Stay away

Hello PTC Development Corp...I mean Pathway. Stay out of Coweta County. You are refusing to move on the TDK expansion because it will bring more traffic from the "Cowetians" into your lovely, city, but you want to INFECT Coweta Co. with overgrowth in development and population? What's wrong, did you run out of land to destroy on your side of the county line?? People of Coweta Co. do not want your development company to come and destroy what we are so proud of, and if we did we would want to use a development company that my opinion...honest. Citizens, wake up and smell what's brewing...over-develpment, greed, power, and the all-mighty dollar lining the pockets of the "good-old boys" next door.

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mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 6:58pm.

Wha!!! truth inkin' - meaning a cry baby redneck writer
Or perhaps What ruth/thinkin - meaning what is ruth thinking
Or maybe What/Tru Thinkin' - still redneck, but implying true thinking, which is a real reach - given your post.

Wow, after all that, I forgot what my point was going to be.


Submitted by whatruthinkin on Sat, 09/30/2006 - 9:48am.

Let me spell it out for you. What r(are) u(you) thinkin(thinking). I would have gone with someting easier(like mudcat)but the easy to read names for the simple minded were already taken.

Fins's picture
Submitted by Fins on Sat, 09/30/2006 - 3:15pm.


masked08's picture
Submitted by masked08 on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 1:50pm.

I drive 13 miles from Senoia to PTC for work. It takes me 25+ minutes. It will probably take me at least 45 minutes when this is done. More lanes on 74 will help. We need them already. The re-aligning of Rockway should have happened years ago. SOME of PTC residents don't want Coweta spilling into Fayette. I moved from Fayette to just South of the border because of the congestion. Now it's moving south too.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 9:02pm.

Believe me when I say I feel your pain.

John Munford's picture
Submitted by John Munford on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 1:42pm.

Blame the Coweta County politicians who have dramatically changed the county's land use plan.

If they hadn't changed it, 1.6 acre lot minimums would still rule the roost. And you thought the I-85 commute was bad now!

Submitted by lowrider on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 9:18pm.

Why do you expect Coweta County politicians to be any different than Peachtree City’s? The average home lot in PTC is not 1.6 acres, why should we complain about Coweta changing it? Hasn't our own land use plan changed a bit over the years? We build big boxes along the West Corridor and raise the roof when Coweta County talks about commercial and retail development near the same area. When it comes to the TDK extension, I look at it this way. When everyone wants to abandon Peachtree City, we will need the TDK extension for a quick mass exodus. Peachtree City needs to quit pointing its ugly finger at the rest of the world and realize that some of our citizens and City Administrators are responsible for our own blight. If the City Administrators spent more time discussing city business over a cup of coffee rather than a pitcher of beer (everyone knows where), some of our problems might be resolved. Unfortunately, our city is starting to decline and our new look is weathered, worn and neglected. Look at the commercial truck traffic (expected to significantly increase), the illustrious new train depot, the litter, unkept medians, high grass in the right-of-ways, the condition of our roadways and cart paths, the drunk drivers leaving the amphitheater, the unsightly landscaping around the Kedron Aquatics Center and finally, a City Manager who wants Peachtree City to pattern itself and its policies after the great Fulton County. Peachtree City has a serious management problem and it starts with the Mayor and City Manager's Offices. Its time for the Mayor and City Manager to listen to the good citizens of Peachtree City. We don't mind you scratching the back of your drunken friends and special interest groups; just don't do it at our expense.

Submitted by lowrider on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 9:33pm.

Don't do it at the citizen's expense and give yourself a pay raise afterward.

Submitted by IMNSHO on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 1:04pm.

Pathway has been in Coweta for many years. Ever heard of Summergrove? You know, the huge development in the Shenandoah area?

Yep, that was built by Pathway.

Submitted by lowrider on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 9:25pm.

Summer Grove is actually quite beautiful. The entire area has a great deal of potential and the County appears to be planning ahead by building new roads and parkways to handle traffic. Our little dream has turned into a landlocked nightmare, with no way out.

Voice of Fayette Future's picture
Submitted by Voice of Fayett... on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 1:12pm.

I thought Coweta folks wanted this TDK extension. Are you telling us that they don't ? That's we in Fayette have thought is that you Cowetians want this....

Submitted by blabbermouth on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 2:02pm.

Some people want the mess that's headed this way, but the majority don't want it.

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