you said these quotes (now don’t get excited, they are directly copied from your letter):

“Brown said he had no problem with the TDK Boulevard project.”

“He said funding for the project was the number one concern.”

“Our current council was the only one that actually programmed funds in the city’s budget for TDK.”

“No funds were committed to TDK Extension until this Council approved the 2003 budget.”

“Brown said there was not a person on Council against TDK.”

“Councilwoman McMenamin made a motion to which I seconded to sign a resolution in support of the TDK project.”

“The council unanimously approved to make a final payment of $200,000 toward the construction of the TDK Extension.”

“Brown moved to approve the additional expense of $18,650 to use toward the engineering for the changes requested for the Fayette-Coweta extension. Weed seconded.”

“Had previous City Councils acted on the road prior to the approval and construction of the Planterra Ridge Golf Course, we would be driving on the road now.”

“At the end of every council meeting Councilman Rapson publicly asks our city staff if there is anything that the city of Peachtree City is doing to hold up the progress of the TDK Extension project. The staff always replies, ‘No.’”

Now, Steve, these are YOUR words. Every quote shows not only your unquestioned support, but also you claiming that it was “your council” that actually made the project happen. Before you go into overdrive, these are direct quotes from YOUR letter. Here is the web address. I urge everyone to read it:

Steve, as I said you sometimes have good input. Certainly your concerns should be addressed. But you always claim to be the ONLY one who knows. How everyone but you is out to make money for the developers. Yet as I have pointed out, you came out publicly on Oct. 5, 2005, not only supporting TDK, but actually claiming credit for it going forward. Then a year later you not only claim that you “always opposed it,” but engage in a slanderous accusatory campaign (yet again) against the mayor, city council, and too many others.

You never address why, if “your council” opposed the project, “your council” didn’t kill it. You use rhetoric and slander to inflame the citizens and attempt to create a horrible mistrust of our elected officials. Yet you never offer anything more than accusation, innuendo and allegations. You never back anything up with fact.

You see, Steve, every time you accuse our mayor or the council or the former mayors or me or anyone else as being a “developer,” “puppet of developers,” “axis of evil,” etc., you degrade the issue and degrade the dignity of our community. Your entire administration was based on this type of attack. You alienated the surrounding communities, businesses, state representatives, and mostly the voters. You opened up an environment that is totally disrespectful and undignified.

If you or anyone else wants to be heard, simply state your position without innuendo, accusation, and insults. You may be out-voted, but you need to come to grips with the American way of government. We do not exist to do the bidding of Steve Brown; we make our issues known, watch the performance of our elected officials, and if they fail to live up to our expectations, we vote against them. And as you found out, when you fail to live up to the expectations of the majority, you are replaced. That’s how it’s done.

One question for you and your “free speechers”: Do any of you really believe that your slanderous rhetoric is really going to convince the city leaders to value your opinion? Has it ever worked? Of course not. It only embarrasses our community. How about a little dignity and respect, folks?

Jim Stinson
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 7:45pm.

Please guys, Steve Brown is not worth the debate and certainly not a long debate.

Brown was good at rooting out evil (his word) and inconsistencies (my word). He was and is a terrible leader because of his attack dog mentality.

See how easy it is to be brief.

Let Steve go away. Cal, help us all out here - don't print any of his letters. Let him talk to his 3 friends, but not the rest of us.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 8:33am.


Submitted by Jones on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 9:47pm.

Saying “I agree it is a very serious project that needs to be well-thought-out” is about as close as Jim Stinson and Direct PAC are ever going come to saying they lied about the TDK extension so that a bunch of local developers could have a huge windfall. Too bad Jim can’t write a letter without the insults and accusations.

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 11:41am.

How petty can you get? You would rather defend Bob (I bought a junk yard with taxpayer funds from a business associate) Lenox and Harold (lie about everything and double my salary) Logsdon than Steve Brown? Hey, by the way, you still chickened-out on the TDK deal. You went back to trashing Brown instead of talking about the issue. Brown has made it loud and clear - he opposes it. I agree with Jo-Jo below, I've never heard or read Brown making those comments.

When my children were much younger, they used to justify their childish actions by saying, "He called me 'stupid' first!" That's what I take away from your letter and your post below.

Vote Republican (except Westmoreland)

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 10:51am.

... the air right out of the room. What a bunch of egocentrists. It's time to revolt. Anarchy - that's the ticket. Too many rules - too much stress - mankind is not meant to be so .... REGULATED. Aughhhhh! Put a pink flamingo in your yard for God's sake! What a cat fight - STOP it!


mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 10:51am.

... the air right out of the room. What a bunch of egocentrists. It's time to revolt. Anarchy - that's the ticket. Too many rules - too much stress - mankind is not meant to be so .... REGULATED. Aughhhhh! Put a pink flamingo in your yard for God's sake! What a cat fight - STOP it!


Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 6:46pm.

I don't know you or Mr. Brown and I have lived here 22 years. However, it seems to me that your tirade here against the former mayor was as bad as you indicate that Mr. Brown was as mayor. For example: (he embarrased the community; his entire administration was based on attacks; he was constantly accusing and insulting everyone, etc.) I do seem to remember the mayor working more in civic projects than all of the other mayors combined, except maybe Fred Brown. I doubt most of the free speechers are on mayor Brown's side when they criticize some of the things that have been shoved into place in PTC. If Group V1 is innocent of all transgressions of which they have been accused, then it seems we have a lot of nuts in town! It is near impossible for formal charges to be made or to stick in such cases, and you know that. Sometimes "heat" is all that will suffice.

Submitted by jim stinson on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:02am.

Thanks for your comments. I think there is some things you need to know. My objections with Brown is his constant attacks on most everyone in PTC. Additionally he takes a lot of credit for stuff that is neither spectacular or actually his to take credit for. And by doing those things he distracts from whatever good he can accomplish. Le tme explain.
Steve has taken credit for such things as the Youth Council. Yet the Youth Council was here when we moved here in 1990. Brown is certainly a strong supporter, but he did not begin it. Additionally the previous administrations also supported the council. It is these claims that I object to with Brown. He was not a good mayor for this community (IMHO). He micromanaged the city. He "fired" all of the senior city staff. People who intimately knew the workings of the city. He cost us a tremendous amount of money with lawsuits, investigations (to no avail), he bought 5 acres for an unfunded $850,000 to build a bridge that no one wanted, we nearly lost our insurance rating because we were short fire-fighters, but he found money to expand city staff. He instituted the Assistand City Manager position for well over $100,000 per year, a position he never did justify. Our city taxes went up 22% under Brown. And many other things.
He is now beginning a campaign for some office yet to be announced. So the people need to know the truth. I realize that I sometimes fight fire with fire, but just so you know Brown has called me a lot of names as well as his Free Speech supporters. Some examples are:
Political venereal disease,
malicious vermin parasite
liar, cheat, cowrard
a member of the "outs" (Brown's term)
a member of the 3 monkeys
friends of the developers
DirectPac author
etc. etc. etc. And yet I have never held a public office, don't know any developers, and quite frankly never lied about anything. Yes I was a member of DirectPac. DirectPac came about because a good number of people were outraged by Browns performance. So we got together to pool our resources and establish a group to demand better. The ironic part is it actually quited most of us down. We stopped writing individual letters to the editor and allowed the Pac to act as a single voice. And as with all groups we didn't all agree but let the majority rule. I actually became inactive in DirectPac about 2 years ago.
Now for the latest discussion. Brown is claiming things that just aren't true. He claims he always opposed TDK. And in fact I do think that is the case. Problem was he wrote the letter last year where he claimed all the progress for the project. So I think that the community needs to be aware of his claims and actual words before they jump on his band wagon.
The biggest issue I have with Brown and Free Speech is the constant accusations. You see Brown has admittedly only known 1 mayor who didn't "sell out to the developers," HIMSELF. You have been here a long time. Do you really think that all our elected officials for the HISTORY OF THE CITY have been "on the take" like Brown insinuates? Do you really think that we are a city of crooks who did nothing but steal from the citizens? I know better. He is just plain wrong. The people who built this city did so because of their belief in the city and it's potential. You must certainly know some of them. These are businessmen and residents who want the best. Just because they disagree with Brown doesn't make them crooks, only Brown always insinuates that. Sure mistakes were made, but they weren't done to cheat and defraud the citizens, they were just not done right. These people are not fulltime politicians. They were working for the best interest of the city. Just consider how far down the Amphiteater and Tennis Center have fallen since Brown became mayor. The downsllde was mostly attributed to him and his witch hunts.
To finish up, I speak out against Brown because the community cannot afford to have him in office. Additionally I am tired of being slandered by anonymous "people." I don't like being called insulting names and not knowing who is saying it. I also live in this community. I think I have a right to a certain amount civility. So I am fighting back. I attack the head (Brown) and hold him to his own words and actions. Just consider he is the ONLY mayor to personally negotiate an annexation package with the biggest developer in the southeast, John Weiland. And by himself and during an annexation moratorium. Yet NO ONE accused HIM of being "on the take." If he would show respect to ANYONE, maybe we could actually deal with the issues.

Jim Stinson

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 4:57am.

