It's been a while....

nuk's picture

...but the MAN is still around. It's time to lay the smackdown on the *deserving* once again.

BRUCE JERRRRRDAN: what can be said besides a big DUH? The whole Little League fiasco reeks of unbridled arrogance and pure stupidity. First, let's address the obvious: Fayette Co ANythings have no jurisdiction in other states like TN. Most states also restrict even those with concealed-carry permits to the point that you cannot have a handgun at any sporting event. So what the hell were we-paid-for-these-cops-to-go-to-TN doing? Standing around looking tough? TN should have booted them out. The whole situation is ridiculous and quite a waste of taxpayer money. Go fly in your helicopter somewhere else Bruce, you grandstanding "Lt. Col."

GEORGIA REDS: whoa, they like to taunt opponents! Damn, bring some cops around quickly! I happen to know the coach of this team and can say that he's not suited for coaching youths. He's a jackass. The utes he's coaching pick up on that and all, but I don't see this as something to call-out the cops over. Especially in another state. Get real.

Oh yeah, his resemblance to Bill Clinton is there, though Clinton didn't scratch the top of his head when put under pressure or say something as STUPID as "you didn't catch me doing anything." That's so re-assuring, Bruce.

RANDALL: oh yeah, the King of Melears BBQ and redneck-dom.I can remember when Ben Thomas ran against you and you were talking at the-crappiest-BBQ-I-have-ever had-Melears' about how "that black man has a white wife." Your time to be put out to pasture was long ago. Sorry, it's the end of the kingdom for Sheriff's all-around and your the last vesitge of it. Seek retirement. Way to wake-up on something that happened weeks ago with your right-hand flunky Bruce Jerrrrrrdan: it took a TV station running an attack piece. Nice oversight, NOT.

STEVE BROWN: I think you missed the message that voters sent you. They said overwhelmingly "you suck." I don't know how the margin could be any higher against you being Mayor of PTC. We're tired of your mouth, Steve. The best thing you could do is shut-up for once and maybe ease back into the political landscape in the future and act like you have learned something from the big beatdown you got in the election. Your heart is in the right place but your brain goes haywire. Chill. Put a muzzle on it. Choose your battles better and stop trying to make your foes some kind of demons they aren't. In other words, get a life already and learn how to interact with others so you can accomplish what you want. You have the terrible habit of alienating everyone except for a few vocal supporters that no one cares about. You aren't going to get squat done with that approach. Nor elected to anything besides "Citizen that everyone wishes would move."

CAL: what happened on this FOX 5 story? Were you sleeping? C'mon, you are giving great coverage to the PSC plant that reeks(in more ways than one) of BS, but you got caught napping on the Bruce Jerrrrrdan story and FOX trumped you. I know you and your reporters have inside connections and you missed it until an Atlanta TV station got involved.


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Submitted by JWBD on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 7:08pm.

Perhaps NUK would be better putting his own affairs in order before he tries to tell others how to sort out theirs.

DragNet's picture
Submitted by DragNet on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 2:19pm.

All has being said!
Making you think twice......

tortugaocho's picture
Submitted by tortugaocho on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 10:50am.

I have to admit---- good blog, NUK. Few people remember- NUK: "Nobody you Know". A lot of us thought you were a Steve Brown-hating one-note-horn. But your wide array of thoughts shows otherwise. Your comments about Brown were fair, objective and I would tend to agree.

I had forgotten about Ben Thomas' run against Randall, who apparently runs a body shop in Morrow. He made a good run. Randall and Kenny touted the race thing, yes you are right, just like they did for Westmoreland. But then when Kenny "Judge" Melear got yanked for racism, Randall submitted a letter saying he never heard Kenny use the "N" word. Hardy, har, har (or digitally LOL). When I travel and hear the usual local boasting about the "best barbecue in Georgia" I tell 'em that in Fayetteville, GA we have the worst.

