Sorry Cal & Company

Git Real's picture

I guess the news story on the Kooky Khomeini and his website was a bit overboard. I hesitated before posting and then thought if it was good enough for Drudge it was good enough here. I’ll keep that boundary in sight. Thanks Guys!

P.S. You gotta admit that was weird. Kind of like the Islamic Fascist version of Dr. Phil.

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Submitted by Kathleen on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 7:58pm.

Did your post get taken off? Well, I thought it was interesting. Gross, but interesting. Smiling

I have heard that in Saudi Arabia goats have more value than women. Like I was told by one lady when she was in Saudi Arabia as a visitor (she is from US) her female Arab friend would ride in the back of a pick-up truck while her husband put the goat up front with him because they had more value to them than their wives. I think this lady was over there in the 80's. Does anyone know if that is still true today? Is that a common practice?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 8:30pm.

It got taken off. Yes it was gross but I thought it was a valuable insight as to how those crazies think. They've got every issue figured out. From picking your nose to beating you wife. Allah is great indeed....if you're the master.

Do you recall about two or three years ago when a girls school in Saudi Arabia caught fire and and the girls were fleeing the flames the firemen and other would be rescuers forced them back into the burning building and barricaded the doors and windows because their heads were not covered. There was a large number of these young girls who perished in a hell like death because their lives were worthless next to their interpretation of Allah's will. you ever hear mention of their god's love for them? Or are they just slaves to a cruel idol?

Submitted by Kathleen on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 9:33pm.

I just don't understand, nor do I want to understand, why any peoples in this world would want to or put up with living in a society like that. Human life seems to have absolutely no value to them whatsoever. They toture, kill, rape, bomb, and everything else all in the name of "Allah", and I am talking about what they do to their own people in their own countries. If they don't like American or Western culture ways they don't have to live like we do, but don't blame us for all their problems and want to kill us because we do not practice the same religion. From what I have studied about the Middle East and Muslims it seems pretty clear that some Muslims believe that all people should be Muslims. Some really truly believe that Christians and Jews and Buddists and people of other religions should be extinguished from the world.

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