Unbelievable. After 5 years of completely false accusations by Brown and others (probably Rothley or even Brown himself with an extra screen name or 2) something completely truthful is written about Direct PAC. Stinson's second letter contains this gem:

"DirectPac came about because a good number of people were outraged by Browns performance. So we got together to pool our resources and establish a group to demand better. The ironic part is it actually quited most of us down. We stopped writing individual letters to the editor and allowed the Pac to act as a single voice. And as with all groups we didn't all agree but let the majority rule"

100% true. Stinson knows because he was there. I know because I was there, although I never joined - I was a directpac spouse.

The important part is that the formation of this group quieted several people down who were way over the top with their emotional reactions to our embarrassing mayor. The person who urged this cohesive, reasonable and mature approach to the problem has passed away and since he desires no credit, his name will not be mentioned here. But the absolute fact is that the formation of Direct PAC prevented violent reactions to the city's worst mayor. Direct PAC produced one ethics complanint against Brown (still pending), but no lawsuits, recall efforts, personal retailiation, physical confrontation, backgound checks, wiretapping or kidnappings - all discussed or threatened by individuals.

DirectPAC took all that emotion and channeled it into the critique of specific issues and critique of the mayor and his flunkies which led to 2 elections which purged city council of bad boy behavior. The grownups who are now in charge are far from perfect, but they are grownups.

To be completely fair, another organization not connected to DirectPAC, although about 100 people were members of both --- Friends of Tom Farr deserves as much credit as anyone for the results of the 2005 election. And no, Tom Farr is not the deceased person referred to earlier.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Sun, 10/29/2006 - 8:40pm.

I agree the grownup council members are better than the others and certainly our late friend did indeed channel some rather strong emotions into a relatively tasteful political process.

Getting rid of the vermin was good and I believe it had a cleansing effect on those who had considered a run for political office. If nothing else, it increased the turnout on election day and that's always the desired result.

Hopefully, Direct PAC won't surface again, but if Steve Brown ever tries to run for any office, I will ask for and encourage a bigger and better Direct PAC. He does not deserve to represent us Republicans in any form or fashion.

Submitted by johenry on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 10:34am.

Dollaradayandfound is exactly right Mr. Stinson. YOU and your letters are far worse than what you accuse Mayor Brown of.

I have never read Mayor Brown using any of these terms you listed: "Political venereal disease, malicious vermin parasite, liar, cheat, coward, a member of the "outs" (Brown's term), a member of the 3 monkeys."

And please tell me where he said all of the other mayors sold out to developers ("You see Brown has admittedly only known 1 mayor who didn't 'sell out to the developers,' HIMSELF."). Mayor Lenox, God yes, he went after him, but when did he say that about the others?

I need you to please cite where Mayor Brown said "all elected officials" were on the take ("Do you really think that all our elected officials for the HISTORY OF THE CITY have been 'on the take' like Brown insinuates?").

The Centennial subdivision from John Wieland was negotiated and annexed during Mayor Lenox's administration, not Mayor Brown.

I went back and read Mayor Brown's letter. It's was a nice letter and there were no vicious attacks. Compared to your mean-spirited letter, Mayor Brown's looked like a Valentines card.

It has been hard to figure out what your motivations are for going after a former mayor like you are. Everyone in town has seen Mayor Brown get beaten over the head for not supporting the TDK road in years past by Direct PAC, Mayor Lenox and many others. As for your defense of the tennis center horse whip, my husband and I recall everybody denying doing anything wrong until Mayor Brown busted things up. Why you would defend those people is beyond me.

Obviously, you have quotes, so I look forward to you citing where we can look those up. If I'm wrong and you can show me where Mayor Brown made those comments, I will apologize here on a post.

Submitted by jim stinson on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 4:34pm.

Ok, I like a good challenge. So here is the answer. It's going to be long so sit down and enjoy. After this, it is time to move on to bigger and more interesting things.
First my " motivations are for going after a former mayor." Brown made his fame by attacking and defaming the Lenox administration. He used the "Big Box" to vault himeself into office. He promised to be a mayor for the people then failed to deliver. He could not resisist calling people names in the paper and at other public functions. You only need to go through the State of the City addresses or the Citizen archives. So my "motivation" is this. I feel Brown is using TDK as he used Walmart-Home Depot to enflame the masses to supporting him in a bid for elected office. I feel that those rallying behind him needed to know his position on TDK on Oct. 5,2005 when he ran for re-election. So I copied his exact words and even supplied the link. You see, if you read his letter in the archives it is quite clear that he claims not only support, but credit for moving the project along. He actually takes a shot at Lenox for not completing it earlier! Don't you think it's important to know this fact while he now accuses the current council, of being "developer puppets?" Should he not be held accountable for his own words?

