Conveniently foggy memory

Back in the late 70's, there was a skit on Saturday Night Live in which Steve Martin stated, "I am going to tell you how to make a million dollars and Never pay taxes. You say, 'Steve, are you saying that I can make a million dollars and never pay taxes?' Yes, that's right, You can make a million dollars and Never pay taxes. Here's how: First, ... make a million dollars. Next, when the IRS comes to you and asks about the taxes, you just say, 'I . . . forgot.'" Of course, the audience laughed at the overly-simplistic proposition. The non-existent possibility that the IRS would accept that lame excuse and not pursue the taxes, penalties and interest was was not lost on them.

It's funny until you consider that the "I forgot" excuse is the very tactic being employed by Casey Cagle, Mitch Seabaugh and Sonny Purdue. Ostensibly, the three politicians participated in creating a retroactive tax break of $100,000 on a real estate sale which then-Governor Purdue executed in 2004. Their excuse amounts to: "it was late . . . the 2005 legislative session was running long . . . we were tired. Who can remember that far back?"

Can you just imagine a "public servant" (as Seabaugh called himself) being hoodwinked by a friend into ripping off the tax payers to the tune of $100,000 by waiting until the dead of night? Would that person still be a friend? Or is it more reasonable to believe that the public servant was neither hoodwinked nor is he really that forgetful? While other tax payers' homes are tax-liened and wages garnished for far less in past due taxes, somehow nobody noticed that Sonny was getting a $100,000 (plus interest and penalties, one assumes) gift. And these folks just can't seem to recall anything about the surrounding circumstances. They simply . . . forgot.

Read about it in the AJC article, "3 Minutes, One Tax Bill, $100,000 for Perdue" published 10/1/06.

And think it over -- before November 7th.

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ptctaxpayer's picture
Submitted by ptctaxpayer on Sun, 10/01/2006 - 11:54am.

Sonny Perdue and all of our politicians know that we voters are asleep at the switch. He knows (like Seabaugh and Westmoreland) that all they have to do is thump the Bible and they will be re-elected. The fact that Sonny was fined $2,000 for a blatant ethical violation has been amazingly forgotten. Doesn't matter...Everyone does it. So he and Mitch cheated on taxes--- we as voters don't care. When we don't hold our public officials accountable they will do this over and over again. Let's be nonpartisan. We had a Democrat President who had sex in the oval office with a young girl; lied on international television; committed perjury; was dibarred by Arkansas and the US Supreme Court and we still re-elected him. That's why the Perdue/Seabaugh/ Westmoreland cartel can do whatever they want. They know that we are too stupid to hold them accountable to their Bible-thumping direct mail pieces.

Submitted by swmbo on Sun, 10/01/2006 - 2:49pm.

Clinton agreed to suspension of his Arkansas law license and payment of a fine. It was a negotiated settlement. Purdue didn't settle; he fought the ethical violation till the bitter end.

Christians who have read all of the bible (as opposed to lazy, easily-mislead Christians), hold their elected officials to all of the mandates for believers. Kinda makes you wonder what some churches teach, huh?

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Sun, 10/01/2006 - 12:26pm.

Famous Fish Company, formerly in PTC, was shut down by Bart Graham and the State of Georgia for $32,000 in taxes. Padlocked; yellow crime scene tape; "Good night Irene".

"It's Great to be The King"---- Sonny Perdue even looks like Mel Brooks.

Submitted by swmbo on Sun, 10/01/2006 - 2:50pm.

Don't insult Mel Brooks like that. Eye-wink

If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

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