I'm sure hiring Sexton is a slap in the Sheriff's face and appears to be a further disgrace to the department. I know that Jordan reads the blogs especially those that include his name. His arrogance over the years has made him blind to the real facts. No one, and I mean no one with whom he previously worked wants to work with him again. He should have been terminated but the Sheriff felt sorry for his family. Now, he should go ahead and resign. Yes, it's only going to get worse for him and the department. I feel for his family, but not for him. He brought this on himself. Having the power he had, created the monster who stepped on any and everyone to climb to the top. Well, Bruce, if you have any kind of conscious or eithics left, you'll resign effective immediately and save your family from any further embarrasment.

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Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Tue, 09/19/2006 - 1:11pm.

Which name were you using 2 hours ago? Come one folks. The writing styles give you away half the time and you wind up repeating the same verbage.

Let's all take the same oath I had to. "I solemnly swear to use one monicker and only one monicker on the Citizen blogs, so help me Cal.

THE BOSS's picture
Submitted by THE BOSS on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 8:09pm.

"Official Websight Of Fayette County"
go to Departments, select Sheriff, then select "Criminal Investigations"
"Bruce JOrdan" has been replaced by
Captain Mike Hattaway & Sheriff Johnson,
Captain Mike Pruitt
Captain Tommy Pope
Lieutenant Dwayne Prosser
there is no mention of Bruce anywhere!

after thought...
don't criminals get criminal attorneys?
maybe Bruce knows something we don't.

farrahfawcettfawn's picture
Submitted by farrahfawcettfawn on Fri, 09/22/2006 - 7:42am.

Thank you Sheriff Johnson, for letting the public know about the Internal Investigations department you have formed. The information is on the county website for those interested. I believe this is the first step in restoring public trust.

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