Al Sharpton - You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This

Git Real's picture

It goes like this. I'm going to the airport up 316 to catch a flight out of town. I look off to the right and in front of this church there is this huge banner that reads: AL SHARPTON - SATURDAY 10:30 I'm like what's up with that shooey? The ole race baitin hate monger himself gracing us with his presence here in little ole Fayette County. My how times have changed. I remember when the likes of Dan Quayle, Bob Dole and Trent Lott used to pay a visit during election time. But ole Al?

What's the poop here guys. Why is Brother Al here? Could it be:

1. To campaign for the alledged Conservative Democrat McGraw?

2. Protest the onion processing plant?

3. Lead a protest at Flat Rock Middle School while burning Confederate Flags and handing out Malcolm X t-shirts?

4. Or to put Old School Football back on the plantation?

5. To protest the new FCBOE boundries?

6. Or could he be here to just stir up more hate against ole whitey?

Are we honored or what?

Disclaimer: I'm not sure what the date and time was. I'm sure one of you will straighten me out on that. I was shocked to see the sign as I was flying by so it was all I could do to admire Big Al's name in print. Let me know what's happening folks because I'm going to be a thousand miles from this circus event.

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Submitted by aprilw on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 10:44pm.

Why are some bloggers (like Basmati and Kevin King) so riled up about the blogs about Al Sharpton? I mean of all the people who could represent the liberals and/or the black race, I don't see Al Sharpton as one of the better leaders.
I mean he used to be a joke (Tiwana Brawly, etc.). Why would anyone want to look up to or choose to look up to him? Surely there are better liberals to look up to out there than that. I mean please, come on. You have got to be kidding.
Some bloggers have put Oldschoolfootball down for not giving his real name or meeting them face to face. That is just smart on his part and all other bloggers who don't use their real names. I mean by some of the blogs on here it is like some people might just do some kind of physical harm to somebody. You give your name on here and immediately other bloggers google you to find out where you live, etc. Some are just nosey, but some could be whackos who want to do you harm.
I think Oldschoolfootball makes a better citizen than Al Sharpton. If his blogs are true, than he has served his country in the military, he has raised successful children, lived a moral life, and believes in people doing for themselves rather than expecting gifts or handouts from others.
Al Sharpton on the other hand takes money from others without actually ever having a real job. He has used drugs, he has lied, he uses race on every issue, he stirs up controversies under false accusations,etc.
Why would anyone look up to him as a leader? Surely Basmati and Kevin King can find better leaders to speak for them.
There has got to be better liberals out there than Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc.
It is like as long as they are Democrats you do not care what kind of character they have. I wouldn't want any leader like that whether they were Republican, Democrat, or other.
Why does Oldschoolfootball make you so angry? I think it might be jealousy/envy. Because jealousy/envy is the only thing that could make you that angry.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 8:02am.

To give you perspective on the recent posts, they have little to nothing to do with Al Sharpton, and much to do about his message and how it is received by folks across the political isle from him. It is the same dismissal that virtualy any non GOPer in congress, the senate, georgia, and our county has received 6 years running. Al Sharpton came and talked about high school drop out rates. He talked about economic disparities and was debating solutions. Check the boards and you will see virtually no discussion of what he said, but attacks on the person as a "media whore." Doesn't exactly lend to a debate of issues. I'm not sure where you think envy and jealousy factor in, but here are a few short points:

-I horribly attributed a vile post right below OldSchool to Oldschool when it was bad_ptc's post. This was a terrible mistake for me to present oldschool on his birthday, and unfortunately, I can only apologize which seems so insufficient.

-I have invited Oldschool by name to have a face to face conversation; no more, no less. We actually have more in common than he knows.

-To the issues that have precipitated my posts: For the last five years the majority in every facet of the US govt has been less than forthright in accepting responsibility for policies that are not necessarily going well. By using "traitors/traitorous," "cut and run," conflating Iraq with the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11, the debate has been poisoned. Remember way back when we were being told by our leadership that Iraq, for example, was going well, but the media was hiding this? Does that appear to be true now? Now that the current leadership is actually considering time lines in Iraq, they cannot do it in a very public forum so as not to appear hipocritical (attack a time-line policy before adopting it.) Bottom line, I cannot figure out why conservatives on these boards even mention Clinton, Sharpton, Pelosi, Murtha et al. These people have not penned a single policy that we are currently living under the affects of. Even if verbal, they are POWERLESS. So why the attacks? Thoughts to ponder....


