Whats going on with the blogs

Cal & all,
What has happened to the blog section today? One person has resurrected the war that ended over 140 years ago with several blogs submitted today, almost as if the war is still going on. His blog along with a "racist in the making" teens blog, followed by what appears to be an area Klansman, and his tyrant of protests coming to Fayette makes us all look like ignorant racist idiots when viewed on the TV news.
I'm as much a history buff as anyone, and enjoy reading and watching all I can about the Civil War, Revolution War and everything else about our country. I'm an American, sure I, like many weren't born in the South, but instead relocated and brought up my family in the beautiful South. My home is in Georgia, and my American education taught me to be tolerant of others and NOT offensive to others. While Hate Mongers and Racists are free by the US Constitution to express themselves, and believe whatever they want to believe, they don't have the right to force their personal ignorance upon anyone else. It's bad enough when they, like their parents did to them, force these ignorant uneducated values on their children, beginning the whole vicious cycle of ignorance all over again, but then again, its their right. I further think the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and any similar organization is, or can be a great thing, as far as memorializing lives lost fighting for causes our forefathers believed in. I go out of my way to visit Civil War battlefields, and always stop and ponder, about all those Americans whom died on those hollowed sites.
Witnessing the young girl on the TV news last week, broadcasting from outside a Fayette County school displayed a sad message for all to see. In arguing to wear something know to be racially offensive to others in school, it shows that another generation of racist idiots is in training, and to this American, it's sad to see it happening right here in Fayette County where I live, I place I've thought was very tolerant and educated.

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Submitted by FlatRock student on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:35am.

actually i know the girl that was on the news very well. and she is not racist.
but things like this turn people racist.
the shirt she wore to school wasnt offensive.
the black students just took it the wrong way.
and yes. it is very sad that parents are taking their kids out of school because of this.

Submitted by auntieemm on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 7:14am.

I agree, it's a sad day. Knowing what's happening at Flat Rock and not having any response from our BOE. That's what's sad.

Submitted by auntieemm on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 7:09am.

This isn't a north/south issue in my opinion. This is a discrimination issue against one group of kids versus another. That is what has parents upset, not Yankee vs. Rebel. The parents I know involved are very intelligent and rational individuals.

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 6:48am.

Black kids wearing malcom x, and other shirts with hate whitey untdertones is offensive.

The real issue here is, that only one race is being punished for being offensive. The issue is blatant reverse racism, by a school principal who only punishes the white kids.

This blatant reverse racism, is why the south can't heal. Black people here(no not all of them)go out of there way to be offensive to whites because they think they are settling a score.

Yes this war has been over for a very long time. How much longer are these people going to play the race card?? When are they gong to move beyond their hate of all white people.

Racism of any kind is of the devil.

When is the Fayette BOE going to hold Jewish history month. That race and religion has been overlooked. Only focusing on one race of people doesn't cut it, and it is racism.

Submitted by FlatRock student on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:39am.

black students wear shirts that are orange and say 'whiteys' instead of wheatys. the cereal.
also they wear 'real men are black shirts'.
when we students say something about it to the administration, they say that they havent noticed it.
and that next time that the black student wears an offensive shirt like that to report it.
do we really have to complain about offensive shirts like malcolm x and FUBU before something is done about it???

Submitted by Hardtack on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 11:15am.

Jewish history month only? How about Ramadan? Dragon Boat Race Day? Sacred Cow day? Aztec Day? Mayan Day? Greek Gods Day? VooDoo Day? And many, many more. Buddha, the Haraah Krishna, and Muhammad, among others are going to be ticked! Atheists just don't care.

Billy Bearden's picture
Submitted by Billy Bearden on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:28am.

Our kids must sit thru Black History Month and be forced to write glowing reports on womanizing woman beating communist MLK or NAACP activist and Highland School for Communists attendee Rosa Parks - who was the 2nd black woman to not give up her seat to a white person (the 1st lady was not NAACP/Commie connected), Native American History Month (which is not a bad thing), Hispanic History Month (yea Poncho Villa, yea Vincinte Fox)

This is amidst the warped social engineering program called DIVERSITY

"Hey Johnny my son, I am sending you to school without the basics or morals my parents taught me. I was taught about God, and saying Grace, and Yes Ma'am and Yessir, and holding doors open for women, and how your Grandpaw fought in the war. No Johnny my son, sorry. You must go to the publiuc school where DIVERSITY is KING. Our God is not the God of many of the cultures in school, so you won't have to say Grace over your meals. Saying Yessir or Yes Ma'am will offend those more enlightened liberals, and especially opening doors for women, so I'm glad we didn't teach you manners. And it is OK that you don't know that your Grandpa fought to defend his Country, because those same people who killed us by the millions are now in charge of our schools and most of the local businesses, so they tell us to mention the war or showing support for our ancestors and country offends them.
But the best news Johnny my son is that with DIVERSITY you will get to learn about the wondrous joy you will get by having sex with men. How great it will be to know that your culture is no better than that of those gangbangers, robbers, thugs, rapists, and drug pushers. You will be taught to be happy to suppress our families culture and openly embrace the Muslims, the Indians, the Blacks, the Homosexuals, and even the Canadians."

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 9:59pm.

...institute all these nutty history months. Sooner than later, when the Mexicans take over the US, hopefully they will let us have "American History Month" in our schools.

