Citizen - Double Standard on Libel?

(this is an expansion of a post I made on the PTC Growth Opposition blog)

Just an observation here regarding lawaboveall's statement that we're "letting those who are only interested in lining their own pockets and granting favors to friends rule (our) government." This is yet another unchallenged allegation that a mayor, councilman, county commissioner, representative or senator is illegally accepting money in order to approve development.

More obvious examples include Dondol’s post (09/22/2006 - 1:13pm.) - “I tried to tell everyone before the election that ol Harold was on the TAKE!” and skyspy’s post (09/19/2006 - 6:50pm.) “To the free speech blogger who wrote "the PTC council is either ignorant or on the take" The truth is the PTC council is both ignorant and on the take!”

After the editor’s vigorous retaliation against someone making unconfirmed comments about Bruce Jordan, where is the proof on these alleged payoffs? If our elected officials are illegally using their positions for financial gain, I want to know about it. If it is the pretty tightly controlled campain donations, that should be noted, but it isn't personal gain, and the donations to failed candidates should also be noted (I believe Mayor Brown had large donations from developers - still NOT illegal, but also never mentioned).

If all this mudslinging is nothing more than unproven speculation, it reeks of libel and should be controlled just as stringently as allegations about Jordan.

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Submitted by johenry on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:37am.

Pandora did an excellent job of providing Direct PAC's platform on how they intend to dodge the TDK landowners funding local election campaigns and the lies fed to the public about traffic relief: Attack First Amendment rights.

The PAC has no shame.

Submitted by pandora on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 6:13am.

When you are incapable of intelligent debate, you have to call those who disagree with you developers or members of Direct PAC. When a politician makes a decision you disagree with, they must be "on the take" or "lining their pockets."

Your freedom of speech has limits - ever tried yelling "fire" in a crowded theater? Making libelous statements and accusing people of crimes without any proof falls into that category at some point. I posed the original question hoping for a response from Cal on how it differs from the quick shut down of the Bruce Jordan comments.

Spear Road Guy's picture
Submitted by Spear Road Guy on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 10:18am.

Put Pandora back in her box for crying out loud! You can't sugar coat a couple of elected officials raking in campaign cash from TDK developers at the same time they're "selling" the developers' project. And their selling consisted largely of a massive misinformation campaign on building the road.

Is that taking cash to promote the developers' project? They did take the cash. They did push the developers' road in an underhanded way. They did benefit from the contributions by aiding in election victories.

Do you seriously think that Senator Seabaugh would be working for that Coweta homebuilder if he wasn't a senator? Get real and stop trying to silence your opposition with libel threats.

Vote Republican (except Westmoreland)

Submitted by pandora on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 6:09pm.

As stated before, my original post was to ask how the Bruce Jordan issue differed from posts accusing public officials of illegal activity. My two quotes related to the PTC Mayor and Council - not Seabaugh or Westmoreland -- and the posters weren't talking about campaign contributions. And I have threatened nothing - I have not been libeled (and I don't think the satirical piece that stirred up Rep. Westmoreland's office was libel, either). It's important to know who contributed to campaigns. My question, again, is, what is the difference in posters making unsubstantiated allegations of illegal activity against Bruce Jordan, which got edited, and posters making unsubstantiated allegations of illegal activity against elected officals, which have not.

Submitted by PTCGA1 on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 10:29pm.

I just read profiteer Pandora's recent false assertion that bloggers who mention local politicans "lining their own pockets and granting favors to friends" are committing libel. Pandora slyly inserts the word "illegally" into the blogger lawaboveall's comment. Who said it was being done illegally?

Profiteer Pandora: to say (as lawaboveall said) that our local politicians are "lining their own pockets and granting favors to friends" does not necessarily mean these politicos are breaking the law. Many in government have used their office LEGALLY to become wealthy, and that could very well be the case now. If nothing else, very powerful people are getting large sums of campaign money from developers. Is it law breaking? Well, no. Is something rotten in Denmark when a huge number of developers, builders, realtors, and land owners give huge amounts of money to some key polticians that then direct PUBLIC money to build infrastructure that will benefit the donors?