Kevin Hack King

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 8:01am.

To give you perspective on the recent posts, they have little to nothing to do with Al Sharpton, and much to do about his message and how it is received by folks across the political isle from him. It is the same dismissal that virtualy any non GOPer in congress, the senate, georgia, and our county has received 6 years running. Al Sharpton came and talked about high school drop out rates. He talked about economic disparities and was debating solutions. Check the boards and you will see virtually no discussion of what he said, but attacks on the person as a "media whore." Doesn't exactly lend to a debate of issues. I'm not sure where you think envy and jealousy factor in, but here are a few short points:

-I horribly attributed a vile post right below OldSchool to Oldschool when it was bad_ptc's post. This was a terrible mistake for me to present oldschool on his birthday, and unfortunately, I can only apologize which seems so insufficient.

-I have invited Oldschool by name to have a face to face conversation; no more, no less. We actually have more in common than he knows.

-To the issues that have precipitated my posts: For the last five years the majority in every facet of the US govt has been less than forthright in accepting responsibility for policies that are not necessarily going well. By using "traitors/traitorous," "cut and run," conflating Iraq with the terrorists that attacked us on 9/11, the debate has been poisoned. Remember way back when we were being told by our leadership that Iraq, for example, was going well, but the media was hiding this? Does that appear to be true now? Now that the current leadership is actually considering time lines in Iraq, they cannot do it in a very public forum so as not to appear hipocritical (attack a time-line policy before adopting it.) Bottom line, I cannot figure out why conservatives on these boards even mention Clinton, Sharpton, Pelosi, Murtha et al. These people have not penned a single policy that we are currently living under the affects of. Even if verbal, they are POWERLESS. So why the attacks? Thoughts to ponder....


Kevin Hack King

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 9:52pm.

Man - you depress me. No one is powerless. Especially the fine and nearly famous folks you named in your blog (Clinton, Sharpton, Pelosi, Murtha et al.).

What's the deal? Al's cool - but he needs to get his hair worked out. The others are just some powerful white dudes - movers and shakers baby.

You seem really down - relax and cheer up - we will get some power (as you refer to it) back in November. Are you an A-10 pilot? Isn't that the tank killer plane? Cool you are a Democrat.

The time line is always there - it's just not published - they can't. It's like having a sign saying "I am taking my rotwieller to the vet over night on thursday and my alarm will be off" and putting it in the yard.

As soon as we get congress back and the white house we will get it back on track. Relax - don't worry - be happy Smiling

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 10:07pm.

How can you change a snarl to a smile instantaneously? I like your attitude. I think at time we all need to "check fire" on the boards, take a moment , and smoke a Lucky, so to speak. On timelines, this is one of the MOST misrepresented facets of our current endeavors. When I started High School, I knew my graduation date. Same at the Air Force Academy. Same at Pilot Training. I knew the day I would graduate from T-38 PIT and A-10 RTU. I knew the days I would deploy to Iraq and the range that I would return home well ahead of time. Every Marine knows when they will leave Parris Island. Grunts know when they will graduate from basic. If we have know training time table for Iraqi soldiers, we have no way of measuring progress. And I cannot equate, "In one year we will have 400,000 mission ready Iraqi soldiers" to having the alarm off with the Rott at the vet. Metrics are used to evaluate training so that we KNOW we are reaching obtainable goals. That last sentence may be the problem.

ps. No A-10s now. Just T-38s as a "school teacher." No more 30mm, we just make supersonic passes and hurt the "bad guys'" ears. Smiling

mainframecpu's picture
Submitted by mainframecpu on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 10:11pm.

You blasted me on another relax some. They have you wound too tight in the AF. People take time to catch on. We will get the whitehouse and congress back - then you will see REAL progress..... announced or otherwise - you will SEE it. Thanks for voting - consider the green party - we are very relaxed and Lucky's are definetly allowed Smiling

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 8:37am.

I find that reading something in its proper context allows me to understand it better.

I would suggest that you start at this link and read down.

