It’s torture for us with Westmoreland in there

Tue, 09/26/2006 - 4:12pm
By: Letters to the ...

First, let me say that as a retired fighter pilot who flew combat missions over Iraq, I would be among the first to volunteer to drop bombs and shoot missiles at any group that threatens our country.

However, torture of prisoners is not part of who we are and what we do. We have always been the good guys, not the thugs. Our nation, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights define our great values and help to establish our credentials in this world.

Congressman Westmoreland has specifically told his financial supporters that he voted for torture, and total acceptance of what the current administration wanted. He also wanted to change the Geneva Convention, which protects our military soldiers from torture and abuse.

This congressman should be called Mr. Westmoron for these acts and for his moronic performance on “The Colbert Report” in July. Our congressional district has changed from the 8th to the 3rd, but he is still the incumbent.

Fortunately, there is hope. There is a Sam Nunn-style conservative Democrat that will challenge him in November, and Mike McGraw is the name. If we cherish our moral values and standing in the world, we must do our civic duty. Remove the incompetents who have hurt our nation, and replace them with quality people.

Had enough.

Rick Williams, Lt. Col. (ret)
Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 12:46pm.

I do not think the Current Administration has ever wanted to change the Geneva Convention. That covers our enlisted men in Uniform, along with other enlisted men in Uniform that are fighting against us.

The Geneva Convention covers "Standing Armies", for lack of a better term. It doesn't cover terrorists fighting for no one but themselves, or their cause. IF I'm wrong, please show me where.

In closing, I would like to say I appeciate your service to this Country.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 12:34pm.

Lynn may not be the sharpest knife in the draw, but I have spoken with him and he seems to be a good man. I myself would not get into the sometimes slimy world of politics, which is probably a reason Colin Powell never sought elected office.

That said, do you really want your anger at Westmoreland to result in Nancy Pelosi as third in line to the Presidency? What about Charlie Rangel, possible Chair of the house ways and means committee cutting off funding for our troops in Iraq as a way to punish the president. Vote out Lynn if you want Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) to begin Impeachment hearings? Better get ready to give back your tax cuts.

Vote your conscience, but that will put the Democrats 1 step closer to taking over the House. If I thought they would protect this country rather than seek revenge, obstruct and delay till 08, I would not comment. There is too much at stake in this election.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 7:25am.

Herr Major, it would appear your earnest Republican efforts to stir up fear and doubt in the electorate just aren't working: not enough people know, and more importantly CARE, about Nancy Pelosi.

Republican Attacks on Pelosi Still Not Sticking

Looks like you'll have to fall back on more familiar bogeyman to scare folks. Too bad ole Teddy Kennedy doesn't have the same fear factor he used to have.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 11:02am.

You are so unbiased you linked a Democratic proganda site as your source.

Stirring fear and doubt is the Democratic plan, since they don't have one for Iraq, Social Security, Immigration or any other issue.

It's time for the last minute, grandma will be thrown down the stairs or lose her social security, minorities will be dragged behind cars, they'll reistate the draft lies to start flying.

The fact that enough people don't know or care about who would be the Speaker of the House, should the Democrats win is truly scary. Maybe if the media did their job fairly more people would know.

Ted Kennedy is still as scary as KKK Byrd, nasty Harry Reid, Chucky Shumer, Shrillery, etc.

Nice DNC chair, Howard the scream Dean is the best thing that has happened to Republicans in a while. The only glimmer of hope is that as disappointed as I am in the Republicans spending and failure to secure the border is the Democrats just keep shooting themselves in the foot.

Like James Carville said if Dems don't gain control of the House this election, it's time to quit. I just hope Charlie Rangal keeps his word and resigns when they lose. Probably not since he voted against his own draft bill. Democrats have a very poor record of keeping their promises.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 8:06am.

Of course that website is going to tell "you" exactly what "you" desire to hear. I can find sites that will tell "me" exactly what "me" wants to hear. Smiling

Submitted by swmbo on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 8:45pm.


