Logsdon Supporters Now Finally Start Some Research ?

Shockingly, the Logsdon people are now looking to find public source documents that have been readily available for years. I agree with the comment by PTC Guy--- simply repeating the mantra "return to civility" is a hollow, meaningless gesture. With no discussion of public policy, this type of communication offers nothing to the debate other than an empty declaration of support for one candidate. This has been the hallmark of the Logsdon campaign. Even as we speak, Mr. Logsdon has personally refused to debate, an obvious indicator of this strategy. As mayor, would Mr. Logsdon investigate and research? Would he listen? Would his meetings and city documents be open to the public?

Most disturbing is that it is now almost Thanksgiving and finally the Logsdon supporters have discovered that maybe they should do a minimum amount of research before expressing an opinion. One has to ask--- should you people have done a minimum of research before you made a decision on city politics? Or was that decision made for you based on self interest ?

Would anyone dispute that Steve Brown is abrasive ? No. Has he brought the light of day to virtually all affairs of the City? Undeniable.

"Idon'tknow", a clear Logsdon operative, has earned his/her chosen on-line moniker. The DAPC Independent Counsel report was available on at least two web sites a couple of years ago and is probably still available through the Citizen. The GBI report was distributed and available. "idon'tknow" and the Logsdon campaign would probably be far more comfortable in not starting to do research at this late stage and to simply take solace in the old saying "Ignorance is bliss." We may well expect that with Mr. Logsdon as Mayor, we will return to closed government.

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Submitted by Joe Swanson on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 9:00am.

A Logsdon supporter looking for material now...Kinda late, isn't it ? The DAPC Independent Counsel report is still available through the Citizen archives. Of course, why weren't you paying attention at the time? Why didn't you read it at the time ?

For those of you that just moved here, here is the rest of the story. When the secret, illegal funding agreement between the old City Council and the Development Authority was first brought to the light of day, the current council hired an independent law firm to investigate and report. That firm concluded the illegality of the funding and other matters. This lead to the Dev Auth resignations. This led to a change in structure. Interestingly, Georgia law had to be changed in Atlanta to avoid a repeat of this mess.

You can still read it through the Citizen archives. The troubling question now is why are just now learning the facts. That's scary.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Tue, 11/15/2005 - 11:22pm.

That remains the question. The stealth candidate who is going to fix it all and roll back taxes?


Big promises. But where is the substance?

Really, if he has identified the problems and can pay off $12,000,000.00 in costs while rolling back taxes surely he should be able to let us in on the plans?

Is this a promise now to be figured out later? One to be retracted due to discovering unknown truths and realities later?

Yep. Sound cynical. But with good reason since this strategy gets used all the time.

And if nothing more than that then Logsdon is no better than the hand wringing issues many claim against Brown.

Or are we, as simple citizens, held to be too stupid to understand how it can be done?

KraftyFla's picture
Submitted by KraftyFla on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 7:15am.

No, you can't know a candidate when they have no positions and they refuse to debate. He promises to cut taxes but also promises pork barrel goodies that total millions of dollars including the dirty DAPC debt. Other than that, he is empty on any issues. But we know where his support and campaign warchest came from--- the developers.

Vote "NO" to the secret, back room, closed door developer deals.

Vote "YES" to Mayor Steve Brown on December 6.

Submitted by pandora on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 7:34pm.

I love how the people screaming "back room deals" are the ones who most want to be in on them. I especially love how non-Peachtree City residents sit like spiders in their web on Bridger Point trying to manipulate politics WHERE THEY DON'T EVEN LIVE, and desperately wishing they had half the power they accuse the "old guard" of having.

Submitted by pattiadams on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 10:33am.

Straight from the talking points papers of the Brown campaign?

Pork barrel goodies, dirty debt, no positions? How lame. You forgot that Brown was unable to get his message out. If we had any more of this tired message it would weigh more than a phone book.

Read the campaign discloses. Everyone, including developers want to contribute to the Logsdon campaign. Must be a vast Right Wing conspiracy involving thousands of PTC residents. I don't think the BACK room can hold everyone.

Perhaps everyone would just prefer leadership devoid of attack dog politics like yours. Just guessing, but perhaps everyone would just prefer politics that doesn't merely smear anyone not in agreement with Brown. No, probably everyone actually wants good leadership as well.

But you are an Army of One. Stay on point and keep up the dribble.

Submitted by fayetteobservers on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 10:50am.

I would agree with pattiadams to a large extent. Platitudes and the attacks add nothing to the debate, whether it be on the national or local level.

Answer me these questions, though:

Why won't Harold Logsdon accept the invitation of the high school students to attend a debate at McIntosh?

Doesn't that send a horrible message to our young people ?

Since there is no expense to the debate and since the moderator is a third party (i.e., the McIntosh Young Democrats and Young Republicans) what would the harm be in participating?

Submitted by pattiadams on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 11:14am.

I can't answer that first question for you, but perhaps you could contact the Logsdon campaign.

Second question: The message I see is that the Mayor has orchestrated this debate on the night of the City Council Meeting, forcing cancellation of the meeting due to lack of a quorum. Is that the message we are talking about? That is aweful.

I see this as an expense.

I expect the trailing Candidate to propose a debate, since that's what trailers do. I just think he's shooting himself in the foot with his timing. It makes him look like he is self serving at the expense of the City, which he touts as contrary to his theme.

Submitted by Joe Swanson on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 12:14pm.

I would question your objectivity and your fairness. In your posts, you focus on criticism of Steve Brown. You said that you object to "attack dog politics...Just guessing, but perhaps everyone would just prefer politics that doesn't merely smear...". You join the Logsdon supporters who repeat campaign mantra but apparently do investigate or think for yourself (i.e., did you read the Independent Counsel Report or the GBI report on the Dev Auth illegalities? Didn't think so. Apparently Harold can't be bothered either.)

Look at the debate issue. You jump to two unsupported conclusions that are false and logically inconsistent, all because you would rather disseminate falsehoods about Brown rather than find the truth and contribute to policy debate.

NO--- the council meeting is not cancelled. It is still being held.

NO--- Brown did plan the debate, the students did. If he had (obviously) he would have chosen a night other than a council meeting.

Again, you don't answer the questions; you make up facts and you and your candidate appear unwilling to share information with the public or to listen to the citizenry. The example that you and Mr. Logsdon are setting for the high school students (by hiding from a debate) is that the political process is futile.

Submitted by pattiadams on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 1:10pm.

I don't know Logsdon, I don't know the Logsdon campaign people, I don't know the Logsdon mantra, which I bet isn't mine.

Take a slow breath, look in the mirror. Who's being objective here? Who's smearing whom? Who has their facts correct and who is making up falsehoods?

You've illustrated my points. And, I've read the report. You're wrong on all counts.

Submitted by questionable101 on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 12:45pm.

Obvoiusly you didn't read the paper this morning. The Council meeting has been cancelled since the mayor is going to a debate where he will debate with himself and Rutherford also cannot make the meeting; ergo, no quorum, no council meeting.

Submitted by pattiadams on Wed, 11/16/2005 - 1:27pm.

Come on Joe, let's hear a good response to this one.

Kind of makes you question your Candidate doesn't it? Making you look foolish and all. So, what OTHER unacceptable behavior have you been willing to overlook from his past? Maybe all those charges he made should be questioned by you as well.

Psst! Joe, look behind the curtain! A wizard awaits.

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