Flat Rock Middle School in an uproar??

I'd like to hear the whole story. Seems some kids wore Dixie Outfitters clothing to Flat Rock that displayed the Confederate flag. They were given another shirt to wear or the choice of in school suspension for the day. Can someone confirm this? I also heard there was an uproar among parents today and kids were being checked out of school due to some concerns over this. Police were called? Yes? No? Board of Education, you need to involve yourself before this turns into something worse. Is clothing with the confederate flag banned from this school only, all schools in Fayette?

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farrahfawcettfawn's picture
Submitted by farrahfawcettfawn on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 2:05pm.

This story is going to be televised at 5:00 today on Channel 2 Action News.

Submitted by wfore on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 2:12pm.

Nice...now we will get the whole story instead of bits and pieces.
Thanks for the info

Peachica's picture
Submitted by Peachica on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 11:20am.

I think mandatory uniforms for all schools would be a great answer!

Everyone dressed similar but still having options (pants, skirts or shorts and a couple choices in color, would be great. School should be about learning, not a fashion show.

I refuse to buy my child the $50 jeans at the mall. For what her friends spent on one pair of jeans for school, she got 3 entire outfits including accessories.

People's objection to uniforms, that I know of, is what about their individuality? Well, they can show that thru accessories, hairstyles and shoes.

How do we get something like this passed or seriously looked at?!

I'm a spiritual being having earthly experiences

fulton4's picture
Submitted by fulton4 on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 12:01pm.

Are you listening FCBOE? Prior to living in Fayette County, my children went to a public school where there was a "dress code". Navy blue, white and khaki. As long as those colors were worn, along with no slogans on shirts, the students were in compliance with the dress code. I am totally for dress codes.

Submitted by justwondering on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 3:54pm.

The Savannah school system started school uniforms this year. Each school got to choose their colors.One school has navy or khaki pants or skirts, and red, navy or white polo shirts. Everyone is very happy with the uniforms.

Submitted by Gcat on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 8:58am.

In Fayette Co. we have three 'gangs'.

The Hicks ---- who are known for wearing the Dixie clothing mentioned and plaid shirts

The Goths --- who wear mostly black, wierd hair, piercings, etc.

The Thugs or Gangstas --- who generally wear the baggy pants, Malcom X, etc.

This is a bigger deal than most of our community would like to admit. When I taught in this system, I saw fights and bullying by the various groups. The biggest war was by far between the Goths and Hicks. In fact I had a student, Goth, who had written on her notebook -- "all hicks must die". I turned her in to the vice principal. She was suspended for a short time.
If you as a parent think the clothing is no big deal, then you are not living in reality.
We have always had groups who could be identified by clothing. The problem today is that these groups are more likely to be violent.

fulton4's picture
Submitted by fulton4 on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 9:29am.

As the parent of a high school student, she is not allowed to wear anything that has a questionable slogan written on it.

Does "American Eagle" or "Abercrombie" constitutue as a gang slogan nowadays?

I believe parents need to pay special attention to the clothing our children are wearing, especially our high school students. Because I've seen some scary outfits at FCHS.

Submitted by sickandtired on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 7:06am.

YES!! What you heard is all true. These shirts are not allowed in the school any longer, but my question is - What about the FUBU and Malcolm X shirts? The admin didn't say anything about this type of clothing being banned. I, as a parent of a FRMS child am really disappointed in the school system for letting a Georgia School of Excellence go right down the tube. Until concerned parents stand up and speak freely it's not going to change.

Submitted by dixie-mom on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 3:30pm.

I couldn't agree more. I have 2 children that attend FRMS and they have proudly worn their Dixie shirts for more than 4 years. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the shirts, that is until some narrow minded adult makes a big deal about it and isn't content until the whole county is in a great big uproar. I say grow up, I have absolutely no problem with any other race or group wearing shirts as long as they don't have nudity, alcohol, drugs or violence on them. Let our kids go to school and learn what they need to and stop making a mountain out of a molehill. My children have both mine and my husband's permission to continue to wear their clothes, be it Dixie or a plain shirt. I will not go out and buy a whole new wardrobe just to make some other adults happy.

Submitted by auntieemm on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 11:06pm.