My politics are conservative but Westmoreland is among the short list of Republicans for which I simply cannot vote. The men and women in the armed service deserve better. The residents of North Fayette deserve better. The United States House of Representatives deserves a more intelligent member. And, I cannot afford to give him the chance to do any worse (although I am hard-pressed to figure out how he can sink much lower).


If you and I are always in agreement, one of us is likely armed and dangerous.

Submitted by Hardtack on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 6:06pm.

The torture thing completely baffles me--makes me ashamed to be a part of supporting our government to the world. What other savages do doesn't and has never given us the right to be savages except on the honorable battlefield where everyone understand they may be killed. To restrain a prisoner and then physically mistreat them in any fashion, other than decent questioning, is uncivilized, and even if something found out may be valuable, is not justifiable nor Christian. This is very dangerous ground folks and no country will ever again look upon us as the best. We need to win on the battlefield!

cogitoergofay's picture
Submitted by cogitoergofay on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 7:56pm.

Republican Voting for the Democrat McGraw Against Westmoreland

Much like the Republicans in DeKalb who voted in the Democrat primary to get McKinney out, I see wisdom in voting for the Democrat Kevin McGraw in order to remove Mr. Westmoreland from Congress.

When I considered Westmoreland's grandstanding, pedagogic view on torture I was immediately persuaded by McGraw's yard sign: "Have you had enough?" Yes, I have had enough.

The fact that Westmoreland could repeatedly express with pride that "I voted for torture" is nothing short of an ignorant attempt to incite the worst in humans. Consider that almost all of Congress disagrees with Westmoreland and NOT ONE CONGRESSMAN, Republican or Democrat, in Georgia agrees with him. None! Americans believe in aggressive interrogation of prisoners; we do not believe in torture. Did you ever meet Joe Maloy of PTC, the WWII prisoner??? He would be ashamed. No, we do not believe in torture. And I don't believe that we practice torture.

First the Colbert show and now this. This is simply the latest embarassment from an uneducated, boorish and irrelevent individual that the Republican party surprisingly continues to embrace. I'm voting for the Democrat.

Submitted by bladderq on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 10:22pm.

His name is Mike not Kevin. How blind can we all be to vote for a label? Won't vote for a Democrat? This is exactly the blind thinking and party line that has got us into the fix this country finds itself in. I would recomend you look at the candidate and his platform. Somehow I think you will find he shares your concerns and values. Much like Rep. Jack Flynt did for years as a Democrat. Most of you people have as much in common with the Republican party as a raccoon does w/ an oppossum. Barry Goldwater is rollin' in his grave.
Vote Westmoron out. Send a message that no matter the party ..We want QUALITY candidates.

Submitted by imaonemanwoman on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 8:34pm.

Westmoreland is ignoring all the people who are yelling about the Philip Services plant and the poison they are putting into our air, too. He thinks it is a Fulton County problem but the wind blows into Fayette County and our water comes from Whitewater Creek which runs right next to the toxic plant. He does not realize how many people are getting mad about that either.

By the way, I knew Joe Maloy and was very sad when he passed away. He was a very fine man.

Even though I do not like much about what Westmoreland is doing I can't bring myself to vote for a Democrat because of the big picture but I don't think I will be able to check the box or punch the screen for Westmoreland so I will probably just not vote in that race.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:12am.

Not only has this typical republican done nothing to keep his constituents from being poisned, but he actually asked our state gov. to loosen the rules further to allow even more companies like philips in.

I would vote for anyone but westmorland. Even Hiliary looks good campared to him.

How much stock does he own in companies like philips?

Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:42am.

Ronald Reagan did away with people in OSHA and EPA and they haven't been replaced by congress. The department heads and secretaries are there but they do not leave the office. This is exactly the way our local conservatives want it--they CANT speak up about such poisioning!

Submitted by lawaboveall on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 9:23am.


Does that mean I can fire my safety manager? All these compliance people will stop making me comply with ADA requirements. What a money saver, and here I was spending all that money employing people to keep me out of trouble for nothing.