Try this message ....

I will attribute your comments: ”vile post right below OldSchool to Oldschool when it was bad_ptc's post.”, to the difficulty in traversing these blogs unless you’re familiar with the layout.

My post was a response to the post entitled “Oh sure you can!” and NOT anything OldSchool had said. OldSchool inserted a post above mine when he was responding to someone else.

As far as Mr. Sharpton is concerned, I stand by my claim that he is a racist.

If you Google “Al Shaprton” + racist, you’ll get back some 330,000 replies. Seems rather straight forward to me.

Here’s a link I’m sure you will find interesting.

H. CON. RES. 289

The link may not work:

Submitted by Lawdawga on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 9:27am.

Hmmm...I'd say he's here because the number of blacks in Fayette County has greatly increased...and most of those blacks are successful (financially) Is Sharpton seeing dollar signs ?!?


Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 7:38pm.

7.) To head a fund raiser for Tawana Brawley and her kids
8.) To recover the FBI tape of his cocaine deal from HBO circa 1983
9.) To avoid paying the $65000 he owes the white prosecuter he slandered
10.) To tell other multi-millionaire blacks that they cannot get rich in America.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 4:37pm.

Oldschool: I'll get right to the point. My name is Kevin King. If you would EVER like to have a face to face conversation on the issues you blog about daily, I will gladly make myself available. I have watched you attack Al Sharpton the person, Jeff Carter the person, Basmati, and anyone else on the other side of political issues, while never weighing the actual merrits. Your idea of giving back to the black community? A 25 cent bullet. Remember writing that? Very funny.. really. Cut and paste the link below if you would like my opinion of giving back. And email or if you truly stand behind what you say. I would LOVE for YOU to post YOUR NAME.

Cheers, Hack King

Submitted by RightOnTheMoney on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 8:17pm.

I'll meet you Mr. step-n-fetch it liberal - Basmati too - All in place of OldSchool.

Which address do you want me to show up at??

Are you the Kevin King on Hwy 54 or Elam Street??

What time- what day??

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 9:24pm.

Elam street is in Oklahoma, on Vance AFB. If you get to the front gate, ask where the 25th squadron is. Please reference my posts to Oldschool, ArmyMaj, etc, take said advil, and email the included addresses if you wish personal, in person, discussion. I'll gladly oblige.


Kevin Hack King ps: Don't know basmati, so I can't speak for him.

Submitted by RightOnTheMoney on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 10:28am.

You called out OldSchool to Oklahoma? Are you kidding me? You know what you need to do? You need to both try reading, verifying and learning before you post lies as facts. Basmati calls old school a chicken? I'm calling Basmati a chicken - let's do it big boy!

I went back and looked and almost every post OldSchool wrote is replete with facts - not just opinion. You may not agree with him and that's fine - but every single remark to Jeff C. had facts - not just his opinion so you are equally wrong about that accusation.

I saw facts and personal attacks on Basmati - yes, and in every single incident Basmati made the first 'monkey' , mouth breathing- slack jawed, 'race card' personal remarks and attacks. Look at the current blog by your friend Basmati - you are both liars.

Again, I saw dozens of facts (some extremely lengthy) in rebuttal by OldSchool and they were either ignored or answered with only personal attacks on him, his family, and his character. In one recent case he asked for specific alleged lies by GW Bush and answered each accusation individually and secifically - again - with NO RESPONDE. Go back and read them - you are as wrong about that accusation as the remark of "helping his race with a .25 cent bullet" Heck, you didn't get the remark, the price, or the auther right but you put it on OldSchool, didn't you??

What you as Basmati have done - and yes you are two of a kind - is nothing short of libel and slander. What he should do is publish his name and then sue you for libel and slander. I know his lawyer - "you don't want none" as we say down here. Beleive it.

Your personal attacks on a man that may very well be the best man I have known in my lifetime is disgraceful. His wife, who has been quite sick of late, is so upset he promised to stop blogging because she said it made his blood pressure go too high. But even if he were the young stud you think you are - your attacks were WRONG! Yep - he's gone from here - so you won in your mind I feel certain- you stopped an annonymous voice from voicing his long and well fought, justly deserved opinion.

Did you happen to read his blog to the young black man titled "I'm proud of you"?

