Take a look at the actual roots of Bush administration’s Iraq war policies

Tue, 10/24/2006 - 4:46pm
By: Letters to the ...

The letter to the editor by Mr. Hoffman raises several interesting points. His initial paragraph in describing critics of the Bush administration’s Iraq policy (”I did not impugn their patriotism, although some of them are certainly deserving of that charge”) is somewhat confusing. So, per Mr. Hoffman, some unnamed Iraq war critics are unpatriotic although he does not further define just what particular elements of their criticism is unpatriotic.

Although I am not certain, I am under the impression that those “deserving of the charge” may consist of virtually anyone who raises the question as to why we attacked Iraq in the first place and Mr. Hoffman proceeds further along in his letter to ask me that very question. A fair inquiry and I will attempt to respond.

For a primer on just what would be the foreign policy goals of a neo-conservative administration, in general, I suggest that Mr. Hoffman spend some time absorbing the philosophy of an organization founded in July 1997, The Project for The New American Century(PNAC). Disappointed in the lack of a robust, read aggressive, foreign policy by Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton, the founders of PNAC (www.newamericancentury.org) based their foreign policy on the following precepts: remaking the international order under effective U.S. hegemony; destroying America’s enemies; and crippling or eliminating the United Nations and other institutions making a claim to international jurisdiction. Additionally, “moral clarity” was essential in determining foreign policy goals and PNAC evinced a realism and truth that others lacked.

Who, you might ask, were the charter members of PNAC? It might come as no surprise that the following were among the original creators of the philosophy cited above: Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Move forward to January 2001, and what you have is the aforementioned group filling the positions of Vice President, Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense. Not exactly second tier and non-influential administration positions.

If, based on letters and statements, “destroying America’s enemies” was one of the general tenets of the PNAC, just what was their position concerning Iraq? In a nutshell, and this is four years before the events of September 2001, per PNAC, the Middle East must be remade to reflect American power and hegemony AND it is mandatory that Saddam Hussein be removed from power and if American military power must be used to do so, so be it.

Fast forward to late 2001/early 2002, when U.S. troops were already being prematurely diverted for an invasion of Iraq and were not available for use in Afghanistan. Result, Osama bin Laden (OBL) escapes capture or killing and it is apparent to the PNAC War Brain Trust (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz) that the search for OBL will be far longer and complex than initially anticipated.

With fall elections on the horizon it is obvious to the PNAC ideologues that the lack of military success in eliminating OBL and al Qaeda will not sit well with the voting populace. What is needed is a “real war” with a “real villain,” that will be neat, rapid, cheap and tidy and manifest the hoped for PNAC-designed American Middle East hegemony. Who better fills this bill than Iraq and Saddam Hussein?

Plus, George Bush will truly be a wartime commander in chief and Americans have historically trusted and backed their president during times of war. Throw in what have proved to be bogus claims of Iraq possessing vast amounts of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and deep ties to al Qaeda and sprinkle this with subtle doses of fear by virtually every administration spokesman.

This produces the perfect formula for not only launching an undeclared war in violation of the U.S. Constitution, but any politician who is running for national office in 2002 will be tarred as “unpatriotic” if he/she questions what history has shown to be a preordained invasion policy.

I hope that the above answers your query as to why I think President Bush took us to war in Iraq; you undoubtedly will not agree, but I have done my best to present my views.

The truly sad part of this situation is that President Bush and his PNAC ideologues not only took us to war under false pretenses, but they then proceeded to dismally fail to provide strategic, unbiased and effective guidance to our fighting forces.

Consider the following: the United States possesses the finest trained, equipped, dedicated and led military force in the world. We invaded a country one-twelfth our size with no navy or air force and an army of no more than third world standards. Additionally, Iraq had been under a severe set of military/political/economic sanctions for 12 years and possessed no major weapons-making capability.

Unbelievably, we spent less time in defeating the military juggernauts of Germany and Japan in WW II than with our continuing undefined (“stay the course”) effort in Iraq.

Please do not accept the administration’s pass the buck rationale that they only based their conduct of the war and its follow-on insurgency from information provided by the “commanders in the field.” If, and I find this hard to believe, the senior field commanders did not request more forces than it was up to the senior leadership at the Pentagon and White House to look at the big picture and do what had to be done to ensure success.

President Bush, when all else fails as to what has transpired regarding his war on terror, truthfully states that “the U.S. homeland has not been attacked since 9/11 — over five years of safety!” Basically, stick with me and just forget Iraq.

With this as a yardstick, the presidency of Bill Clinton should receive a much overdue national “thank you” since following the World Trade Center attacks of December 1993, there were no attacks on the territory of the U.S. during the remaining seven years of his time in the White House.

Upon assuming office, President Bush took a look at the exact same intelligence which was available to President Clinton and watched, prior to the attacks of 9/11, as Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld intended to actually downsize the American military and Attorney General Ashcroft submitted a proposed FY 2002 budget for the FBI which reduced both the funding for the FBI’s counter-terrorist program and the number of agents assigned to it.

There are shortcomings to a presidency which bases its foreign policy on personal “insight” and “moral clarity.”

Wade J. Williams
Colonel, USA (Ret)
Peachtree City, Ga.

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Submitted by AMDG on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:32am.

