FCBOE sealed Flatt Rock and Sandy Creeks fate tonight

the board of education did NOTHING to help with Flatt Rock's problems except make them worse! Dispite the fact that they said they were gonna have kids go to schools that were closer to their homes, they are still dragging kids PAST Fayette County High, from the North Clayton county line all the way over to Sandy Creek and Flatt Rock!
They took great pride in telling everyone that McIntosh and Starr's Mill boundaries would remain untouched. I came home n looked up SS Sweat and noticed he lives in Peachtree city. How nice for him! They insist on making FR and SC the red headed step child. The FCBOE streaches the lines for these 2 schools to make it "lighter" for the other schools. I hope your plans backfire n a year or 2, when SC and FR are totally cholate, and you have...minority to majority....and I hope you choke on it!!!!

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Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 8:04pm.

Brooks used to be part of Starr's Mill. Okay - take a look. Why isn't Brooks part of Starr's Mill once again? 30276 and 30205 are closer to Starr's Mill. I for one am extremely unimpressed! Can you say gerrymandered?

Submitted by justhafax on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 8:54am.

Brooks Elementary kids went to Whitewater Middle School, then fed into Starr's Mill High School. Are you suggesting that when Whitewater High was built to relieve overcrowding at Starr's Mill and Fayette, that Brooks' kids should have been moved into the overcrowded Starr's Mill?
Should they have been moved into Rising Starr also? Your math isn't working.

Submitted by RightOnTheMoney on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 9:24am.

I think Oldschool is dead on. Try looking at the entire map and pushing some of the northern boudries counter-clock wise (or north). Starr's Mill is NOT at capacity (and even if it were you should move some of the PTC kids to McIntosh - it's closer for them), Sandy Creek is NOT even close to capacity (and you can move some of the northern McIntosh kids to Sandy Creek - it's closer for them too) and Fayette County is NOT even close to capacity and should pull from Whitewater's northern and eastern areas (as they are planning) and take the kids from Sandy Creek's north clayton border (where they drive past FCHS to get to Sandy Creek). Seems like Whitewater is the only school that is at capacity and those changes would solve that problem as well as would make Sandy Creek more reflective of the community and full for the first time, and remember, we must accomodate the upcomming High School soon. Oh, and in case you didn't notice, THEY ALREADY ADDED A NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL that will feed at least three high schools! You may want to take another look at the map and consider where the Fayette County and Sandy Creek lines are. I would say Oldschool has done what the board couldn't do....of course - he isn't playing politics either.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 9:46am.

Sandy Creek's north clayton border (where they drive past FCHS to get to Sandy Creek).

If they are driving past FCHS to get to SCHS from the north Clayton border, then they need to learn the county roads (and maybe how to read a map). You can get from the Pavilion (on the north Fayette/Clayton border, almost) to SCHS in 10 minutes, without going anywhere near FCHS.

Submitted by RT Tugger on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 12:02pm.

First of all, you must drive pretty fast to get to the Pavillion in 10 minutes from Sandy Creek. I drive it all the time, and it really takes at least 15 minutes. Second, I just went to Mapquest and plugged in two streets in far north Fayette County, both of which are in the Sandy Creek/Flat Rock district. Results: SCHS to North Fayette Dr. = 13.5 miles; FCHS to North Fayette Dr. = 6.5 miles. SCHS to Helmer Rd. = 13.7 miles, FCHS to Helmer Rd. = 7.3. miles. So, you may not drive "right by" FCHS, but there is no denying that buses are traveling *twice* the distance to take students to Sandy Creek and Flat Rock. There is no denying that the far north part of the county is *significantly* closer to FCHS.

Submitted by head_ragg on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 2:37am.

The kids at the extreme ends of the county are being taken to schools that are ..NOT.. closest to them. Saying the closest schools are full doesn't work for an answer. The kids from the other side of 92 are closer to FCHS and it is a straight shot down 92, 316, and 85, and most importantly, you are going the opposite way of most traffic in the mornings, meaning you are comming into Fayette while most working people are leaving. To come to SC, you have to use all the little "pig trails" going in that direction, you are also fighting traffic as you get closer to SC as most working people living in that area are trying to get to 74/ SC area and up to Atlanta.
I think the area for the new middle school was not the best location. Why not a middle school at one of the other ends of the county? Why drag these kids around so bad?

Submitted by head_ragg on Thu, 10/19/2006 - 2:39am.

