Free Speech Comments Unbelievable!

gelato's picture

My gosh, I didn't realize that we had so many Native Americans living in Peachtree City. So many people complaining about "illegal aliens" that one is to assume that these comments are written by Native Americans - the only pure breed in our wonderful Nation. So these comments about sending people back to their countries, complaining that they are taking other people's jobs can't possibly be written by people whose forefathers came from, let's say, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Germany, etc. What we are experiencing now is what our ancestors went through at the turn of the last century. But of course all of that is forgotten because they got ahead in life and put all the suffering behind them. How about that line in the Declaration of Independence?: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." How quickly we forget. As a resident of PTC who has often needed the services of a contractor, the main complaint on behalf of the employers is that many North Americans do not want these jobs - they want managerial jobs, without pursuing the proper education. Do not kid yourselves about these so called "illegal aliens" making just pennies on the dollar. They make pretty good money, and are damn good at what they do. As Americans, when we salute our beautiful flag, don't forget that we utter the words "One Nation Under God, Indivisable, with Liberty and Justice for all" including "illegal aliens" which with political correctness should be called "the undocumented."

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ExExPatriot's picture
Submitted by ExExPatriot on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 9:35pm.

Everybody try and stop bickering about things for a moment and try to think about the facts.

- It doesn't matter where their anscestors came from, citzizenship in the country is the issue.
- It doesn't matter why they came, they broke the law to get here.
- It doesn't matter how many are in jail, it's those we see daily that matter.
- It doesn't matter what they paid to get here. I just went through an immigration process with someone (legally) and it cost over a thousand dollars for fees, photos, traveling to consulates, etc. - And it isn't over yet. In fact, my standing joke was that this person should travel to Mexico and enter illegally. It would probably be cheaper, faster and less dangerous.
But I digress.

I'd like to offer for discussion a rough draft of how I think the immigration question sould be solved.

1. Those that are here receive an option: pay the "debt to society" to stay or return home. This debt should probably be monetary, a percentage of what they have earned or will earn for some time in the future, and it should be based on how they arrived and how long they've stayed illegaly. (longer is more expensive)

2. After a grace period, crack down hard (as in hard labor) on
a.) those that enter illegaly,
b.) those that remain without taking an option and
c.) those that provide work, housing or any other benefit.
Finally, close the border as tight as a frogs behind (and that's watertight).

So Major, put away the guns. And Doppler, stop aiming that radar dish and tell us what you think.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 8:54pm.

Do u not realize the difference between these types of immigration or do you just not care? What's your solution: everyone come on in and Welcome or do you favor a process by which people from other lands become US citizens? You may need to check your history books to see how it was done before and how it is being done now.


Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 12:01pm.

I guess the world is going to end, but I agree with NUK's statement. I would behoove all of you to research why the Roman empire fell. Legally controlled and orderly assimilation is required if you wish to maintain the American way of life. It would be a shame for you to lose what the 'Greatest Generation' handed down to you. Blog on my friends.

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 3:36pm.

No sir, I do care. I am a history buff and it was not so easy for our forefathers either. Remember signs that said "Polish need not apply" or something similar? Now we are treating people with disdain instead of helping find a solution. Here is what I am lobbying for:

The Immigration Solution:
Let Immigrants Pay for Border Security

The first part of this plan is to thoroughly investigate why illegal immigrants are here in the first place: FAMILY. Let us imagine for a moment that we only make about $100 a week, and with that amount we need to take care of our family. We must sincerely try to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes; something not easy to do if you have never experienced poverty, but give it a try. They barely make enough money in their own country to put food on the table, and at the end make the utmost sacrifice of leaving their loved ones while putting their own lives at risk.

Next we must ask why did they come over illegally? The answer is that the government in Mexico charges them about $6000 to $9000 for the legal paper work. This is why the “coyotes” are getting $2500 for bringing them in illegally, many times robbing them and putting their lives at risk.

Now that they are here and have proven to be hard workers and are even helping our economy, how can they become “documented”? They have no where to turn, no options given them. The United States Department of Immigration and Naturalization will deport them, and Mexico will charge them thousands of dollars and they might not ever get back to America. So what can they do? The answer is all about the money.

Let immigrants pay for border security and for services rendered to them. It makes no sense at all to penalize a hard-working group of people and turn them into the streets to cause crime.

Let them pay $2500 to the United States, and demand that they have a background check. Five hundred dollars of the money would go to Mexico for the background report, and $2000 To the US Treasury. (Mexico will be more willing to help if you base this on a profit for them.) Now we have a record on each individual, and they are documented. They too can be proud of America and at the same time help their families.

Note: It is very important to negotiate the price of the background check with President Fox before announcing it to the media; otherwise, Mexico will want it all. Get bids from companies such as Brinks to do the background checks.