Col. Williams,
To your credit, at least you answered my question. But, to your discredit, you engaged in the typical paranoia and fear-mongering which seems to plague your side of the aisle.
Regarding the whole silly "unpatriotic" thing: please show me where a major figure in the White House or Republican party has actually used that word.
To be clear, I do not think questioning the war is unpatriotic. That is a straw man set up by you Democrats or anti-Bushies to provide yourself with a false martyrdom on the altar of free speech. It's a way to avoid answering the critics of your various hare-brained accusations.
To your explanation of the "root cause" of the war: I will grant you that PNAC may have influence decision making, just as any think tank may. But what is wrong with their central desire to make America strong by defeating her enemies and discredting the UN? Should our enemies go undefeated? Should we trust the UN with protecting our interests? I think not.
In any case, the fault with your argument is your over-reliance on the PNAC as some dark, motivating force to the exclusion of other real circumstances. 9/11 fundamentally altered the calculus of foreign policy and made it untenable to allow rogue nations like IRaq to operate unopposed. The UN, whose own resolutions and cease-fire agreements were ignored, was supposed to be responsible for reigning Iraq in, but instead chose to ignore this duty and enrichen various UN sycophants in the Oil for Food scam. So, we had to do something about it. A country that violates a cease fire creates conditions for resumption of fire.
As for defeating Iraq, we did that in a few weeks. What we haven't been able to do is to defeat the terrorists who want us out of Iraq. And you should know that no matter how awesome your army is, you cannot defeat men who hide behind civilians and engage in unconventional terrorist-type attacks. That is one of the truly insidious aspects of terrorism. That is why more unconventional means are necessary (which Democrats oppose).
Your problems with Rumsfeld and the neo-con positions, I understand and even agree to some extent. But I simply cannot agree with your notion that there is some sort of self-interested cabal controlling our country for no other reason than its own self-aggrandizement. Call me naive.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Sat, 10/28/2006 - 4:29am.

Trey Hoffman's post: "To be clear, I do not think questioning the war is unpatriotic. That is a straw man set up by you Democrats or anti-Bushies to provide yourself with a false martyrdom on the altar of free speech."

Trey Hoffman's avatar: "How about rooting for America for a change you liberal scumbag"

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 6:39pm.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:27pm.
Hard to keep anything wrt Iraq short, but I'll try. For simplicity, I'll go point by point with your "Ah ha" article:
You wrote:
"..typical paranoia and fear-mongering which seems to plague your side of the isle."
Have you seen the Republican Campaign Committee ad with a nuclear blast and Usamma bin Laden? Is that "fear mongering?" Are the mantra of "they'll raise your taxes" and "imagine a Speaker Pelosi" "typical paranoia?" You know, taxes and terror? Let's be honest.
You feel because the word "unpatriotic" hasn't been used, it is a false claim that war critics' patriotism has been attacked. Get ready for a long night on the computer: Search "Liberals hate America." Search "Liberals hate God." Search "defeatist democrats." Search"terrorist appeasers." You will be surprised of the Ken Mehlmans, Don Rumsfelds, Karl Roves, and Dick Cheneys who have directed those sentiments at democrats. There are literally too many hits to read them all, but you'll get the point after reading word for word for an hour.
I'll close by addressing the "black dress" UN. The UN, for us, has been the little black dress we could take on or off as we see fit.
-UN resolution 1441: Powerful! We must enforce it.
-UN doesn't support war pre-emptive war in Iraq? The UN is a useless beauraucracy.
-Iran and North Korea begin to go nuklr': Please help us UN. Help us form a coalition for sanctions.
People would not stand being used when they agree and discarded as "useless" when they disagree. Why would a UN comprised of nations of people behave any differently?
Finally, you cannot dismiss the ideology of PNAC when they have a VP and Sec Def. I absolutely believe that these two men are ideologically driven because logic does not support their statements. I'm not being tongue and cheek here. No one else would say there is a dying insurgency. No one else continued to push links between Al Qaida and Iraq well after the links were discredited. Even CIA Director Tenet, on March 10, 2004 rejected assertions by VP Cheney that 1: Iraq cooperated with Al Qaida and 2: We had proof of illicit Iraqi biological warfare projects. Unfortunately,
I must call you naive

keep giving us "libs" hell. Iron sharpens Iron.


Kevin Hack King

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:03pm.

Apparently nothing sharpens you judging from your posting. Liberals are proud to be represented by you and the thoughts (if that's what they were) expressed in your "communication".

Keep it up dude. The thought of giving people like you the keys to the country (that's a euphemism for giving teenagers the keys to the car) scares me. Hopefully, it also scares anyone who read your post - or anyone who has lived in a blue state. And if scared enough, they will vote - and vote properly.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:15pm.

And truly, the democrats could not do it without tremendous help from your party. All jokes aside. Had the GOP reduced spending and deficits (National debt, Federal budget deficits, and trade deficits) there is no way that democrats would have a chance at the house; even with Abramoff, Cunningham, Ney, Delay, Hasstert, Foley, and the "I didn't choke my girlfriend" guy. Seriously. The democrats have not been in regimented, lock-step, one opinion formation, and that has hurt their effectiveness, but they have been aided greatly by the most unlikely people. Know what I mean?

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Wed, 10/25/2006 - 7:09pm.

You lost me there, dude

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