I don't think they will give our ideas any attention. They have made up their minds and the hearings are just to let people vent. Watch, nothing, nothing, nothing will be changed. Those maps will stay just as they put them out.

Submitted by RightOnTheMoney on Wed, 10/18/2006 - 1:48pm.

Thanks for actually taking the time to see what and why I said what I did. Your figures are RightOnTheMoney!

Submitted by head_ragg on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 6:59pm.

I don't mean PTC, I mean the area to the right of PTC, if you are looking at a map. Those could/should go to Sandy Creek and not FCHS. Want to hear a crack up? Guess where the kids that live in Plantera Ridge across from Home Depot go? 6 or 7 miles down 74 to Starrs Mill! Now how cool is that?

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 7:22pm.

But the new map clearly shows Planterra in the McIntosh zone, same as it is now.

Submitted by head_ragg on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 7:43pm.

maybe I am wrong...it wouldn't be the first time...but this says Planteria Ridge golf club...and it is in Starrs mill...look ...if I can do this right..

I can't....but I am looking at it and those kids are closer to Mc and are going to Starr's Mill...it shows Kelly drive and below all the way to the Coweta line....going to Starrs Mill

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 7:47pm.

The actual golf club is South of the subdivision. ALL the houses are north of the golf club. You can only get to the golf club from the houses by golf cart.

Submitted by jjj on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 9:33am.

Yes the high schools in PTC didn't change b/c the new high school is not yet approved for a building start date. That is exactly what FCBOE wanted you to think. Look at the Middle School changes!!!!! If your house is in North PTC worth over $500,000 you got booted out of Booth to Bennet's Mill & some day get to drive past your .5 miles away high school MacIntosh to attend the new high school (proposed) 6 miles away. So who does White Water Creek Country Club pay off because they live .3 miles from WWHS and still go to their choice SMHS over a mile away. Kedron Hills, Smokerise and Stoneybrook need to get figure out how White Water Creek CC does it.

Submitted by emu_kid on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 7:50pm.

WWCC is bankrupt... So, I doubt they can pay off the school board?

Submitted by Irish4 on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 10:22am.

"So who does White Water Creek Country Club pay off because they live .3 miles from WWHS and still go to their choice SMHS over a mile away."

Unless I missed a new road development plan that would allow access to GA 85 from WWCCC to WWHS the distance is more like 5 or 6 miles not .3 miles unless you plan to go to school on a 4 wheeler or helicopter. SMHS is appox 1 mile away.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 9:46am.

That caught my eye too. That will be heavily contested, and wouldn't surprise me if it was changed. The north PTC part, that is.

Did you also notice, the Sandy Creek line came down far enough to get the new Wieland Subdivision that has been proposed in the West Village of PTC...

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 8:58pm.

I finalleze founds sumones wit a worster educations than me.

They insist on making FR and SC the red headed step child.

The FCBOE streaches the lines for these 2 schools to make it "lighter" for the other schools. I hope your plans backfire n a year or 2, when SC and FR are totally cholate, and you have...minority to majority....and I hope you choke on it!!!!

So what's wrong with a majority black school if most of the people in that area are of color? Is your threat of people choking on it a reference to your desire to make Fayette County like Riverdale? What is it that you wanted? Why do I get the sense that you would make this a race issue regardless of how the boundries drawn out?

Submitted by zeroace111 on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 4:39pm.

The majority was all white untill John Wieland put a subdivision in for "poor black people" to live in homes they cant afford, but given to them with help from the government.Now crime has rison and our schools are going down hill.

Submitted by token_school on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 4:15am.

that is the problem. When I take my kid to school, I look at what gets out of the cars. They are ....not...from Tyrone. THEY ARE FROM THE CLAYTON COUNTY LINE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PAVILLION AND UP. YOU CAN'T TELL ME THESE KIDS ARE CLOSER TO SC AND FR THAN FAYETTE COUNTY HIGH. THEY ARE NOT! Now you want to take the kids below Sandy Creek and FR that did go there and put them in the Fayette county school district. That doesn't work either! You are going to completly ruin FR and SC and you don't care. Why do you think FR made the news over those shirts. They don't get along with these kids cause they are from the other side of the county, and rough! They don't want them there.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 8:49am.

So let me see if I have this right.....we have students from Clayton crime county going to school in Fayette on my tax dollar???

Yet amazingly enough everyone was surprised that sandy creeks test scores were the lowest in the county.

The administration at that school is so busy protecting kids with malcom x hate messages they can't seem to focus on the real purpose of going to school. Brilliant!!

