The North Was And Is More Violent And Racist Than The South

I never said the South was perfect. However the North was and is, in many ways, more racist than the South past or present. In 1741 New York burned blacks at the stake because they feared a slave rebellion. New York had the highest per capita number of slaves in America second only to Charleston South Carolina. Wall Street in New York City was built with slave labor. Northern states had "Black Laws" that prohibited blacks from moving into the state. This included Abraham Lincoln's state of Illinois. In 1863 New York City had draft riots and hung free blacks from the light poles in the city. The white residents did not want blacks to get their jobs while they were in the Union army. They even burned the black childrens orphanage. Even today the North is far more racist than the South. Jessee Jackson even admitted that blacks murder more blacks in one year than occured in 200 years of lynchings in the South. The Yankees hide it with their hypocrisy and the news media does not publicize it. The media hypes any incident that happens in the South and remains silent on incidents that happen in the North.
Reconstruction (1865-1877) was actually the plunder, looting, and rape of the Southern states by Northern carpetbaggers. They were like warlords with armies of former slaves. The carpetbaggers put the blacks up to mischief and had them burn houses and barns, shoot livestock and in some cases murder white residents and also conservative blacks that refused to participate. Uncle Sam's terrorist organization was officially named "The Union League" or "Loyal League". No you have never heard of it as the Northern socialist marxist historians who write the American history books have swept these facts under the carpet and never printed them. This official U.S. government terrorist organization is what caused the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. (I disdain the modern Klan) The original KKK can be compared to the French resistance that rose up during World War II to resist occupation by the Nazis. It was necessary for white Southern survival during this shameful period of American history.
During reconstruction and in the early 20th century mass numbers of black Southerners moved to the cities. Crime skyrocketed and the Southern states passed Jim Crow laws and segregated them. This was the most non-violent thing that could be done to solve the problem. By the end of WWII it was time for segregation to end but the Yankees caused strife by invading the South again with armed military and forcing integration. Blacks could have achieved respect and civil rights by acting responsibly and accepting their civic responsibilities. Many still do not. Yes, some Southerners did commit violent acts such as church burnings and bombings that were totally unjustified. The yankees provoked it. The yankee has always worked to drive a wedge between white and black Southerners for political gain.
I recommend reading the politically incorrect book "The South Under Siege 1830-2000". Then you will understand what is really happening in the public schools and why. Blacks have been told by Northern liberal socialists that they should be offended by Confederate symbols. Blacks have no understanding of the degree to which they are being used and manipulated and for what purpose. This book is available from or from myself at He who controls the past controls the present and he who controls the present controls the future.
The comments some people on this forum have made show that they do not have a firm and complete understanding of past and current events. The Civil War is not over as many ignorant people believe. It began about 1830 as a culture war. It escalated into a shooting war from 1861-1865. The war then continued as a cultural cold war. The South is under full scale attack today just as much as in 1861-1865. Due to the skillful propaganda of the Northern socialists, many Americans including Southerners do not even have a clue that they are in the middle of a war. They ignorantly think and believe the war ended 140 years ago.

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masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 1:41pm.

about King, considering I posted the same thing yesterday.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 9:25am.

These blogs are out of control. One would seem understandable, but this is ridiculous..

parent's picture
Submitted by parent on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 9:59am.

I want to thank Cal for allowing this blog and allowing the citizens of this county to say how they feel and get it off their chest. This is the best thing for this community since sliced bread!! If we don't stick together on this issue, we will be the one's to pay for it in the future. Thank you, Cal!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 10:30am.

This King character is from Albany, Georgia and is on here hijacking our local issue to promote himself and his business. Let's get rid of him and work this issue out amongst our Fayette family.

parent's picture
Submitted by parent on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 10:39am.

Git Real,
I agree the King character posted some very lengthy history articles, but he has just as much right to free speech as the rest of doesn't mean that we have to agree with everything he says. If our kids were getting this kind of history lesson in our schools, we might not have this problem. When was the last time Georgia History was taught in our school system? When was the last time African History was taught in our school system?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 11:07am.

When was the last time Asian, Russian, Australian, Mexican or for that matter Middle Eastern history taught in our schools?

Submitted by nusport on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 8:35am.

If you had done your research you would find that blacks had more rights than women before, during, and after the Revolution.

Submitted by sissy on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 7:36am.

Speaking as a life-long Yankee, I can attest that this is utterly ridiculous.
I have never experienced any racism up north, but was appalled when I moved here and heard how whites talked about blacks, and also how blacks reverse discriminated against me!

Mr. King, you really need to take a trip up north for a month and see how the real world lives...

Submitted by head_ragg on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 7:46am.