On Cal, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. They're doing ok covering stuff. He ain't gonna scoop everything. What I want from Cal, though, is a heart felt apology, retraction and atonement for his glowing editorial support of the TDK Road to Riches.

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 11:32pm.

Besides the bad bar-b-que I guess that I'm not the only one that has felt like eating at Melears was like being in the presence of an orgy consisting of a family of cousins. I don't know all the facts nor have I formed any conclusions surrounding the controversy with the alledged corruption at the sheriffs department. But I can say that there is something about the karma at Melears that just ain't right.

Submitted by truth hurts on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 11:36pm.

Its not the Karma, it the grease!

Submitted by thebiggun on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 11:36am.

I have been reading with intrest all the comments being made about Jordan and Johnson. I could not believe that a month ago the Fox 5 came to the Sheriff about this money being paid for guard duty and he said he would wait and see what the TV station uncovered. Can anyone with half a brain see what is going on here ? See no evil, Ask no questions and Take no action. I would think that his first question would be " What information do you have and I assure I will look into it". I think that would be the normal reaction for any law enforcement offical that is elected to protect the tax payers. Sounds to me a lot like NIXON.

Open records was a law that allowed people to get information from governemnet and how it spends our tax dollars. Drug funds may be controled by law enforcement but it still falls under open records. I would hope the local media would have already file open records on the following items:

1. All the travel items regarding this trip. Gas, hotels, meals etc. Did the money Jordan give back cover his expenses on this trip or the guards ? Local news media needs to ask for open records on all Jordans travel expenses, for any trip he has been reinbursed county of federal money, for the last 5 years. Links the money spent with the reason for travel.

2. Did Jordan use his government car on this trip under the guise of protection and public safety ? If he did, did the Sheriff know about it before hand ? If that is the common practice for employess to use their county owned vehicle for personal use in and out of state, where is the policy that allows them to do it ? Where is the liability for tax payers if there is an accident ?

3. An internal investigation is wonderful, but not when the detectives assigned to it, work for Jordan, where placed in their positons by Jordan, depend on their continued assignment in those position by Jordan and may have issues of their own if they have taken trips with country of federal money in the past. If they have been on trips with or without Jordan, they are also subject to investigation about how funds were spent and can not take part in any internal investigation.

4. This investigation is going to be a complicated white collar investigation and should be conducted by an out side agency with lots of experience in this type of crime. When you spend money on things you should not spend money on, the paper work trail can be altered so that it appers the money was spent on something else. That is why an audit means nothing if you do not compare item to item and with detailed accountability.

5. It is hard for me to believe that Jordan, has complete control over the spending of federal money. This should require 2 or 3 different law enforcement officals to approve. Be very careful when only one person controls it as that is the way abuse happens.

6. If the Sheriff failed to act on information he had, he must be held accountable by the tax payers for this breach of trust. I don't know him but I see lots of people like him, but that is not the case here. Liking him and keeping him accountable are two different things.

7. If the Sheriff intends to investigate it himself, and had direct knowledge of what was going on before hand, (travel with employees, company equipment etc.) he must remove his office from any internal investigation. Simple as that! His failure to investigate after receiving the information over a month ago, speaks for itself.

8. As I stated in the past, where is the DA in this whole thing? He sould be asking questions. Maybe he is afraid that this will be white washed and if he opens his mouth and Jordan slips by, he term of office will be right behind McBroom and Dunn. Come on Ballard this is what we elected you for.

I have a feeling that on Monday or Tuesday, the internal affairs investigation will be completed. It will come out as a misunderstanding on Jordan's part. He will be removed from his assignment and be moved. But he will still be in control in another part of the Sheriff's office. Then in 6 months or a year, back he will come. I am sure the Feds will be looking into this and who knows what will happen then. May make the Fulton County Sheriff's Office look like a walk in the park.

Submitted by bobby1378 on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 10:21am.

Watch out nuk making comments like that Git Real and PTC Guy may think you're a terrorist.

Your comments were very entertaining and very right. Glad to see someone with common sense here. People like you and several others here are what "keeps it real".

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