With a temporary permit, they can work with an employer and pay a “non-citizen” fee of 25% on the dollar as a working tax or fee. This is neither for Social Security nor for a refundable income tax, but a non-refundable fee to work in America as a non-citizen. For example: Just as you pay for a business license fee or tag fee. They can also begin to pay for health insurance: as you and I pay. This takes the burden off welfare and hospitals. If they do not pay the 25% on the dollar, the employer must do it, making it worth to them to hire only those who are documented.

Now, this is by no means a “free pass” to illegals, because now they are paying a fee for services rendered by the United States (schools, roads, hospitals etc.) and the surplus income to the Treasury can be used for more border security. They do not get unemployment or Social Security benefits since they do not pay into the system as a Citizen does. This gives them the means to care for their spouses and children, as you and I do, but not a free ride.

Example Below:

This is based on one million immigrants making $20,000 per year.

Application Fee: $2500 $2.5 Billion
Fee to Mexico: $500 $500 Million
Balance for US Treasury: $2 Billion

25% fee on $20,000 income: $5 Billion

Total for each one million immigrants: $7 Billion

What we will eventually have are immigrants coming to us to become documented instead of being hunted down; business owners are now legal; we have a surplus for the use of Government programs, (including the border) and the money being paid by the United States for the Program is:

Immigrants documented to work *
Background checks *
Mexico wanting to be a part of plan *
Business owners legal *
Money for borders *
Paid for by Immigrants *
Treasury having a new income *
Immigrants going to border stations to become legal *
Coyotes no longer needed *

There is a winner in each category, and these individuals can now apply for US citizenship, (after 4-6 years of clean living), go through the process, striving to work and live in the best country in the world like all others have done with no special treatment. With three felonies they will be unable to apply for citizenship. Everyone wins.

Legal immigrants will benefit by the documentation process, which is put into place, making the process shorter for them, with collaboration from both countries.

Benefit: Other legal Latino immigrants and citizens may now vote for the party that helped their brothers and sisters.

It is amazing that in our country we arrest fathers who do not pay child support, but cannot understand an immigrant father going through these extremes to take care of his family. We try to rehabilitate murderers and rapists so that they may fit into our society, and then we force immigrants who are helping the economy, to the streets to become criminals in order to put food on the table. Why do we send aid overseas and cannot help someone at home?

Amazingly, America wants to be the best country in the world; show that we care for everyone around the world, but when someone wants to better themselves here, in the land of opportunity, they are always considered an OUTCAST.

By paying their way and having better borders, they can feel safe and retain their dignity. The world changed on 9/11/01 and maybe we can too.

All they want is a chance to fit in and have a better dream for their families, just like you and I.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 3:52pm.

First off, I challenge your assumption that "All they want is a chance to fit in and have a better dream for their families, just like you and I."

Go to this article titled: More illegal aliens tried in gang rapes
2 new cases uncovered in unnoticed crime wave

or try this site:

Thr following is from that site, so Basmanti will not accuse me of plagerism.

"Illegal aliens are NOT necessarily coming here to work. Lou Dobbs recently reported that 33 percent of our prison population is now comprised of non-citizens. Plus, 36 to 42 percent of illegal aliens are on welfare. So, for a good proportion of these people, the American dream is crime and welfare, not coming here to work."

What makes you think that people won't just cross the border like they do now?

Why does Mexico get vertually free citizenship when there are so many poor people in Asia and Africa? Doesn't this discriminate against thse most in need?


If they had $2,500 wouldn't they be well off in poor countries?

Can't wait to see what this "New America" will look like, hable usted espanol?

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 8:43pm.

Major, I think the e-coli in eleven states, as of 9:30 PM, is due to illegals. We need to put more troops into the spinach fields, right away. I think Mr. Bush should call up the entire National Guard (mostly from Iraq). It is so simple for a bunch of idiots to do so many things to us, it is pitiful. We did away with 500,000 troops and bought 100,000 bombs and planes, and now we don't have anything worthwhile to bomb. Bombing is now worthless. Tanks are worthless. Bradleys are worthless. Humvees are worthless. What wouldn't be worthless? It would be one million soldiers occupying every square inch of Afghanistan and Iraq, and some administrators smart enough to run the place, permanently. Patton had the right idea.

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 4:27pm.