As for " have never read Mayor Brown using any of these terms you listed: "Political venereal disease, malicious vermin parasite, liar, cheat, coward, a member of the "outs" (Brown's term), a member of the 3 monkeys." You are right (except "outs," that was his term). I stated that these terms were out of Free Speech (that's why I added "his term" after "outs). I hold Brown responsible by association (just as he holds me responsible for DirectPac). I admit that it may not be totally fair, but the reason I do is that everytime he responds to me or others, there is always (coincidentally) 3 or 4 Free Speech articles using incredibly derogatory terms (as I expect next week). Every word was quoted from Free Speech. Now Brown may or may not know who is doing it. However I have written twice (last week and last year) discussing how vicious and slanderous those Free Speeches are, and Brown has NEVER tried to put an end to it. If you go back in the archives you will find that I never used such slander to attack Brown. In fact I once wrote an admonishment to the "Bard of Braelin" when he called Brown "fat." I felt that was totally uncalled for. Yet Brown, in 4 years as Mayor, never asked for any dignity from his anonymous supporters. He never supported the idea that Free Speech should be less insulting. In fact Cal responded to my letter last year with his typical give-a-hoot attitude. So I feel if Brown had spoken out and asked his supporters to be more dignified it would help, but he accuses in a cleaner manner and lets his Free Speech lackeys write the insults. That is why I blame him.

"please tell me where he said all of the other mayors sold out to developers." Ok. Here are some quotes:

"Do not let the special interest groups such as the Direct PAC, the large developers and the former mayors with their developer connections go back to closed door meetings and citizen neglect." (11/22/05)

"The Direct PAC and the former pro-development mayors will point a lot of negative fingers at Steve Brown for exposing unfair government but they have yet to speak up for the most important issues of concern to your families." (11/29/05)

Just to be fair I will address "please cite where Mayor Brown said "all elected officials" were on the take." You're right, he didn't actually come out and say that. However if you go over the archives, state of the city addresses, etc. you will find too many references to too many city leaders insinuating they are "pro-development" or otherwise "tainted." These include: Judy Rutherford, Dan Tennant (his former buddie), Carol Fritz, Annie McMenamin, Jim Pace (his current "most hated'), Bob Brooks, Kathy Cox, Seabaugh, Westmorland, the County Commissioners, Chamber of Commercd, etc. And it's not limited to elected officials. He went after both former City Attorneys, the former City Manager, etc. Even I have been accused more than once of being big supporter of development. However if you read my writings over the years you will find that I have taken exception to Brown's allegations and claims, not supported development. However anyone who questions him is automatically a "developer" or "developer puppet."

Now for "he Centennial subdivision from John Wieland was negotiated and annexed during Mayor Lenox's administration, not Mayor Brown." You are simply mistaken. Here are some direct quotes out of the archives, all from

"Steve Brown said he has received nothing but positive reviews so far about his “unofficial” efforts to help John Wieland Homes annex and develop several hundred acres northwest of Peachtree City as a mixed-use neighborhood of residential, recreational and commercial uses."

"The city's long-time ban on annexing property forbids anybody at City Hall from considering the possibility, even a rough draft. Though he is mayor, Brown said he was acting not in an official capacity so much as a concerned citizen when he recently brought together about a dozen private residents to hear Wieland's plan formally and draw feedback."

"Since being linked to the Wieland project, Brown has been defending the change of face since his 2001 campaign, in which he suggested annexations only be allowed by public referendum.

Don't believe me, ask anyone. It was a huge issue. Brown, an anti-annexation candidate, negotiated the annexation with Weiland by himself, with no councilmembers or city staff, during an annexation moratorium. And when confronted he claimed "..., Brown said he was acting not in an official capacity so much as a concerned citizen." Problem was that Weiland saw him as "Mayor" Brown, not "Citizen" Brown. Just another example of him disregarding his campaign platform.

Your comment "Mayor Brown get beaten over the head," Well he has done his share of "beating." Here are some examples, all taken from when he was mayor:

"The old "government in exile" is doing their best to tip things over and God uses your kids to give me strength."

"There is a group of people that some of us refer to as the government in exile."

"the pro-developer Direct PAC people got their group to the voting booth for Logsdon."

"Brown later said that some of Lenox's friends “made a lot of money” during his administration....“Name a friend of mine who made a lot of money,” Lenox said....“I'm sure Tom Farr doing all the Development Authority bonds and all that stuff,” Brown replied, referring to Farr's leadership at Peachtree National Bank during his service on the Development Authority"

