Debate: Westmoreland ‘dragon’ slain

Tue, 10/17/2006 - 4:08pm
By: Letters to the ...

Last [week] in Coweta County, there was a marvelous display of American democratic values and civic responsibility. The local Republican and Democratic Party chairs got together and sponsored a debate for not only county commissioners, but the more important Congressional seat of the new Third District which includes all of Fayette and Coweta (as well as parts of 13 other counties). What a fabulous display of true patriotism to actually hear the candidates talk about their views on important issues.

The congressional challenger, Mike McGraw, a conservative Democrat, supported by former Senator Sam Nunn, displayed an in-depth knowledge of the issues debated: Constitutional rights versus the war on terrorism, health care, minimum wage, immigration, the Voting Rights Act, and the best question, integrity in Congress.

As a witness to the events as they unfolded, I can say that Mike McGraw met the dragon and the dragon was slain. While the Westmoreland supporters might feel that his performance was not quite the spectacular debacle shown on The Colbert Report in June, his repeated mantra of support for all things the Republican leadership has forced on us was expected.

The debate exposed his ridiculous support of torture and putting our military in danger should they be captured, accepting free (taxpayer-funded) health care as a congressman, but not doing anything to help our costs in health care, not wanting to fully punish the employers who hire illegal aliens and in fact protecting those employers, taking money from Tom Delay and keeping it, as well as protecting sexual predators attempting to assault our young pages in Congress.

However, the fresh, professional, and very learned and reasoned responses from Mike McGraw were a refreshing breath of air. Mike has a firm grasp of the issues, and expects Congress to listen to the best and brightest on each issue and then act on their recommendations. Perhaps we can get another debate in Fayette County for our voters?

I for one have had enough of this do-nothing Congress. As a former military officer, I cringe at the lack of professionalism and current Republican-led incompetence. It is time for a change.

Rick Williams, Lt. Col (ret)
Chairman of the Veterans for Mike McGraw Coalition
Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 1:54pm.

Not sure what you expect them to do. NOTHING is preferable, at least then, we know they aren't raising taxes, which, leave no doubt, the Dems will try to do if elected.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 5:33pm.

As one veteran to another, well said LTC Williams!

It is reassuring to see that at least some Fayette military retirees haven't turned their back on the Constitution and what America stands for just because they took the uniform off.

Basmati (DD214 available upon request)

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 12:44pm.


With all due respect, one veteran to another I must disagree with you concerning your party's "competence".

If Democrats take control (Westmorland's defeat will be one of 15 seats they need).

Tax cuts will not be made permanant and taxes will probably increase. I don't know about you, but with all the WASTEFUL spending, earmarks and pork that congress spends, I think that I can use my money better than they can.

The hard fight in Iraq will be harder to win because congress will play games with funding, like they did in Vietnam. I for one do not want another monument in DC for soldiers lost which did not result in a victory.

Nothing will get done for 2 years because of the "investgations" and "impeachment hearings" (I agree not much has been done lately due to the devisiveness and foot dragging by the Democrats, but it will get worse)

"Professionals" like Harry "land deal" Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Jack Murtha, and Ted Kennedy do not inspire confidence.

No, I'll be supporting the Grand Old Party.

Ready for personal attacks by Basmati and "caring, freedom of speech" liberals in 5, 4, 3, 2,

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 5:21pm.

I will be voting the most conservative ticket I can - as always.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 5:48pm.

REAL conservatives work from a balanced budget. If you cut taxes, you MUST cut spending accordingly.
REAL conservatives would never, ever, hire a foreign company to be in charge of U.S. port security.
REAL conservatives wouldn't allow U.S. jobs to go overseas.
A REAL conservative would never, ever, hire an illegal alien.
The list goes on, but I'm one moderate who wishes we had more REAL conservatives in our government. VOTE MCGRAW !!!

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 1:56pm.

It's been that way forever. JFK was the one who got the ball rolling back in the 60's.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 6:12pm.

Real conservatives aren't calling themselves moderate.

You sound like those who tried to toss Joe Lieberman because he was a 'conservative' democrat. Haven't you figured out your party doesn't LIKE or SUPPORT a 'conservative' democrat?