Now you can look for another man who went from a dirt floor house and the great depression to a 6ooo square foot house on 40+ acres in a wealthy community- a man who raised 4 of the finest adults you will meet - all of whom give back to the community - a man with 27 years of military service, a man who started a non-profit company and served on so many hospital and community boards that I can't count them all. He also spent more time with young black males as a big brother and mentor from here all the way to Ft. Stewart than you can count.

I will speak for him because he spoke for whole life. I am one of his mentees and that is why I started blogging here. I will meet you and Basmati - anytime, anywhere, but not for coffee.

Basmati - who you defended along with JeffC. in your accusations of OldSchool ((those accusations are falling apart quickly aren't they - now you are down to a false statement, not backing Basmati - and saying you weren't 'calling him out' - what's left of the statement that is true?)) - has besmerched my beloved Marines - and for that I will NOT drink coffee with you or him. I will meet you 'face to face' for a good old fashioned physical meeting if you wish. Both of you. I will be the OldSchool you want to meet.

I think you bring shame to the US military in general and the US Air Force specifically (by the way - OldSchool spent 6 years in the Air Force). I wonder if your Base Commander knows what you do in your spare time and would approve of your slanderous remarks.

In conclusion Mr King, you did claim to speak for Basmati and for Jeff C - your back peddling now is as ugly as your attempt to intimidate an old man whith a good heart who's lifelong accomplishments you will never be able to duplicate. You must be very proud.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 2:53pm.

As evidenced by RightOnTheMoney there is much you haven’t taught us yet.

Your request to leave is denied.

A continuing education should be a goal sought by all.

When you have imparted all of your wisdom to us, you may leave.

Until that time, you’ll just have to beat it into us that there is still more to be learned.

Thank you.

Submitted by people4u on Sun, 10/22/2006 - 11:57am.

I tell you Rightonthemoney, as much smack and enjoyment we get from our football blogs, I agree with you on this one. What Basmati, Jeff C, Kevin King have done to Old School is despicable. How cowardly to hide behind a screen name and attack this man the way these guys have.
I with you on this one! I’m and old Air Force guy, I got your back.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 9:12pm.

First, take a couple of advil. 2nd, read my apology to Oldschool for misattribution. I will very gladly discuss issues, in person, with you as well. But I don't know that I'll buy your coffee, so dutch will have to do.


ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 7:38pm.

"As an Air Force Academy graduate, Delta pilot and T38 instructor"

You forgot to add Cyber bully to your impressive resume Kevin. Damn picking on a 70year old vet, bet that makes you feel like a BIG man!

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 9:20pm.

I'm getting typers elbow here. How exactly do you twist my invitation to oldschool for a face to face conversation into a threat or bullying? Do not judge me in the context that fits many of these other posters. I use my name because I say what I truly believe; No drama or rhetoric. Oldschool is a career military black man like myself, my father, and three of my uncles. Don't want to hurt your feelings, but he is the only person on your side of the issues I care to share personal, in person conversation with. Like oldschool, I am a husband and father as well; not radical; conservative in my personal life, but VERY liberal (libertarian) in my view of anyone else's freedoms. DON'T PUT THREATS WHERE THEY DO NOT EXIST. And above all else, know that I completely screwed the pooch by putting one blogger's words in OldSchool's mouth. I have placed myself on punishment.


Kevin Hack King

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:03pm.

I never wrote anything about a .25 cent bullet, as usual, you are completely wrong. You are either mistaken or a liar Kevin King. Your threats and accusations are offensive. Let the others decide if Include links, excerpts and facts to back up my arguments. As much as you would like to 'know who I am' and be in control of a 'face to face' meeting - it will never happen Kevin King. But I know who you are - a control freak who likes to threaten and intimidate old men, blacks and women. I have seen your kind my entire life. People often turn to threats and violence when they are mentally beaten and morally bankrupt. Now, as usual I will prove my point ( I urge all who read to look) which I am sure will anger you further. If you look down to find recent blogs (on this page- right hand side) you will find a blog entitled:

"Al Sharpton - You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This"

You will find this comment from bad_ptc on the blog:

I'm a firm beleaver
bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 10/20/2006 - 12:17am.