As I said, these and too many other attacks were levied while he was mayor. Do you think that letter after letter should be published by the mayor, who represents us all, attacking citizens, city staff, former and current council members, business leaders, area officials, State Representatives, etc., by name in the newspaper? Do you think these constant attacks and allegations worked to help encourage business and investment in PTC? Or maybe that's why many businesses left or located elsewhere, thus hurting our tax base. And they don't stop there. Look it up and research it. He accused Lenox of making money when he was mayor 02/02/05. Lenox told Brown (all in front of a reporter) that if he could find any instance of Lenox making money then he would pay Brown $100,000. But if Brown couldn't, then Brown would resign as mayor. Brown declined. So you see, he makes all sorts of allegations but refuses to back them up. Undignified ESPECIALLY for the mayor!
Don't get me wrong, I am not defending Lenox, Logsden, or anyone else. In fact I spoke out prior to Brown showing up regarding what I thought was wrong. The difference was that I wasn't attacked and insulted until Brown became mayor. I don't want Brown dividing the city any more. As I said he brings up some good issues. Problem is he failed as mayor to stop TDK. He failed as mayor to pass annexation by vote as he promised in 2001. He failed to budget responsibly. He uses his rhetoric to enflame and enrage the public. When this happens it creates a tremendous mistrust in our elected officials. They will respond to our input if it's respectful and meaningful. If not, we will "unelect" them like we did Brown. Oh, by the way, his forecast of doom and gloom in 2001 around Wal-mart and Home Depot didn't materialize. In fact if you go there you find it is quite a popular place. All his allegations and rhetoric proved wrong.
I hope these answer your questions. In reality I don't care. I stand by my letters. If you want to support Brown, go ahead, it's a free country. But I do not lie, cheat, etc. and don't like being slandered. I don't like anyone saying things about me that aren't true. Brown has done that with his constant DirectPac/Developer rhetoric. I will hold him accountable for his words because I find him to be destructive. You may say the same about me, but I am not going to run for any office. He is. And just like in 2001 he will disappoint, divide, and alienate through rhetoric, insults, allegations. Don't need that from our leaders.
Any more questions?

Submitted by johenry on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:08pm.

I read your answers Mr. Stinson. In all honesty, I think you are really stretching reality in many cases. I appreciate your taking the time to offer an explanation even though you said that you “didn’t really care.”

You gave an explanation, so I will be polite enough to respond in return. You said,
“He promised to be a mayor for the people then failed to deliver.” In what I’ve seen in just shy of two decades, I have to disagree with you. I don’t believe you substantiated that very broad assertion. Mayor Brown was everywhere, schools, neighborhoods, you name it.

You said “Brown [is] responsible by association (just as he holds me responsible for DirectPac)” for the unpleasant language you quoted. By “association,” I sure hope that we aren’t all held to that impossible standard. Are you willing to be held accountable for the filthy language from others used against Mayor Brown? Are all Republicans pedophiles by association because of Rep. Foley? I would ask you to retract those quotes if they didn’t come from Mayor Brown.

“I have written twice (last week and last year) discussing how vicious and slanderous those Free Speeches are, and Brown has NEVER tried to put an end to it,” you said. Being objective, Mayor Brown “never” tried to put an end to the vicious and slanderous speech used against him either. I think even you will agree that he was something of a populous First Amendment kind of person.

I don’t understand your problem with Mayor Brown’s usage of the term “pro-development." I wouldn’t call the term either vicious or slanderous.

I know for a fact that Centennial subdivision was approved under Mayor Lenox. You said I’m mistaken, but this is true. My brother in law was checking out the costs of lots and houses there before Mayor Brown was elected. The quote you gave, which I think pertains to the current unincorporated land, said he met with “a dozen private citizens” and I’m wondering how this amounts to some sort of malicious official city action?

You listed the following quotes from Mayor Brown as offensive
"The old "government in exile" is doing their best to tip things over and God uses your kids to give me strength."
"There is a group of people that some of us refer to as the government in exile."
"the pro-developer Direct PAC people got their group to the voting booth for Logsdon."
"Brown later said that some of Lenox's friends “made a lot of money” during his administration....“Name a friend of mine who made a lot of money,” Lenox said....“I'm sure Tom Farr doing all the Development Authority bonds and all that stuff,” Brown replied, referring to Farr's leadership at Peachtree National Bank during his service on the Development Authority"

I’ll be honest and say I really don’t see anything bad about the comments he made. I certainly would not classify them as vicious or slanderous. Honestly, those comments are exceptionally mild by today’s current political standards. The reporters on FOX and CNN make more volatile political comments than those by a country mile. I see you making a mountain out of mole hill.

You say, “Do you think that letter after letter should be published by the mayor, who represents us all, attacking citizens, city staff, former and current council members, business leaders, area officials, State Representatives, etc., by name in the newspaper?” I mean, really Mr. Stinson, it’s a free country. The Governor of Georgia just recently sent a letter to the editor complaining about a college football headline that he didn’t like. In my opinion, you have not proved Mayor Brown “attacked” anyone. Yes, he made some comments about people, but your accusations of “attacking” people are fantasy.