Seriously, Hardtack your postings need to be submitted to not spellcheck, but "factcheck". OSHA and the EPA are alive and well. The failure with PSC is not EPA, but the Georgia EPD. No records of any inspections for 16 years (the first 12 under Dems like Roy Barnes ET AL.) That is the failing. Someone there should be immediately unemployed for this gross failure.

Westmoreland not getting involved is a cop out for sure, but I do not see David Scott or Virgil Fludd doing anything other than getting maximum "face time" from this while their constituents suffer.

Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 3:07pm.

What in the world has ADA, a disability hiring act, got to do with the occupational health and safety act, (OSHA)? You wouldn't know what occupational safety meant if it hit you in the face, apparently.
This country butcherd up more coal miners, poultry workers, mill workers, lunberjacks, cigarette smokers, asbestos workers, and no end to it, before something finally was done. Also, EPA is the federal pollution people for interstate commerce, which is the case with the onion stink. These units were decimated (along with mental hospitals when pills came along) by Reagan's people. Your threats of knowledge when you have none are dangerous, you know. We barely survived Reagans spending, Bush One's ineptness, and now Bush Twos war mongering and spending. Lets at least protect workers from greedy industrialists?

Submitted by lawaboveall on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 4:18pm.

My reference to ADA was in regards to the duties of my safety manager, not the purview of the EPA.
Coal mining is a dangerous occupation, but it has steadily improved its safety record over the years. Millworkers, lumberjacks and other dangerous occupations are overseen by a variety of federal agencies not just EPA, and by the way, doing those jobs is a choice. No one is forced to do them.
Asbestos workers were taken care of and the regulations imposed when the scientific community proved the hazard and now everyone must take great pains to insure that no friable asbestos gets into the air. I know because have have managed numerous projects in old buildings where the removal process was both time consuming and expensive, but safe. If you smoke cigarettes now with all the evidence proving it to be a dangerous habit, then you get what you deserve. As for those who suffered unknowingly, the courts have taken care of that.

We barely survived Reagan, the most prosperous period of the 20th century, we endured Bush I and we agonized through 8 years of Clinton. You would rather be threatened by terrorists than do something about them away from our shores?

By the way, I am sorry you lost your job at the Ford plant, but unions have outlived their usefulness to this society and government is not your answer to everything.

Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 4:42pm.

What does your safety manager do about Americans with disabilities? ADA?
OSHA, is the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Environmental Polution Act is a protector for the Air and Soil, mainly. If they had any people at the fed level, and the state doesn't care nor want to stir up things like: "where are your reports for 16 years?" These are NOT friendly departments for industries who don't want to spend any money on safety, health, or pollution. I now give up trying to educate you. If you don't understand by now, you simply have been in a cave.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 5:08pm.

OHSA stands for “Occupational Safety & Health Administration” which is a branch of the Department of Labor.

Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 5:28pm.

Congress called the law, "Act." The department created is called and "Administration." Truly a technicality with no shred of importance.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 7:05pm.

The “Act” that created it doesn’t enforce anything. The “Agency” or “Administration” that is charged does. In some cases that requires the creation of an “Agency” or “Administration”. There are also “Independent Agencies”.

By the way, virtually all federal “Agencies” or “Administrations” are created by an “Act” of congress or executive order that is funded by congress to execute the function of an "Act".

Submitted by Hardtack on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 3:56am.

Thanks for the obvious?

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 5:40am.


Okay class, what does "OSHA" stand for?

abeautifulday4us's picture
Submitted by abeautifulday4us on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 5:44am.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Submitted by lawaboveall on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 5:22pm.

OSHA is responsible for workplace safety. ADA regulations embrace hiring practices as well as such things as handicap access requirements, signage etc. regulations. It is, as you correctly point out, is under the US DOL, which is a cabinet level position approved by the Senate.

This civics lesson has been brought to you by the UAW, look for that union label.

Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 5:31pm.

If it (ADA) were approved by the Pope it still wouldn't have anything to do with safety. Why aren't you understanding?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 9:01am.

OSHA and EPA are bigger than ever along with all types of Federal, State, and Local environmental laws and enforcement. Each one of these entities have swelled in the years following Ronald. Nice try man. You're blame of Reagan carries as much credibility as Dopplerobserver blaming Bush for his gutters being clogged each fall.

You act as if Republicans are high fiving each other because people are getting poisoned. The legitimate gripe is why the do-nothinger congressman from the 3rd district hasn't used his influence in hastening the protection of his constituents.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 6:37pm.

The real issue is not if they are bigger. The question is how effective are they.

Clinton supported the EPA in developing stricter guidelines for companies, especially companies handeling poisens. These guidelines the companies complained (bitterly) would have cost them in the neighborhood of 100k.

Bushjr.(crackboy) as I call him, did away with all of those pesky regulations. He had to help his big business buddies make a buck,....right?!

I read several papers online daily. Most of the national info. I read is from the NY times. No I don't have the reference article. It will cost you 2.85 anyway to get it. They are very proud of their old articles.

That occured within the first 2 months of his taking office.

He had no choice but to undo everything a Democrate has done.

Submitted by Hardtack on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 3:49am.

We must realize that there are those in power (Limbaugh for just one)who preach unceasingly that there is absolutely nothing that industry can do to hurt mother nature, nothing. No global warming, unlimited oil drilling, cutting all trees by lumbermen, using illegals at cheap pay, borrowing from the orient to finance the war and oil interests, spying on anyone for everything, ignoring the geneva convention, etc.

mudcat's picture
Submitted by mudcat on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 5:28am.

Sure, most everyone that's not a brain-fried left-over 1960's liberal realize that these things are true. Industry over nature every time.

abeautifulday4us's picture
Submitted by abeautifulday4us on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 5:42am.

When chemical dumping by Beatrice Foods in Woburn, Mass contaminated the wells, the community experienced high levels of sickness and fatality. A large source of our water starts at the airport (the Flint) and Line Creek comes through South Fulton. Is this a risk ?

Also, clean air and water regulation were first started by a Republican President.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 6:48pm.

If you get your facts from the New York Times it's understandable as to why you might be misinformed and confused. Good grief if you keep up with the news you'd understand how corrupt and wrong the NYT is. Better broaden you news base there buddy. And no.....I don't watch Fox News.

Submitted by skyspy on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 6:59pm.

Just as bad as NY Times. They all have their slant on issues. No I don't belive any of them 100%. But when I see the same story in several newspapers and on TV I tend to think there is a grain of truth to them.
Also in his first state of the union address or public speech(I can't remember) Jr. said he was losening the restrictions on the EPA to help "grow the economy".

Anyone but westmoran!

We the American taxpayers are not getting the full story from anyone.

Submitted by Hardtack on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 4:47pm.

Is minimal. They are NOT bigger now and have hardly any regular field inspectors.
What is a Dopplerobserver?

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 6:22pm.

I forgot. Government agencies have shrunk into obscure little departments because of Reagan. Do you really believe yourself on that one. One could only wish it were as you say.

Submitted by Hardtack on Fri, 09/29/2006 - 3:35am.

Are you trying to say that Reagan DID NOT submit laws to castrate such departments as EPA and OSHA, or not? What you think and what you know are differing, I think.

Submitted by 30YearResident on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 9:16pm.

The problem with the Philip Service plant is State and local, not something a congressman should be involved with.

Let the State and local agencies handle it as they should. Keep Washington out of local affairs.

By the way, I'm certainly not a Westmoreland fan and couldn't believe he got elected. However, I couldn't EVER bring myself to vote to send another democrat to Washington.... not even against Westmoreland.

Submitted by johenry on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:30am.

Rep. Westmoreland was knee deep in the TDK lies. So much for not interfering with local government; he actually provided the propaganda for the road.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 12:02pm.