A little less race card, a little more studying.

Submitted by token_school on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 10:02am.

did you see where old school said one of Whitewater's star players was from Clayton county? I had heard that before.

Submitted by token_school on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 4:05am.

the north Clayton county line area to Sandy Creek. Those kids are much closer to Fayette county high, always have been. They are a rough group and FR and SC are much closer to other areas. You could take those kids down to FCHS and it would be much closer for them, but you don't, and you won't. As far as the other schools being full, yes, you can fill them with anything you want. That is the problem with SC and FR. They have filled them with kids from the OPPOSITE SIDE of the county. Some of the kids you are trying to pull into FCHS are closer to SC. The completion of the schools do not reflect what is living in the local neighborhoods, that is the problem. If I wanted my kids going to school with akids from Clayton county, I would have moved there. You are not lisening. SC and FR fare full of kids from across the county. Then cause all the whites keep moving out, it leaves openings and the, the county Blacks, that should go to Mcintosh, or Starrs Mill, put in for , and get to go to SC and FR with the county school boards blessing. It isn't fair and you know it. They are very disruptive kids.

Submitted by ATLtoPTC on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 7:07am.

Are you saying that part of the problem is that kids from Clayton County are going to FRMS & SCHS? If so, then start writing down license plate numbers and reporting them! From everyone I have spoken to in the school system, FCBOE is *serious* about kicking out and prosecuting families who are going to Fayette schools from other counties. In fact, targeting the out-of-county high school students is their top priority (it's trickle down theory - get the high school kids, and you will likely get younger siblings, too), so if you reported a bunch of illegal SCHS students, you *would* get a response.

As far as your theory that the African-American kids from PTC are all jumping at the chance to go to SCHS instead of MHS or Starr's Mill - well, I don't buy it. Do you have any stats to back up your theories? I'm sure there are kids from around the county transferring to SCHS for various reasons, but kids aren't leaving PTC in racial droves. In fact, the many minority families in my neighborhood all go to our local schools or private school.

I am a firm believer that as much as possible, kids should go to the schools in their communities. Unfortunately, kids who live in rural/less dense areas often have to get bussed somewhere that isn't close to their homes. But otherwise, kids are best served by a school in their community. If the school zone lines are unfairly drawn - i.e. kids riding right past FCHS to go to SCHS, then the lines should be drawn more sensibly. I even think it is dumb that there is a west section of PTC being sent up to FRMS & SCHS. Send those kids back to PTC schools. It's not like we don't have other apartments in PTC (I live near some). We're not afraid of kids from apartments, mobile homes, and section 8 housing, because we DO have all those in PTC, and their kids DO go to school with my kids!

Quit playing the race card and do something proactive to help your schools. Report families who shouldn't be there. Demand a change in administration that will support better control & discipline in the school. Demand tolerance training/education for the staff & students. I used to work in Atlanta Public Schools in some rough downtown schools - far tougher than FRMS or SCHS! You know what - the principal, staff, and parents made all the difference in the world. If they cared and demanded order & discipline in the school, then there was some fabulous learning going in within those school walls! However, when the parents weren't involoved and the staff/administration didn't have control, it was AWFUL. If you demand excellence, you get excellence, and it has nothing to do with the color of one's skin. So quit bellyaching about the "county blacks" flocking to FRMS & SCHS (plus, I would like to see stats to show that the numbers are even significant to support that theory), and DO something positive to help.

chippie's picture
Submitted by chippie on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 3:31pm.

I've tried that, but was told I had to have the student's NAMES to turn in for a residency check - per Arlene Law.

Submitted by token_school on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 4:07am.

because they would then wind up where they need to be, in Fayette county High. LOOK AT A MAP FRO GOD'S SAKE! THE ARE FROM THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE COUNTY AND ....P..A..S..S... Fayette county high to get to Sandy Creek and Flatt Rock. That is a big part of the problem. They are not from our area!

Submitted by token_school on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 4:28am.


Submitted by IMNSHO on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 8:16am.

It only takes 10 minutes to get from SCHS to north Fayetteville, and that's driving through some of that "north Fayette County" areas that are attending SCHS. From north Fayette County/north Fayetteville to FCHS can take 10 minutes or more, depending on the area and the traffic.

The kids who attend SCHS are fortunate to be attending a really good school, with great teachers. Kids from all over Fayette county *do* go to SCHS, many by choice. Some go transfer there to get out of schools that are not a good fit for them, for whatever reason. Some transfer there for the excellent Air Force JROTC program. Some parents willingly drive 30 minutes to take their children to SCHS... because it is a GOOD SCHOOL.