You say, “Or maybe that's why many businesses left or located elsewhere, thus hurting our tax base. And they don't stop there.” What businesses? Are you talking about Photocircuits and the Mexican restaurants? The manager of Photocircuits said in the newspaper that they couldn’t compete with global competition and they filed bankruptcy. Mayor Brown didn’t force global competition and bankruptcy on them. I think the opposite is true on the business side.

I don’t know if you are right or wrong on the Wal-Mart issue. I do know that the police are worried that violent crimes are on the rise in Peachtree City.

Now I can’t understand why you say, “Problem is he failed as mayor to stop TDK.” For the better part of three or four years everyone was complaining that he was holding-up or killing the road. If I’m not mistaken, the newspaper reported the current city council is the one who chose not terminate the road last month. Greg Dunn said he would go along with whatever the council decided, and the council decided to leave it.

Again, I re-read Mayor Brown’s letter to the editor and your letter. Without doubt, your letter comes off as the attack letter. The grubby quotations that you imply are from Mayor Brown that truly aren’t is really a cheap shot and it makes you look willing to twist the truth in order to be vindictive.

For the most part we'll have to agree to disagree.

Submitted by jim stinson on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 4:18pm.

I agree we disagree. However from my perspective you are looking at Brown's history through rather rose colored glasses. I am not going to do the research for you but will point you to the evidence. If you want to see how Brown attacked so many simply go throught he archives and read many of his letters. To simply say it is ok of the Mayor of our city to write unfounded accusations, even if they are as tame as "pro-development," about citizens, attorneys, former mayors, business owners, then I think you have bought into an incredible "slime factor" of politics. That is sad really. Agree or disagree with Logsden (and this isn't defense of him), but he is not responding to his detractors with long letters like Brown did. Brown couldn't resist. Problem is, he is elected to represent us all. If we disagree we make it known. If we chose to do that through letters, just as he did prior to becoming mayor, then he needs to deal with those in a dignified mannor. To alledge what he does to try and taint a person with allegations, even one as "tame" as pro-develoment, is undignified. How would you like the President of our country to alledge that you were aligned and supportive of Al Queda because you came out against the torture policy? I know that's a stretch, but that is basically what Brown does. He aligns his opponent with the 'boogyman" to destroy their credibility. However as I said over and over he never backs it up.
As for Brown being a mayor of the people. You're right, if your HIS people. If you aren't, he used his "bully pulpit" to try and discredit you. Examples are rampant. He used the State of the City addresses to try and discredit Annie McMenamin, Kathy Cox, and others. He used letters to try and discredit me and too many to mention. Go ahead, scroll through the archives and read some of his letters. Do you really think this makes him a mayor of the people? Oh, he did approach his campaign that way. That's what he promised. It was on his website and mentioned in many letters over the years, usually after he discredited some. Read the letters I referenced in total and you will find examples.

Apparently we have a misunderstanding regarding the annexation. I was talking about the West Village. When Brown became mayor he promised on his website that he would push for annexation by vote of the people. There was a huge anti-annexation feeling then and he saw himself, as did others, as an anti-annexation candidate. Then we, the city, found out that he was meeting with Weiland to annex Weiland's property. He did not include the city staff or the rest of the city council. He didn't clearly publish the meetings. My objection was that if he wants to annex property, then I would like ALL my elected representatives to be involved. Additonally it meant the need to revisit the annexation moratorium. This was actually done AFTER those "evil" DirectPac people formally asked the City Council to become involved in a process that had great ramifications to the city. Do you really think the Mayor, acting, as he stated, as a mere citizen, should negotiate without our city staff and elected council, such a major issue? I never called it "malicious," but since a moratorium was in effect, and Brown was the direct representative of the City, do you think it was correct for him to conduct annexation negotiations unofficially, as a citizen, during a moratorium? And NEVER ONCE did anyone suggest Brown was "on the take," getting a "kickback," or profitting in anyway. What do you think Brown would have said if Lenox or Logsden did such a thing?

As to your "I’ll be honest and say I really don’t see anything bad about the comments he made. I certainly would not classify them as vicious or slanderous." Are you kidding?!!
He flat out accused Bob Lenox and Tom Farr (after his untimely death of course) of taking bribes! That's blatantly illegal! You don't think those allegations are "so bad?" How would you feel if I accused you of profiting illegally? Just because Fox news or CNN does that doesn't make it right. This is a small community. Brown once stated that the former City Attorney was "unreliable." How do you think the mayor of the city calling a local practicing attorney "unreliable" sits with potential clients? No proof, only allegations. Lenox is a businessman here. How do you think the mayor essentially saying he took bribes sits with potential clients? Same with Tom Farr and everyone else. You think that's "not so bad?!!" It's disgraceful!!!!

Sonny Perdue was not attacking citizens. He was taking issue with a reporters headline. He was supporting his football team. I repeat my Al Queda comment. If I write a letter opposing the President should the President name me in a rebuttal and state that I am a supporter of Al Queda? OF COURSE NOT!!