The professional politicians want us to think that way. One extreme or the other, one party or the other. I'm leery of Democrats in general, but Republicans like Westmoreland have shown that he's just in it for the money. It would be great if we had a third party to represent the vast majority of citizens who want moderate, responsible representation that is guided by both common business sense and common moral decency. In the meantime, we have to vote for the candidate, not the party. Check out McGraw's platform and then, if you don't like what he has to say, don't vote for him. At least you're not voting for Westmoreland just because he IS a GOP, and I salute you for that.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 12:20pm.

Please don't try to pass yourself off as an independent. You are a Democratic operative who is not from around here and you're working for Mr. McGraw's campaign. Not that there's anything wrong with that but please don't come on here peeing on our feet and trying to convince us that it's raining. Admit who you are and we'll enjoy your company until after the election as to which time you will disappear from the Citizen Online.

I am very fearful of electing any Democrats no matter how they attempt to window dress themselves conservative fashion. Your guy may be all he claims to be but I refuse to further enable and embolden the liberal socialists in Washington any further with a Democrat vote. Therefore I refuse to vote for a Democrat. With that said you should take joy in knowing that whe the Lion votes in November there will be a blank box next to Lyn's name. Unless I can figure out how to write in Donald Duck.

I have always been a proponent of holding my nose and voting for the least of the worst. In an analogy I've discovered that supporting a little bit of evil is no different than supporting a bunch of it. In the end it's all evil. So I'll just refrain from voting on this race.

Gee...I wonder if there's a Libertarian candidate out there this year in this race?

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 12:58pm.

You're right, I'm not "from around there", but I do have friends and family in Coweta County. I am a citizen and taxpayer in District 3. I'm not a member of any political party. I am working for McGraw's campaign, but no one is paying me to do so. Is that what you meant by operative? This is the first time I've ever gotten actively involved, and it's mainly because of Westmoreland. As for Independent, I voted for Ralph Nader in '00 !! And I GLADLY vote Libertarian when they get candidates on the ballots.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 1:24pm.

You clarified a whole bunch there with that last post of yours. Now I know where that campaign is coming from. Nope...won't be supporting McGraw with Nader's bunch soundly behind him. McDawg hit it right on the head in describing ole Ralphie.

As far as the operative part. Well many define it as someone who is a campaign hack, volunteer, lacky or whatever. You pick which one you best describes yourself. Smiling Didn't you describe yourself earlier as a Sam Nunn Democrat? If so do your really think Sam would approve of your support for Nader?

As far as what you are....well I would say you are what you support. I support conservatives. Not many of them around anymore although some wear the label loosely.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 5:26pm.

Whoa, now! There was never a "Nader bunch". What's-her-name Garofalo and friends don't count. Most of the few who voted for him, I believe, did so for the same reason that I did, the same reason I would have voted for Ross Perot, given the chance: to send a message to the professional political parties. That message was, "Look, guys- Al Gore or George W. is not a choice, it's an insult to my intelligence. If that's the best y'all can do, I'm going to vote for this outsider". Look, we all knew there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that he would get anywhere near the White House, but if he had gotten say 10-20% of the popular vote, the Donkeys and Elephants would have soiled their trousers! Guarantee you they would take John Q. Public a bit more seriously than they do now. But apparently, the few who vote are happy with the two-faced party system. The problem with the swinging pendulum is, it spends more time at the extreme ends than it does in the middle.
If Sam Nunn had gone for and gotten the nomination in 2000, we wouldn't be having this discussion- that's my point.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 8:51pm.

I understand your arguement, reasonings, and disgust with the "Two Faced Party System". I like that.....can I use it sometime? But voting for Nader would equate to hiring Chester The Molester as the new babysitter because the nanny (Bush) took a nap while the kids (The Taxpayers) wrecked the bedroom.

I almost went with Ross Perot for many of the same reasons you've stated. I am relieved that I did come to my senses in the end. I started seeing these men in white carrying this very long sleeved white shirt standing by to take him away.