The problem is this: the people in PTC are just now awakening to this horrific situation. The one meeting devoted to the TDK highway was not well attended, but EVERY PTC citizen I have met and discussed this with is VERY MUCH AGAINST the TDK highway, but no one I talked to even knew about the was announced in one council meeting and held the very next week. Don't assume this means that outrage against TDK and the general development mania will blow over.

I lived in another town and we had a similar issue come up. EVERY single council member (and a mayor) that supported a controversial development was voted out of office the next election cycle. It was actually easy for their opponents, who really needed no other platform other than "your current council member supported the XYZ development."

Submitted by pandora on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 5:56am.

Excuse me? State ethics law is included below. Thre are other laws limiting the dollar amount of campaign contributions. It looks to me like elected officials being "on the take," "lining their pockets," or "granting favors" would be breaking the law, therefore committing illegal acts.

And as I have stated before, I am not a developer, realtor, or property owner (other than my house). Funny how everyone who disagrees with you is a developer profiteer. For the record, you've talked to me. I am a PTC citizen. I don't love the idea of TDK, but I think traffic will be even worse in the future without it. Until they come up with ways to legally stop development, we pretty much need to plan for its impact on our city.

OCGA 45-10-3.
Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, each member of all boards, commissions, and authorities created by general statute shall:
(1) Uphold the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States, the State of Georgia, and all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion;
(2) Never discriminate by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether or not for remuneration;
(3) Not engage in any business with the government, either directly or indirectly, which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of his governmental duties;
(4) Never use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit;
(5) Expose corruption wherever discovered;
(6) Never solicit, accept, or agree to accept gifts, loans, gratuities, discounts, favors, hospitality, or services from any person, association, or corporation under circumstances from which it could reasonably be inferred that a major purpose of the donor is to influence the performance of the member´s official duties;
(7) Never accept any economic opportunity under circumstances where he knows or should know that there is a substantial possibility that the opportunity is being afforded him with intent to influence his conduct in the performance of his official duties;
(8) Never engage in other conduct which is unbecoming to a member or which constitutes a breach of public trust; and
(9) Never take any official action with regard to any matter under circumstances in which he knows or should know that he has a direct or indirect monetary interest in the subject matter of such matter or in the outcome of such official action.

Submitted by SadFayette on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 6:41am.


The Defenders of Mitch Seabaugh and Lynn Westmoreland (“Bonnie and Clyde”) continue to protest— “But they did not do anything illegal ! “ Huh ? Mitch and Lynn spewed their babble about less government, local control and no government interference with business. And they did just the opposite.

Mitch and Lynn did the most deceitful thing in politics that few voters and contributors know about---- get your money and give it to someone else without your permission and without notifying you. Is it legal ?— technically yes....Oh, I see, Mitch so what other politicians did you give to ?

So let’s look at the Mitchie and Lynn Code of Conduct— “We can do anything, just so long as it is technically legal” :


ADULTERY: It’s legal; its ok


LIE ABOUT REASONS FOR TDK: It’s legal; its ok


TAKE THE LORD’S NAME IN VAIN: It’s legal; its ok

Hey, wait...Those were some of the Ten Commandments. Now I must apologize. That’s not fair. Lynn and Mitch only know the Three Commandments.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 7:31am.

We can certainly slam Mitch Wastemoreland and Lyn Seabaugh for a lot of things but the adultry thing? Your causing the legitimate criticisms of these guys to be downgraded with goofy and unproven accusations. Unless you've got some good pics to share let's stick with the unethical and biased misuse of the positions we've entrusted them with.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 7:10am.

You think Seabaugh and Westmoreland REALLY believe adultery is "OK"? In Sad-World, I guess so.