"Failure to stop TDK" Of course. He never cared what Greg Dunn or his detractors said before. Why does he approve and fund the project (his claims) if he opposes it? And why now is he suddenly leading the charge against it? You are right, it's because people wanted it, and he wanted votes. I can think of no other reason. As for the current council, you're right but we are talking about Steve (I always opposed TDK) Brown. Not the current council. We know they favor it, or we wouldn't be haveing this discussion.

As for my "grubby quotation," I already told you that they were from Free Speech and I said that in my lettter. I agree except "grubby" is too nice a discription. But here is a funny "coincidence." Everytime someone questions Brown then Brown rebuts and at least 4, count them, 4 Free Speech "grubby" comments appear. I didn't imply anything. What I said was that I hold Brown responsible and truly believe that he knows who writes them. As for "Mayor Brown “never” tried to put an end to the vicious and slanderous speech used against him either," So what? I never called Brown anything close to what his supporters called me. I never aligned Brown with any group (real or perceived) as he does to me. I never accused Brown of doing anything illegal as he did to Lenox and Tom Farr. If you have evidence to the contrary please let me know. And as mayor and a public figure he is open to all those slams. I don't agree with them and have twice called for people to stop. I was rewarded with a hand-slap from Cal and will, no doubt, get creamed next week. I ask for an end, I am not a public figure. I don't claim to represent anyone. Brown was a public figure, claims to represent the people, and has NEVER asked for an end to the slander. Is that the quality you look for in your leaders?

As for all being held responsible by association. Of course we are. Brown calls me a "DirectPac author." I have never authored anything for DirectPac. Yet he holds me responisble. He calls me "pro-development." I have never been pro or anti development. Yet he holds me responsible because I disagree with him. You ask "Are you willing to be held accountable for the filthy language from others used against Mayor Brown?" Only if it was always timed to go along with my letters. Go ahead, quote all the "filthy" comments in Oct. 18 Free Speech about Brown. Let me save you the time, ZERO! Go ahead, hold me responsible. Now, count the slime against ME! And how about this "guilt by association," I am a DEMOCRAT! What do you think of me now? Oh, I don't hold ALL Republicans responsible for Foley, only those who knew about it for 2 or 3 years and did nothing. Anything unfair about holding those "family values" leaders responsible for hiding an internet predator?

You say "in what you've seen in just shy of two decades," I assume that you are roughly 20 years old. Is that correct? If so then I trust you have a lot to learn. You may find it acceptable what is happening, I don't. Brown really started this type of visciousness when he began posturing for mayor in the late 90's. Prior to that letters needed to be signed and there was no Free Speech section. This kept things quite civil. You may think publicly calling someone a liar, cheat, coward, etc. is healthy, I think it is disgraceful.

To sum up, I wrote my original letter because I feel Brown is posturing to run for office. He is again alledging a "developer" connection and is using TDK as he used Wal-Mart in 2001. You need only go back and read the letters, articles, etc. he wrote back then. I also suggest you ask Brown for a copy of his 2001 campaign website and see what he promised. I feel he was detrimental to our city's reputation. I suggest you contact business leaders and leaders of the surrounding communities to see how they felt about him. My opinion doesn't come from him not "voting" as I think he should, but by his accusatory manner as mayor when he didn't "get his way." The articles, letters, State of the City transcripts are out there. In my opinion his conduct was arrogant and unprofessional. I don't want him to win any office. Since I think he is trying to build up steam I wanted the people to know his words from 10/05/05. That's it. No accusations, only quotes from him. In response I was raked over the coals by him and his free speech supporters, you, and many others. Pretty sad isn't it.

Oh, before you say it, you may consider me "arrogant and unprofessional," but remember I don't hold public office, never did, never will. I don't officially speak for or represent the city as Brown did. Yes, the mayor and city officials need to be held to a higher standard. They directly and officially speak for our community. Sorry, unfair maybe, but that's the way it is. As for "pro-development" not being so bad, it is in the conotation Brown uses. Do you really think he says that with the "utmost of respect?" It is intended to align me with some "evil" group. It even earned me in Free Speech the dubious distinction of being part of the "Axis of Evil." I see myself as North Korea since they seem most powerful. Rest assured it is as insulting as Brown can make it. It is strictly intended to malign and discredit. So it is "that bad."

I am done with this discussion. So if you want to continue it I would be honored and pleased to continue it privately. My email is

valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:19pm.