Why would we support someone who will face being Liebermaned?

As for spending - you are right about that one.

The rest of your remarks, from a CONSERVATIVE standpoint, should be determined by the free market (Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand). We can start with the elimination of department of education and HUD - section 8 housing (like in Harmony Village and Balmoral in PTC).

You may want to look at the proposal for how to handle those 'illegals' before you risk putting the democrats back in control of congress.

National security and the economy might be worth peeking at too.

Vote republican.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 7:22pm.

What do you mean "your party"? I've never joined a political party in my life. I'm not much of a joiner, but I am a proud member of the N.R.A. If you think I'm a Democrat, you are mistaken. I vote for candidates from both professional parties, and for Third Party candidates the few times they are available. There are a few of us out here who don't pledge allegiance to a group and automatically vote a straight ticket. I consider myself a moderate because I don't take extreme stands on issues. The slick politicians who own Washington have got us divided, and we are falling hook, line and sinker.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 5:09pm.

You stated about a month ago that you voted for Ralph Nader? How in the heck does an NRA member who calls himself a moderate do that? That's almost like a Baptist preacher bragging that he's a male stipper as his side line job. Puzzled

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 7:47pm.

I can't stress this enough. We the people cannot put all of our faith in one political party or another. They, especially the Big Two, are huge machines that run on money- lots of it. They are like bureaucracies in that their primary function is survival. They extend their partisanship down to local politics, where it doesn't apply. I don't care if my town's Electrician is Republican or Democrat, just keep the one stoplight in town working.
Two is company, three's a crowd. The last thing the Big Two want is a Third Party to gain power. They would ban all competing parties if they could. They want the voting public split about evenly between them. Then, they rake in the lobby money and point their fingers at each other when something goes wrong.
They would like to make voting a straight party ticket mandatory. It already is for primaries. Why can't we vote split ticket in a primary? Give me one good reason. There are not enough independent voters out here to cause them much concern. They have got the electorate hypnotized.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 8:46am.

That is why I vote Libertarian at EVERY chance I get. If no Lib, I hold my nose and vote Repub.

Submitted by ole sarge on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 8:19am.

The current political labels have become meaningless. The major political parties have more in common than real differences.

There is however a bright light here in Georgia. A quick look at the ballot will show Libertarian selections for most major state offices. What a refreshing change it would be to have people in office who want to rein-in the growth and expansion of government.

We do have a choice. All politics are local.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 7:55pm.

Except this time it won't work. There are many good-looking, articulate, sensible-sounding Democrats out there that deserve your votes.

Problem is that when these blow-dried yuppies get to Capitol Hill they will be under the control of the old school Democrats - Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Then they will get advice from Ted Kennedy and John Kerry. And if the Demos actually win enough seats, these cuties that just got elected will take their marching orders from Speaker Pelosi.

Are you ready for that?

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 8:13pm.

When you hear the tone, you will awaken from the trance, with no ill effects and no memory of being hypnotized.

Submitted by Hardtack on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 2:07pm.

What is "all due respect"? Must mean there is none, here. Vote for the person running, not the stupid party. Split your vote.

mostconsiderate's picture
Submitted by mostconsiderate on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 12:49pm.

When a neo-con spends all my money on the rich and has a higher deficit than anyone else in history, he deosn't get to call himself a conservative. A vote for a third party is a wasted vote, so logically, Conservative Democrat (who used to be a Republican) McGraw will get my vote and everyone I know says the same.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 12:55pm.

is paid for by the Committee To Elect McGraw.

Guess we won't be seeing much of you after the election will we MostConsiderate? Go play in your own county. Have a good day.

Conservative Democrat = Liberal Republican

And no...I'm not voting for Westmoreland.

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 1:08pm.

Thanks, guy. I got so mesmerized by that flying ying yang thingy, I lost track. I yeild to you, sir.

Conservative Democrat = Liberal Republican

Maybe I'm just dulled by the message. With BOTH sides talking about the Demo's taking over, I just tune it out anymore. Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking to me.

Thanks for snapping me out of it and sending him packing.
Meow = Roar

cruiserman's picture
Submitted by cruiserman on Fri, 10/27/2006 - 12:55pm.

Man, don't let mainframe see that.

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