Drinking on a Sunday? WHO CARES? This isn't Sad-World. Fortunately, adults have the right to make that decision without very tired Bible Belt blue laws(at least in some places). Young girls? Is that some kind of implication they were under 18? Did you happen to attend this alleged occasion? Did you see Seabaugh or Westmoreland boozing it up? Were their wives there/not there? Did you check these "young girls" for ID? Are you AGAIN making things up with no evidence whatsoever? I know you like to.

Who "misrepresented" their business connections? Seabaugh working for a homebuilder who isn't involved in anything in Coweta, much less Fayette? What had Seabaugh "represented" to begin with? Or is it Westmoreland who you are steaming mad over because he takes money for the liquor industry? Is that's your big criteria for not voting for someone, better go check GA's campaign disclosure reports on every elected official. You might be suprised that a lot of "religious conservatives" and even those in the Christian Coaltion will accept money from liquor distributors, companies involved in gambling, developers, businesses that open on Sunday, and other spawn of Satan.

So, in Sad-World, who are the best candidates? Pat Robertson? Nahh,,, too liberal! Rev. Fred Phelps maybe?


Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:34am.

Now just wait a minute here! If'n I say I am a Christian ever so ofen, and I go to funerls and lead the pryr sumtime, then I have a right to runon my ligion. Don't even brang up gals, yung or old, they are here fer us, but I'll ask giveness anyhow. liquer wuldn't be so high ifn the catholics didn't frink it all up, in and out of church. So whuts rong wif thet? Hits alrightto do whut ye want as often as ye want, we not all Teresas, as long as we convert purty often. It is necesary to talk postive wif other "christians" about tha Bible, wheneverit is necesary, thuts stood! Hit is jes aful though to go arund sayin ye don't wunt to mix yr privayes ligion wif nasty politics--theys born to be nasty. I don't know eny poor televgeist peoples, lot of richuns, and hit makes me think thuts the way to go. Hosumever, votes don't cum yr way ifn you dont spout ligion.

Robert W. Morgan's picture
Submitted by Robert W. Morgan on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 5:28am.

Profiting legally while in political office is certainly possible, but there is not much real profit in it - campaign contributions can be diverted to another candidate or sometimes a family member. Some use the office to peddle influence and get important clients (Scott Burrell has been accused of this) others actually need the salary and one got elected to his first real full-time job (know who I mean?).

Others profit legally or illegally by rezoning land that increases the value of that land or the nearby land owned by themselves or their friends. This is what your hear most from Bob Lenox detractors and may see in Sharpsburg if United Realty gets some business from Pathways or someone else.

The truly illegal profiteering comes from under the table cash payments to get certain things done (Bill Campbell) but even though this has been alleged locally many times there has never been any evidence of this actually happening and with all the rezoning going on and with some real rank amatuers elected to office, you would think some of this would come to the surface if it existed.

Voting everyone out next election has happened twice in recent memory - Brown, Rapson, Weed and about 15 years ago the Fayetteville City Council after the Virani annexation. There may be more wholesale voting the bums out, but I don't recall it. In fact the Virani annexation was one where the applicant (currently on his way to federal prision) was certainly the type who would offer a bribe, but that was in fact investigated quite strenously with no results.

So speculate all you want or better yet get Chief Murray to set up a bribe-related sting operation. He's good at that sort of thing. Let's see where that leads us. Personally, I doubt anyone is really on the take, but let's find out. I think the TDK circus is the most likely place illegal profiteering could take place.

KraftyFla's picture
Submitted by KraftyFla on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:24am.

Robert W. Morgan knows his history ! Very impressive.

Few people remember the Virani failed Fayetteville deal. It is very interesting that there are developers common to both the failed Virani Annexation and the TDK deal. One is Dan Stinchcomb, a developer involved in both.

Here's the Trivia Question: What happened with the Fayetteville City Council elections after the Virani scandal and who was voted out?

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