That a .45 cal. between the eyes costs about .27.

Send me the bill.


Now there - how do you feel now Kevin King? You owe me an apology Kevin King. Are you man enough to admit you are wrong? I doubt it.

AF A-10's picture
Submitted by AF A-10 on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 8:51pm.

Old School. I was absolutely wrong to attribute the words of Bad-PTC to you. That was unexcusable and I apologize. Let me be clear on this as well: "I would love to meet you and have a face to face conversation..." is by NO MEANS a threat. It is an INVITATION FOR CONVERSATION. I do not throw my name out to come cyber attack fellow Americans. That is not sane. I desire CONVERSATION from one black vet to another. I have no idea how ARMy majordude or anyother flame fanners glean anything else from my post. I know you are my elder. I believe honest exchange of ideas, debate, and conversation on issues is healthy. With the anonymity of screen names many on these posters pull incredible things out of their buttocks. I am interested in meeting for CONVERSATION; coffee on me. Please keep the email address and use it if you are recesptive.


Kevin Hack King ps ARMY MAJ. If you see conversation as threatening, I can't help you.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 7:07pm.

The blog title is actually entitled "Al Sharpton's Visit". It is on the lower right side of this page. There you will find the " .25 bullet comment" That Kevin King FALSELY attributed to me in this blog.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:08pm.

Go here

to read what was ACTUALLY said by all who blogged.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:28pm.

Read this again "Your idea of giving back to the black community? A 25 cent bullet. Remember writing that? Very funny.. really."

I included the link and the actual statement you are attempting to attribute to me but I don't expect you will actually find it and apologize.

Regardles, I just want you to know I went to your web link and saw your article and I am thankful for what you do and what you have done. I expect you spent some time at Red Flag excercises in Vegas and may well have spoken to me there (although you are much younger than me). I disagree completely with your politics but appreciate a fellow Vet who is setting a good example for the youth of America.

All of that aside. You attributed a statement to me that inferred I would kill blacks or whites or drug addicts and that was wrong, improperly quoted and uncalled for. You may well know who I am whenever we move. But I have two daughters that teach here, a daughter that is a nurse nearby and a son who will return to this area soon. I will not allow my views to be attributed to them or impact them with people who attribute other's statements to them and call them out like an angry school boy.

Submitted by swmbo on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:04pm.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:23pm.

Major King offered to meet you man-to-man and discuss the issues, OldSchool. And what is your reply?

You accuse him of "threatening" you??

For a purported "Marine", you certainly are one of the most cowardly people I've ever seen.

Major King was calling attention to your nasty little habit of not addressing the issue at hand, instead making personal attacks on me, Jeff Carter and whomever else has the temerity to disagree with you.

Squeal like a sissy all you want, old man, but the Major has got you pegged for what you are: an ignorant blowhard. Take away your precious
Republican talking points, and there's precious little thought in that head of yours. Small wonder you retreated, excuse me, you're a "Marine", you "advanced to the rear", squealing self-righteously as you withdrew from the battle.

One final thought, elder brother: you might want to think twice before playing that race card again like you did in your original loses quite a bit of cachet when your accuser is of the same race.

Submitted by RightOnTheMoney on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 8:09pm.

I am more your age - want to meet me? What a bunch of chicken! I'm a Marine too. Want some? Armymajor has it right - you are too stupid to argue facts so you call old men names.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:56pm.

is a "coward", a "sissy", an "ignorant blowhard", with "precious little thought in that head of yours". That as a former Marine "retreats", "advances to the rear", "squeals", and are "self rightous". Gee, that really hurts Basmati. Especially coming from such a wonderful person and intellectual giant such as yourself.

Now, did you have an intelligent point to make Basmati? Maybe something on the topic? No personal attacks from you or Mr. King - no false attributing statement - no way - you guys take the high road - all substance - you two are quite the pair.

Let the readers decide. Yep, thanks to you guys I know how Bill Cosby, Jesse Lee Peterson, Clarance Thomas, Mike Steele and Condi Rice must feel.

I better get back in line if I want to remain annonymous and physically safe. Oh, and wish me happy birthday - the big 70 is here. Maybe you will have seen the light and become more mature by the time you get to 70!

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 7:36pm.