According to the letter from Flat Rock the kids can't wear ANYTHING with a Confederate flag on it. They will probably suspend your kids if you let them wear the Dixie clothes to school.

Submitted by auntieemm on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 9:23am.

I've heard this principal is ALWAYS right and will not discuss any difference of opinion because he is ALWAYS right. The best adminstrators my kids ever had were friendly to kids and parents, willing to sit down and have discussions and give you time as if you matter. We don't want father figures, just someone who can identify with kids and their parents. About anyone you talk to will agree this school has gone done the tubes.

Submitted by justwondering on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:05pm.

A fifth grade boy, who was not too fluent in English, was stopped in the hall by 2 teachers who berated him in front of the other students for the T shirt he was wearing. The teachers thought the shirt was advertizing margaritas, when,in fact, it was adverizing a restaurant. Later another teacher asked the student about the shirt. He told her, "I have only 2 shirts, and the other one is being washed." This teacher asked if the boy might have some unclaimed shirts from the school's Lost and Found, but the answer was, 'No".

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:08pm.

And you know this because?????

Submitted by justwondering on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 7:40am.

because I was there.

Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 8:13am.

I just looked at Dixie Outfitters logo and I don't think it offensive. It has parts of the confederate flag on it. I think people are getting their panties in a wadd for nothing. The double standard is sick. They can ware the FUBU and Malcolm X shirts and our kids can't wear something that has part of the confederate flag on it? The attitude in this state is sick over the flag. Mississippi voted to keep the confedrate logo on their flagg and it is half Black there. When they asked the Blacks why they voted to keep it, their response was, "it is just as much part of my heritage as any white living here" People here look for any excuse to get upset. I also hope that when they redraw the lines for the schools, they will do something about the fact that they are dragging them past Fayette High all the way over here. It just isn't fair. Not to mention the Fulton county ones.

Submitted by star2be499 on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:15pm.

I don't believe that.. First of all FUBU(for us by us) is worn all over the world not only by blacks. and Malcolm X did silent protesting. I have never liked the dixie outfitters shirts. THey are offensive to me and many others

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 8:01pm.

So ....if the priciple is black then this really is a case of reverse discrimination!

Every parent of every white student has a good case. They approve of Malcom X a race baiting kill whitey hate monger, but don't allow one small confederate flag???? This is clearly reverse racism!!

Submitted by Kathleen on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 8:18pm.

Either don't allow any t-shirts with logos/pictures identified with racial superiority of any race or allow all of them. Personally I wouldn't care what somebody was wearing. I would just worry about getting my education so I could be successful when I grew up. Why do black and white students care so much what people of different races are wearing? Just get a good education for goodness sake! If students are threatening other students or disrupting class get rid of them. Put them in an alternative school or something if they will not behave.

Submitted by skyspy on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 8:29pm.

Expel them and make their parents pay to send them to boot camp!

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Sun, 10/08/2006 - 7:49am.

Put the PARENTS in boot camp along with their misbehaving offspring:)
Let the whole family get a re-education on respect and civility.


Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:54pm.

Malcom X was really silent alright, and the Nation on Islam is a shy and retiring group. Old school football got it right. Those shirts were never a problem till you showed up from Fulton and Clayton and started telling us what we could wear. I went to Dixie outfitters website and found ...NOTHING WRONG WITH THE SHIRTS...!!!! If you have problems with them...YOU HAVE ISSUES ...that can't be fixed unless the rest of the world makes it's self over for you and I don't think that is going to happen.
I find those regaee hairdoos real offensive, but I don't run around demanding everyone cut off their dread locks. If you want to sit there with that mess iching you cause you can't wash if for weeks, it is ok with me.
Those pants falling off your butts is disgusting to me, but again, if you wanna look like a fool, it is ok with me.
Those shirts have nothing wrong with them. You are just looking for something to complain about, and push other people around. That is why in a year or too, there won't be anyone at that school, but more people like you. Then who will you push around?

Submitted by star2be499 on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 8:20pm.

for your information, i didn't come form clayton county or fulton.. your racist and that's the the fact it offends others just like rap offends you. OKAY?

Submitted by auntieemm on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:31pm.