Making you think twice......

Submitted by skyspy on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 3:11pm.

If we are only going to study one race, or one heritage that is discrimination. Pure and simple.

Black history month needs to go! Unless we are going to celebrate all people and cultures(which actually I think be very educational)don't study any. Black people aren't the only ones who have had a tough life.

Black people are not anymore special, than any other race.

Giving special treatment to only one race is WRONG.

I hope I did open the gate!

Submitted by Old Goat on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 2:55am.

I'm with you intheknow. Yankee or Rebel we are one. We have more to worry about. Our Soldiers are getting Killed everyday in Iraq. North Korea set off a Nuclear Test yesterday. And what are these hate mongers talking about for Gods Sake...The Civil War.
And you wonder why we have Wars..it is people like the James Kings of this world...

Billy Bearden's picture
Submitted by Billy Bearden on Mon, 10/09/2006 - 10:18pm.

Dear Mrs "InTheKnow"

Being you are from the north, I can understand your ignorance and bigotted bias against the South, her citizens, her symbols, and her

Northerners are so enlightened, aren't they? Looking down their noses at us when they move down here (why did you leave such a wondrous paradise like yankeeland ?) and begin trying to turn our home into whatever it was they just left. Buffalo, Pittsburg, Chicago, New Yuck, Boston... Why not try to assimilate into the community, instead of acting like Star Trek's Borg and Assimilate us into y'all's collective hive mind?

Mrs InTheKnow, I am as far from the Klan as one can be. I have stood against the Klan, protested their activities, and opposed them at their rallies in Gettysburg and Sharpsburg. Pray tell ma'am, have you done anything remotely close besides sit in your multi million dollar PC home and throw rocks and lies?

Apparently you, like the mainstream media, failed to fully read my information in my post not concerning you, and are trying to put words not spoken by me in my mouth and actions not done by me attributed to me. I offered many suggestions for remedies to the situation regarding the trashing of the Constitution, US Law, and Supreme & Appeals Court legal decisions in favor of wearing such shirts.

I would strongly urge that concerned members of the 'History Buff' community be allowed a meeting with principal Mann and the FCBoE, and a mutual agreement be reached with possible administration reassignments and return to following legal precidents and edicts. Going down any other path at this time will only bring further tensions and grief.

I consider your ill-advised post against myself to be finished, having successfully rebutted it.

Submitted by Cranky Princess on Mon, 10/09/2006 - 7:01pm.

After reading all the blogs and comments, I do not find that anyone is resurrecting the War of Northern Agression. Just giving his opinion and a great deal of information. The teenager has a right to her opinion and it is up to her parents to correct, or change her viewpoint. I thought that is what blogs wree for. Express yourself. We certainly don't agree with everyone. Sometimes I don't agree at all with what is written here and other times I am fully in favor of the comments. that's a blog. If you are that distressed, the cure for your distress is to log off. My only other comment is Delta is Ready When You Are.

parent's picture
Submitted by parent on Mon, 10/09/2006 - 3:09pm.

Your far from being "intheknow", how many kids do you have at FRMS? The girl on TV, went to the principle, she went to the assistant principle, she went to the counselors......they all blamed her for the verbal abuse, the pushing and shoving she endured in the halls, they chose to ignore it!!! Those students she was complaining about, were ALL black. Her reports were ignored just as any other white students complaints are ignored until they get fed up and start to fight back. Why do kids have to go to school in such an environment? Why?
This school has a racist administration and until its removed from the school, the school will continue to fall in academics as well as have kids scared to go to school!!! They can't even talk to the administration!! get your facts straight intheknow!!!!

Submitted by FlatRock student on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:43am.

yes i know that girl very well.
she was threatened at school.
and pushed in the halls.
every time something happened she went to the prnciples or a teacher.
nancy blair one of the prnciples called her a liar. and said that everything she said was unreasonable.

and your right about the part of the racist administration also.

Submitted by Gr8t_Brain on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 8:45am.

Read our story titled "FCBOE", same type of situation occurred with us as well. Amen someone knows what they are talking about!

parent's picture
Submitted by parent on Mon, 10/09/2006 - 2:57pm.

It's idiots like you that promote such racism. The Tyrone Teen wasn't being racist, but she, like others have had racism shoved down their throats so much at our school systems that they are becoming racists! Wake up! Look around! If you were "intheknow" you would know how these kids are being treated in Fayette County schools!!

Submitted by head_ragg on Mon, 10/09/2006 - 3:16pm.

I saw the shirt on TV, and went to the website for Dixie Outfitters. There was no reb flag on it, however, it did say Dixie something or other. The girl said the shirts were about her "heritage" and that she wasn't trying to be racist.
I also don't think the Civil War buffs who posted here today were not trying to be offensive either. They were just telling us there is more to the Civil War than what is put in our children's history books.
You are going to have this kind of reaction when you force feed these kids Black history and then act like they have no history of their own. It is almost like you are still trying to punish the desendants of Confederates for the war. I don't think it is the children who are still fighting the war, it is the people who chose to teach in such a manor.

masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Mon, 10/09/2006 - 2:46pm.

by James W. King and his personal rantings that are consuming our reading. Give it up already Mr. King ah Mr. Dragon, sir. I am not interested in your lectures as I am sure others are not also. One descent sized posting would have been ok but not the novels you are publishing to self promote.

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