Mr. Stinson, we have never met, that I am aware of anyway. I want to let you know you are not alone in being fed up with the attacks against the people who volunteer their time to serve on committees / councils for the benefit of our community. I realize before everyone jumps on me that Direct pac is a politically motivated group not an official group representing our community. But it was formed by people who are tired of the crap being slung by others in an effort to gain political office. I think it would be refreshing to see this mud slinging brought to a halt. It would be nice (and more in keeping with the old spirit of Peachtree City) to see our political candidates run on their own merits instead of trying to tear down the reputations of every one who has ever held a political office in the past or the present. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family Mr. Stinson and to the other people who have come under fire during the last 6 years or so. Your right, it’s getting old and we have all had enough. Mr. Brown, if you are the source of all of this strife that has been brought to our community, I’ll say a prayer for you and your family too. We all could use some peace and it would be nice if we could try to play fair.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 7:49am.

Not many people are criticizing those who serve on "committees", etc. Those are mostly unpaid positions and strictly advisory, not policy making or with power to make money for one's self. Usually the people who want mudslinging to stop are the ones with the most to lose by the mud.

valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 8:14am.

just sad to see it tear apart the community. When you treat people this way it makes the rest of us hesitate to put our necks out there. I don't have any connection to any of these people. I have lived here since the Mid 80's and I have watched them work hard to pull this community together. I have a lot of respect for the hard work and hours that everyone put in to it. So some people may have made some money because they served on a committee or council and became known though out the community and as a result more business came their way. Isn't that what living in a capitalistic society is all about? We join organizations and network and volunteer and we give back to the community and people see that and want to use our services or frequent our businesses. This is a small town. There is nothing illegal or shocking about this cycle. Business in America works this way. Instead of resenting these people for benefiting from the work that they put in you should realize that good things come to good people. You get back what give and there is nothing wrong with that if you have given as much as most of them and there families have.

Submitted by jim stinson on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:25pm.

Thanks for your words. Regardless of our position on an issue this is still America and what makes our system work is being able to oppose our government and hold it accountable. But it needs to be done with respect and dignity. Thanks for your words. Maybe we can start a new day here.

P.S. Are you really a "valley girl?"

valleygirl's picture
Submitted by valleygirl on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 9:42pm.

I confess that I am not technically from the valley (that is a really good part of Encino as Moon Unit Zappa put it) But I have lived all up and down the Southern California Coast and actually still have family in the O.C.. But gag me, I really do like the small town closeness here. The only draw back to it is as you pointed out, when broad comments with no bases in fact are slung out in the local paper here, people foolishly believe what they see in print. It hurts the businesses that these people try to run. I would think twice about running for a political office here or even serving on the planning commission or the school board because the service you put out isn't appreciated the way it should be and you and your family run the risk of becomming a target for the mud slingers. Sad that our community lacks the respect and admiration for others that it used to have.

Submitted by jim stinson on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 11:46pm.

I grew up in San Diego and my wife was born in the "valley" but she spent her "formative years" in the Bay area. She is a grad of UCSB, I went to UCLA but graduated from San Diego State. I agree with your assessment. Love it here but it is tough stepping into the political fray even as a mere citizen. But gotta say I have been here for 15 years and I actually say "ya'll" without realizing it. I love the South even with all it's quirky politics. Kids went to Auburn, I became a die-hard Tiger fan (sorry UGA fans). Nothing compares to SEC football. WAR EAGLE!

Take care fellow "left-coaster." Do miss the surf though.


CCB's picture
Submitted by CCB on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:38pm.

I'm in favor of TDK. We should have had more intense growth a long time ago. I'm not in agreement with the way elected officials and the Chamber lied about the whole deal. You cause twice as many problems when you don't shoot straight with the people.

I'll will agree with Johenry that the guilt by association that Jim Stinson is claiming is outlandish. And those comments from Brown are just fine. Look, if you want attacks, go listen to Carl Rove and Howard Dean.

We need to be worrying about how we are going house the masses of people heading down to our area, not who said what.

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 7:01pm.

Yep. That's right.

Submitted by dollaradayandfound on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:27pm.

Oh no, a democrat. Oh, lordy, I didn't know! We were deceived by one of those. They come along in some states every few years and create surplusses in the budget, don't start any bad wars, and try to help as many of our unfortunates as possible---fouling up commerce something fierce. However as soon as many of the other party are jailed for conning their companies and stockholders out of everything and are jailed--those terrible democrats are elected again and ruin everything. Democrats even seem to like minorities and other races. Some of those democrats went to the moon, of all places. Some of them saved the USA from a horrible depression once when the other party went into too much debt in the stock market! Please, don't let any more of those terrible people in again. They don't even want religion mixed in with our government.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Thu, 10/26/2006 - 12:24am.

I'm not sure why so many of my neighbors are scared of what you just posted. Heaven forbid we try diplomacy first, pay as you go, and AVOID divide-and-conquer wedge issue politics. KEEP BLOGGIN'


mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 8:35pm.

with a democrat in republican's clothing!

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