We don't have any of their clothing but I looked at their website and didn't see anything but scenes depicting outdoors and southern heritage.

Submitted by ScardeeKat on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 3:59pm.

It's more than Dixie Outfitters, it's about equality in all things. Unfortunately, one child has been wearing a T-shirt others found offensive and the Dixie Outfitters was a retaliation and a challenge to the administration. The confederate flag shirts made their statement but there was still no mention of the "Real Men Are Black" shirt being worn since school started. It is an unfortunate situation, however, the tensions escalated and threats were being made to anyone who wore the Dixie shirts. Really, the confederate flag issue is old news, parents get a grip and look at the big picture. Safety is the real concern here. Our children should be able to go to school and learn in a safe environment, what's being done about all the threats? Guns were mentioned, riots were mentioned, lots of things, all because of the Dixie shirts. Parents were told those were only rumors but most of our children were scared and should not have to endure such circumstances. The Board of Education needs to step in or there will be more problems. How do you rebound from all of this? Tensions are extremely high and relationships strained. We need to focus on the safety issue and our children's education. They are the true losers here. What's the next step? I'd like more from the Board of Education or FRMS Administration than a letter telling me Dixie shirts are banned - that really doesn't quite tackle problem and it can't be ignored.

Submitted by RT Tugger on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 10:59pm.

The letter sent home from the FRMS administration was a joke. We were told that “an incident occurred…..which caused a disruption of the learning environment.” What the heck is that supposed to mean? Outside of the fact that it involved the T shirts, no specifics were given. It just reiterated the school dress code. A “disruption of the learning environment” can mean anything from talking in class to a full-blown hostile confrontation. I resent that the letter was intentionally vague. My child, too, had heard talk of a threat, a gun, a SWAT team, etc. When I called the BoE to find out what happened, the official started using the same language that was in the letter. I was given few details. By now I’ve heard dribs and drabs from this blog and other parents. The FRMS administration did a poor job in communicating what happened. That being said, it’s too bad that teachers and administrators have to spend valuable time dealing with this kind of stuff. Can you imagine all the meetings behind closed doors that will take place over this incident? All the time and energy that will be expended? All the attention that will be diverted from education? Maybe it really is time to consider uniforms.

Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 5:16pm.

"It's more than Dixie Outfitters, it's about equality in all things. Unfortunately, one child has been wearing a T-shirt others found offensive and the Dixie Outfitters was a retaliation and a challenge to the administration. The confederate flag shirts made their statement but there was still no mention of the "Real Men Are Black" shirt" If that is the case, I don't blame the kids, I blame the school for being one sided. So the white kids could complain till they turned blue over a shirt tha said 'Real Men are Black" shirt but anything that says "Dixie" is taboo. I am so disgusted with this school system! They are teaching the white kids to be door matts over something that happeded 200 years ago. This is really disgusting.

Submitted by auntieemm on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:29pm.

This situation is going to escalate tensions in the school due to the censorship of selected shirts. What about the "Real Men are Black" shirt? I want it out also! School board step in and do it. If you're going to do this at least be fair about it. I'll bet parents all over are holding their breath to see if they are going to be redistricted into this mess!!

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:05pm.

... but I don't remember this ever being a problem here before. Looks like Clayton County is here in Fayetteville. Maybe a few more cart paths and the TDK extension will make it better. Oh, some of you will be going to FRMS and SCHS that were not going to....they are redistricting at this very moment. Enjoy!

Submitted by Don Rehwaldt on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 4:19pm.

Interesting! It seems that the principle is the final word. If he/she deems the clothing inappropriate, its inappropriate. The ultimate power! Will this same principle remove persons with "Malcom X", "Black Power" "We've taken Clayton County, Fayette's next"? Time will tell.

Submitted by auntieemm on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 5:20pm.

A kid wore an anti-war t-shirt to school in California and the administration made him remove it, but didn't make the kids who were wearing the pro-war shirts (Go USA! type)remove theirs. He sued. He won.

Submitted by head_ragg on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 5:28pm.

that is what the parents of the white girls should do! If the school board is such a bunch of wimps that they want to teach our kids to take reverse discrimation sitting down, that is what they deserve!

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