First of all, ArmyMAJretired, my home in a very nice subdivision was broken into and I walked right into the burglary with my youngest child. To my surprised they were 3 high school students with blue eyes and blond hair from affluent families, and not the aliens you would probably predict. If you have a chance, find the video called "Dying to Live" it will give you insight as to what our brethren have to go through to get to this country. In order for these people to get the proper documentation to enter this country legally, it will cost them $6,000 to $8,000, which they pay to their government. So for years they save the $2,500 to pay a coyote. For most of them $8,000 is 3 or 4 years worth of work. I suggest you check your facts with the INS - it takes a Mexican 6 to 8 years to get "citizenship" and believe me it is not free. Every form they have to fill out has an average cost of $200 to be submitted, and they have anywhere from 7 to 12 forms to fill out. So free is out of the question. Yes, Major, si hablo español - it was a requisite when I worked for the Foreign Service - I also speak German, Italian, Flemish and Romanian. God gave me ears to pick up languages, and a heart to have compassion for those not as fortunate and you and I. By the way it is plagiarism and virtually. When I lived in Boston years ago, it was the Croatians, Puerto Ricans, African Americans, mostly women that were single parents, who waited for the mailman for their welfare checks. Even though they were on welfare for the good of their children, they were trying real hard to better themselves. I truly cannot remember seeing one Mexican.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 5:42pm.

I see you have no comment about the LARGE percentage of non-citizens in our jails!

Where in the Constitution does it say that we must provide LOW COST naturalization. In fact, having attended an Immigration law seminar recently, I know that wait times for green cards can be up to 20 years for some countries!

When I deployed to Egypt before I retired I passed the "City of the Dead" in Cairo where the poor lived in the cemetary. There is squalor all over the world are we responsible to take everyone in our country?

Look to many US inner cities, American Indian Reservations and Appalachia if you want to help poor Americans before non-citizens.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 7:48pm.

Major, you make little sense for a major. I am from Appalachia, and there are more poor ignorant people within 50 miles of here than in all of Appalachia. Heritage and respect is the problem. I have never heard the thing about large percentage of non-citizens in our jails. There are 250% more blacks than whites, percentage wise of the population, not non-citizens.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 8:33pm.

Do just a little reseach and google illegal immigrants in prison! Maybe spend a little time off this site insulting people.

What are you trying to say when you state "heritage and respect are the problem? Are you commenting on non-citizens breaking our laws to get here and work here?

Can you provide a link to back up your statement that there are more poor ignorant people w/i 50 miles than all of Appalachia?

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 7:52am.

Department of Justice, 2005 stats: 2,186,230 in jail. about 7,000,000 on probation or parole. 3,218/100,000 blacks; 1,220/100,000 hispanics (both legal and illegal*); 463/100,000 whites.
* Since jails in general aren't interested in whether a hispanic, or any othe race, is legal or illegal,(they would have to do something!) it is hard to seperate them. A good estimate would be about 5% of the hispanics would be considered illegal.
This is total for USA; if you want to talk California only, or North Dakota, then the numbers vary. Not many in Upper Michigan either.

nuk's picture
Submitted by nuk on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 9:32am.

Geez. How can we have a discussion on immigration when we don't realize the most basic fact to begin with? Hispanic=ethnic group.


Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 10:16am.

We are all mixtures, nearly. Maybe all, if we think Adam and Eve started us all. It is a technicality that is understood.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 8:21am.

I'll post my source:

In that report YOU failed to mention:

* State and Federal correctional authotities held 91,117 non-citizens (6.45% of all prisoners), down from 91,815 at mid-year 2004.

At midyear 2005 35,285 Federal inmates were noncitizens representing 19% of all prisoners in Federal custody. The reason non-federal prisoner rate is less is probably because as YOU stated the staes/locals would have to attempt to verify citizenship!

This does not account for those in JAIL, which usually hold people for less than 1 year. There the report states 15% are hipanic. Where do you get your 5% "GOOD ESTIMATE" figure from? My good estimate would be more like 50% or more.

Whose blinded now cyclopse?

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 8:45am.

The numbers I gave you were for ALL prisoners, everywhere here. If you think half of ALL hispanics are in jail for being illegal, you are in need of some pills. Do you have post stress syndrome, Major?

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 8:53am.

You FAIL reading comprehension

Argue these FACTS!

19% of all FEDERAL prisoners are illegal True or False

I never said 50% of hispanics were in prison FOR BEING ILLEGAL. They probably commited a crime, duh.

I gave a SWAG at a number of hispanics that were illegal that you SWAGGED at 5%, PROOVE ME WRONG rather than hurl insults.

No PSS here, but trying to argue FACTS with you seems sensless.

Who is the one name calling and acting unhinged? Three guesses, they weren't O4s.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 9:11am.