You want to debate the issues of the day? Fine, we can debate.
You want to talk trash? I'm up for that too. Like I told you the other day, you think you can come in here and spew your nonsense and not expect anything back from us good liberals, you got another thing coming.

You can play the "I am old and set in my ways" shtick or the "they're picking on me because I'm a black man! A BLACK MAN!" meme all you want...I'm still gonna answer your nonsense every blessed time.

And for the record, once again, I judge you on the contents of your posts, not the color of your skin.

Deal with it, elder brother.

You want a prime example of your ignorance? Last night you made some stoopid comment about some percentage of people that supported your view. I went to the trouble of finding a news article that proved you to be in error.

Your response? Oh, that's CNN.


You didn't read the article which was NOT a CNN poll but was rather a report on scientific research conducted by the University of Maryland. Didn't matter to you, because it didn't fit into your pre-conceived notion of the "way things ought to be" so you dismissed it.

Well, I'm dismissing you, you ignorant fool.

Once again, I'll note for the record that Major King offered to debate you...he did NOT wish any bodily harm on your ignorant self....but should he ever decide to take you up on your offer to meet your "professional athlete" son mano-a-mano, I'll bet you a month's salary the Major takes care of business in five minutes or less.

Submitted by snark on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 8:05pm.

You have a real problem with anger management, Basmati. As you say you're raising children, I should think you'd want to get help with that.

Submitted by RightOnTheMoney on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 8:11pm.

Hey Basmati - how about you and I meet - you tell me about how Marines retreat - and we go from there? Your kids are in danger. Anyone who knows this clown needs to make a DFACS referral!

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 7:45pm.

Who died and made you the the ultimate decider of facts? I laugh when you say conservatives only spew talking points, your leftist propaganda is repeated from other route step Bush haters. You wouldn't know an original thought if it came up and slapped you in the face.

You just can't deal with any opinion you do not agree with then launch personal attacks, I can paste 10 or 12 you hurl for every one you get back.

You talk down to everyone that does not agree with you, provide no facts and just stink up this board with negativity.

This is one proud American that you will never supress.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sat, 10/21/2006 - 6:41pm.

Nice to see you back assulting Lady Liberty. Apparently your browser has problems since it will not allow you to see the 'proof' of the substance that makes you soooo easy to rile.

As usual you and your buddies are wrong and confused. I never made a comment about a 25 cent bullet. I certainly don't need you tying to tell me anything about race.

I have attacked your liberal views - as` well as Jeff C. and Al Sharptoungue's views - that is a fact. You are a desperate and beaten man. That's what happens when you can't argue facts - as I do daily.
So I am a coward now? Interseting, but just for the sake of arguing your logic, if he isn't threating me, why would I be a coward for not meeting him? I haven't seen you publish your name Basmati - will you?

The great thing about being me is I don't have to prove anything - to anyone. I have done it all and i am very comfortable with who I am. My son, on the other hand, is a bit more...well ... agressive and may take Mr. King up on the meeting. I hope not. He has been taught better. M

y son has been taught that The mentally bankrupt often turn to violence. I think you better go back with Kevin King and read who actually wrote the comment you attribute to me ..... I also think you may want to look for some of the factual quotes and links that help prove my points. Welcome back ye who desecrates all American. Now - make a point.

Emmyjune's picture
Submitted by Emmyjune on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 4:21pm.

I believe Neil Boortz put it best this morning when he referred to Al Sharpton as a "Race Whore".

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 10:10am.

I vote for 3, 5, and 6.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 8:41am.

Unless he's performing at a Comedy Club, then, just maybe, it would be good.

2ndly, where is 316? Smiling

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 6:33pm.

314...Yup! Oops. Sorry Dawg. Listen to what I mean and not what I say. Smiling

cowtipn's picture
Submitted by cowtipn on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 8:20am.

One thing's for sure, he won't be eating at the Cracker Barrel in Union City.

Submitted by head_ragg on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 2:47am.

and I wonder like you, what he is comming for.

My guess is 3. and 4.

3. Lead a protest at Flat Rock Middle School while burning Confederate Flags and handing out Malcolm X t-shirts?

4. Or to put Old School Football back on the plantation?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 12:33am.

Thought you might want to be there for this one.

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