Mr King says, but the LAST thing I would call him is dumb!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 7:31am.

Now your trying to sell books and pimp your business. Don't you have your own issues to deal with in your own backyard?

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 7:30am.

Your logic and arguments are flawed, take this gem:

"Even today the North is far more racist than the South. Jessee Jackson even admitted that blacks murder more blacks in one year than occured in 200 years of lynchings in the South."

How does black on black crime make the North "far more racist"? As to the numbers, since yhe US is about to have 300 million in populations soon, wouldn't more crime be proportional?

"The Yankees hide it with their hypocrisy and the news media does not publicize it." Care to prove that statement? Provide links if you can or references.

Why did so many blacks move North during the Jim Crow period? Hint it wasn't for the weather, maybe to vote and not be second class citizens.

"Blacks could have achieved respect and civil rights by acting responsibly and accepting their civic responsibilities." Man that is one arrogant and ignorant statement. Who the hell gives You the right to decide what rights Americans get?

"The yankees provoked it. The yankee has always worked to drive a wedge between white and black Southerners for political gain." You must be a Democrat because you always blame someone else and do not take personal responsibility. Again, any references or links to back up this tripe?

"He who controls the past controls the present and he who controls the present controls the future." You might want to step into this century for a while and understand how hateful a certain flag is to several groups.

The only war we are engaged in is the war on terrorism, you and those like you want to keep stoking the fires of the past. get oevr it, Oh I forgot you're motto, "Ferget, Hell!

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 5:59pm.

Remember the "Jesus was a Black Man" dude several weeks ago? This King fellow is just as crazed.

Holy moly. You never can predict what might crawl out of the woodwork.


Original Photo: Urinal, The Eagle & Child, Oxford, UK, circa 1952 (Lewis and Tolkien no doubt stood here, elbow-to-elbow and talked philosophy and literature)

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 6:17pm.

Buddy, you have got to get rid of the wall toilet. People are starting to talk. I reassure them to let them know it's ok. It's just Muddle. That usually calms them down as they exclaim "it must be a philosopher thang". Puzzled

Guys like that King make folks like us look pretty good wouldn't you say? Disclaimer folks....Mr. King is not one us. He is actually a member of the Taliban assigned to a cell in Albany, GA. He can be identified easily. He's the one with the wife who's wearing the burka walking quietly behind him.

Submitted by Hardtack on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 11:24am.

The big difference in northern blacks and southern blacks is their location. In the south now there are numerous blacks trying to upgrade to better living conditions and jobs. In the north, like Detroit and DC, they hang together only and make little progress. We resent their trying here and for good reason sometimes---they push too much, too soon.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 6:39pm.

Hardtack, I'm not sure where you are from "up north", but you have had an opposite experience from mine.

I have lived in 2 different countries, and five different states. GA being the furthest south.

Up north black people work hard, and rarely play the "race card" unless it is legit. Up north black people don't waste their time hating whitey. They use their time more wisely, like on education. They are successful because they don't waste their energy crying about the past. They are thriving and thinking about the future.

In the south they are still crying in their beer, and too busy hating whitey to be successful. They have still failed to claim their victory and move on.

My paternal grandparents escaped from nazi Germany. They came to this county with almost nothing, and did not speak english very well. They moved on, and got on with the business of living. Did they become they successful and self supporting....yes.

I heard many painful stories of how they lived, and how they escaped.

I guess I could spend my time now just hating Germans. But where would that get me?? Would it make me feel better to continue the cycle of hate?

Any racism is wrong, very wrong. This current case of reverse racism in our school is just teaching a whole new generation of kids to hate. The sad thing is it appears to have been started and encouraged by the very people our taxes pay for. The people we have wrongly trusted to educate our kids.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 12:25pm.

I am not one to generalize. I served with too many OUTSTANDING people of every race and creed to generalize, including many southerners. Maybe I look at things differently because of the foxholes and hardships shared.

I take people as individuals. I trust them until they prove themselves untrustworthy.

I believe that most people just want to have a good life, a home and a little money in the bank and make things better for their children. Those that don't are fools no matter what their backgrounds.

Submitted by Hardtack on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 1:35pm.

Of course one deals with the individual in front of them at the moment. That is tactical actions. Strategic actions are coping with the overall in order to improve it. As you say "a good life," "a home," and "a little money," are fine, but aren't those "generalities? What is a good life? What is a home? What is a little money? I think we would have about 300 million ideas here in the USA. Of course, if you aren't interested in other people's troubles, just how they comply with your rules today, then so be it. The rest of the world runs on a little different rules than the military, thank goodness. I gave the military my four years and that was enough.

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