Wants to talk about FEDERAL prisoners only, now. He said 33% of federal prisoners were "non-citizens." That is not true, and he knows it. No, 19% of all federal prisoners are not illegal. That is preposterous. Get off of: all of our troubles are hispanic! My goodness they do more work than ten of you and I do. You want to roof for awhile? Yeah, there are some pretty ignorant ones who go to jail because, mainly, they don't understand our stupid traffic laws and can't afford all the fees. They can't make it in Mexico due to 10% having all the money, and they can't make it here because we won't let them either. Seems to me we are in pretty good trouble in the muddle east, (not a typo) for treating certain countries people similarly.

ArmyMAJretired's picture
Submitted by ArmyMAJretired on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 10:53am.

You MUST tell me the sources of your statement "ignorant ones who go to jail because, mainly, they don't understand our stupid traffic laws and can't afford all the fees."

Google Hispanic gangs, you will find stories like this one.

"MS-13, which is among the largest and the most violent street gangs, has members in Maryland and the District, but is concentrated in Northern Virginia. In recent years, Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore and Rep. Frank R. Wolf have each created regional or statewide task forces to combat the growing problem of gang violence.
Authorities said gang activity has contributed to a rise in violent crime in Hispanic communities, but gang members also are branching out into drug trafficking, car-theft rings and prostitution."

Violent felony warrants in California are through the roof. Stick your head in the sand if you want to, but Illegal Immigration is a drain for our medical system, depresses wages and adds to our crime rate.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 11:35am.

First, let me say that I know and have known many Hispanics, some well. The most insulting thing you can do for, say, a Puerto Rican, be they white, black or brown, or yellow, is to call them anything that relates to a "Mexican." It is similar to when I was a boy hearing people talk about "tallies," "hunkies," "micks," and of course, the big one, which I won't mention. It all disappeared nearly when these folks dropped some of their "old country" habits and assimilated with those who fought for this country to exist. The minorities now appearing here don't really want to assimilate. Maybe it is better there are many in jail now from the minorities since the alternative seems to be that they just simply be killed as they were 150 years ago.

kimberlyinptc's picture
Submitted by kimberlyinptc on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 9:57pm.

Doppler-I don't want to get into this immigration discussion between the Maj and yourself...but I'm a redneck native Georgia girl and have called and been called many things. But I have never heard of "tallies" or "hunkies". Did you mean "honkeys"? I've been called that...Now "micks" I know...the great-grandparents were Murphys. Eye-wink Please enlighten me.

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Sat, 09/16/2006 - 6:54am.

How soon we forget the bad stuff!
Tallies were Italians - first or second generation.
Hunkies were Hungarians - same.
These immigrants worked primarily in the dirtiest jobs we had - the coal mines, etc.

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 11:43am.

WOP = With Out Papers - that's what papa Scarantino was called. By the way, Major is kicking yoour fanny. Argue the points and address his statistics. Major 11, doppler 0. Geez, it's a slaughter.

kimberlyinptc's picture
Submitted by kimberlyinptc on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 12:43am.

I wasn't around til 1967, so that might explain why I'd never heard those names used, not to mention I don't think I've ever met an actual Hungarian person. Smiling

My great-grandfather came from Corinth, Greece. He had to have a sponsor and while still learning English, joined the Army and risked his life in WWI to gain citizenship. I don't think immigration is a problem, it's the 'illegal' part that puts a bad taste in the mouths of most Americans. I have great respect for people that want better for themselves and their families, but NO respect for those that break our laws then insist we accomodate them. Our new 'PC' values, in a word, BLOW! Wrong is wrong, illegl is illegal no matter the good intentions behind the action.

bad_ptc's picture
Submitted by bad_ptc on Fri, 09/15/2006 - 10:46pm.

kimberlyinptc , you have to quit teasing us northerners.

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 6:10pm.

Sir, Mayor, Sir. I see that with you it is a no win situation. I in no way want to take the weight of the whole world onto my shoulders, just try to make the best of a situation that already exists. I grew up in an inner city, so I know the hoods quite well. I have been in Native American Reservations where men beat their women to a pulp after a drinking binge. So, Sir, Mayor, Sir, where shall we begin? The slums of New York, inner city Atlanta, or let's stay home and shine our medals. It was a pleasure communicating with you...although I am disappointed that a well-travelled person as yourself would not have more of an open mind. I salute you!

gelato's picture
Submitted by gelato on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 6:09pm.

Sir, Mayor, Sir. I see that with you it is a no win situation. I in no way want to take the weight of the whole world onto my shoulders, just try to make the best of a situation that already exists. I grew up in an inner city, so I know the hoods quite well. I have been in Native American Reservations where men beat their women to a pulp after a drinking binge. So, Sir, Mayor, Sir, where shall we begin? The slums of New York, inner city Atlanta, or let's stay home and shine our medals. It was a pleasure communicating with you...although I am disappointed that a well-travelled person as yourself would not have more of an open mind. I salute you!

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