All Smiles's picture
Submitted by All Smiles on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 5:08am.

So, is there a new map from the FCBOE? where did they pull the kids from that will attend Bennett's Mill Middle School?

Submitted by ATLtoPTC on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 8:19am.

Go to http://www.fcboe.org and click on the parent info link at the top. You should see an option to go to school boundary maps; the propsed middle school map is at the bottom of the page (a large PDF - be patient while it downloads).

Submitted by ldahl60 on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 9:54am.

I must be blind, but when I go the the boundary map area, I do not see the proposed one anywhere. Please let everyone know again where the maps are in pdf format.

Submitted by ATLtoPTC on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 9:19pm.

I thought the poster meant "lighter" in a numbers sense, but now I can see that there may have been another connotation. What a shame. If it was a numbers connotation, the unfortunate truth is that McIntosh *can't* take on any more kids. If it's a color issue, I think it's a ridiculous statement. While Booth & McIntosh aren't a 50/50 mix of "majority/minority", there is diversity, and I haven't heard of ANY tense race relations! Peachtree City Elem. is only ~59% white and the kids all get along GREAT - and that is a feeder school for Booth & MHS. FRMS & SCHS cannot fix their problems by bussing in kids from other communities. I have *never* seen bussing "fix" a school! The community and FCBOE need to work together to fix the problems at FRMS & SCHS. SCHS was a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 2004 - everyone needs to compare the school then & now and see what can be done to get it back to its high standard of excellence.

And a thought about the situation at FRMS - a great documentary about a school learning and embracing tolerance is "Paper Clips". HBO had it on recently, but I think you can rent it at the video store. Perceptions and feelings CAN be changed.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 8:19pm.

Take kids from a mile or two from McIntosh and move them to Sandy Creek? That makes ZERO sense.

Submitted by token_school on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 8:47pm.

take a look at the north clayton line and see if you don't think Fayette county HS is ...much....closer... YOU HAVE TO AGREE IT IS....

Submitted by ATLtoPTC on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 9:05pm.

McIntosh is starting to get packed, but the talk of taking some of the PTC kids and sending them up to SCHS just doesn't make sense and would truly anger many PTC families. And you certainly couldn't zone more kids *into* McIntosh. If FCHS has the capacity to take some of the kids back into its school zone, I would have no problem with those kids leaving SCHS for FCHS. SCHS already has a huge school zone, I don't think it's wise or fair to extend its reach *even further* just to help "dilute" the behavioral issues going on in FRMS & SCHS. What is your suggested solution to SCHS & FRMS's problems & boundary issues?

Submitted by tonto707 on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 5:55pm.

don't the yanks that moved here from up north promote diversity and equality in education? Grouping the students in a fair and balanced way is the objective, not satisfying the whims of parents.

And didn't the liberals vote to eleminate locally elected school superintendants so that this kind of issue is handled by bureaucrats, unaccountable to voters?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 6:21pm.

Did the FCBoE say what they perceived the benefits of this plan would be? Save gas, time, something.

John Munford, in case you missed it, I'm looking for the "WHY" to this plan.

Submitted by head_ragg on Tue, 10/17/2006 - 6:54pm.

the new middle school. One thing I was told at one point was that they were gonna have kids go to the school closest to them because gas was so high. That is the reason Tyrone people wonder why they are taking people from the other side of the county to Sandy Creek and by passing Fayette county high school. They are also taking people below Sandy Creek and putting them in Fayette county high when they are closer to Sandy Creek. People in the Weiland subdivisions below Fayetteville that ...were... going to Whitewater, that they were happy with, are now going to go to Fayette County High School.
It is really stupid. If you look at the maps, the people at Highgrove could reach out and touch Whitewater, but they are going to Starrs Mill.
It would seem....it would be logical to put the kids that are in the North, next to the Clayton line, in Fayette County High, as it is closer, let the kids below Sandy Creek go to Sandy Creek as it is closer than FCHS, and of course, the people who they pulled out of Whitewater, to go to FCHS would then go back to Whitewater, and everyone would be happy as a clam, but the school board doesn't see it that way. It is all political and STUPID...HAVE I CALLED IT STUPID ENOUGH? Really, look at the map.

Submitted by token_school on Mon, 10/16/2006 - 8:12pm.

we should have asked any developer...who got it from?

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