As far as your Mr. McGraw goes I can tell you what will happen to him if he becomes elected. He may sound like a Sam Nunn Democrat but the first time he strays off the plantation as a freshman represenative they will whip him til his views get lined up properly with their marching agendas. You think it got ugly for Lieberman? McGraw will have a choice. He could do it the hard way and be whipped into submission. Or he can do it the easy way falling in line and basking in the power of the party. He won't take a stand and he won't make a difference. We'd just wind up strengthening the Garofalo wing of the party in the end.

Sooo...Wastemoreland or McGraw? Yeeesh!

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 7:35am.

You say McGraw won't make a stand and won't make a difference. How do you know this? He's untested. Last I checked, he hasn't gotten a dime from the DNCC. They pretend he doesn't exist. That's fine by me. If he wins without their help, why would he be beholden to them? I don't know the guy personally. He might pull a Westmoreland and go, "Ha Ha, thanks for voting for me suckers, but don't expect me to do anything or stand for anything, because I'm just here for the lobby money". If he does that, he won't get a second chance. Mike McGraw seems sincere to me. I'm willing to give him a chance. Westmoreland doesn't get a second chance.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 09/28/2006 - 8:54am.

Smiling Only mine looks back. I've seen plenty of McGraw's over the years posing as Conservative Sam Nunn Dems only to become amazed at how far to the left they all swing in short period of time. But that goes for many Republicans these days. HC....I'm not sure I can speak from a Republican perspective especially these days as I have become "sooo..over them".

I used to think that the Republican Party held their bad guys accountable and themselves to a higher standard. I've discovered they have adopted the Democrat play book and run with the philosophy that "They may be bad guys, but at least they're our bad guys".

So for good or bad on my side I'll sit back and be cynical in regards to these clowns. The only thing I despise more that Republicans these days are the Democrat Party and Islamists. Kind of makes one feel like a Jew in the middle of Syria trying to hitch a ride home.

Submitted by McDonoughDawg on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 1:01pm.

He's a devout Socialists. He doesn't try and hide it. He's very far from a Libertarian. The only thing he has in common with them, is they aren't Dems or Repubs.

Submitted by HarrisCountyGeorgia on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 5:41pm.

That's right- they're outsiders. The two professional parties don't represent the general public anymore. They act like they hate each other, but they're all eating, drinking, and sleeping together inside the beltway. You don't have to agree with say, the Libertarian's platform to vote for them, they could be Commies, Nazis, it doesn't matter because they'll never win. The point of your protest vote is to send the pros a message- Y'all don't fool all the people all the time.

Submitted by FayetteFirst on Wed, 09/27/2006 - 2:21am.

I have never voted for lin WASTEMORON, and I never will.
The block next to his name will remain as empty as his head.
Just another "Do Nothinger," except for himself.
lin WASTEMORON's contributors include the

WASTEMORLAND is a developer and lin's job is to build what you moved to get away from. Takes a lot of concrete to build a road.
That is how WASTEMORON made his living before you elected him.
No wonder WASTEMORON voted for TDK or to let the poison plant operate.

This is taken from lin's list of money he got.

You still wanna vote for him?
lin is just an empty Space.

Submitted by jmatute on Tue, 09/26/2006 - 11:20pm.

The toxic substances dumped into the PSC facility on Spence Roof road came from out of state (Alabama). This is an interstate transport of toxic substances, subject to Federal EPA regulation. In fact, Mr. Westmoreland issued a letter to the Federal EPA requesting that they allow the state of Georgia to handle the matters of oversight because he felt that matters can be handled by the state without Federal EPA monitoring. Guess what? There has been a consistent lack by PSC to follow the guidelines for 16 years. People are sick, the enviornment is polluted, and PSC goes about its business. If the oversight in Georgia is deemed adequate, none of the problems should have occured. Failure by Georgia to handle the situation now becomes an issue for the Federal EPA, which should have been on top of this from the beginning.

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