
Now we debate over God's race and over Jesus' race.
Question for all of you. What difference would it make? Would it be better for us if they were black? Maybe Chinese? What difference would it make?
Would His teachings be any more or less prevalent? Would you pay more attention to His word if he was Mexican?

The teachings of God are beyond race. The color of skin and your nationality has no meaning to Him. He loves all even the ones who denounce Him.

I do not attend church. I believe church is a building. I can worship God anywhere. He is always in my heart and always watching me. That is all I need to know. He can be Black, White, Chinese, Mexican, an Iraqi for all I care. I know He is there and His only Son suffered for OUR sins. OUR as in all the world.

The three things in life that matter most:
1. Family: Protect them and cherish them

2. Life: Live it with happiness and honor

3. GOD: Believe in Him and allow Him into your heart. For He is the key to Heaven

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Submitted by alhaji53 on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 1:06am.

Bobby,have you read Genesis 10:1-32? If you havent' then I can understand your confusion. If it didn't matter what the color of the savior is then there would not be a Genealogy from his tribe, which is the tribe of Judah. If it didn't make a difference the Catholic church would not have changed the ethnicity of Christ and depicted him being of European stock.

Although I understand your point as well however, there has been this great lie told to people who have used it to oppress people with this information for thousands of years. The Bible says that " and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" which in my opinion is a freedom for all people to look within themselves and search for the true purpose of their lives and that is to serve God.
One God! Not Allah, not Buddha,not Krishna. If you love the Lord and study his word without predjudice the hatred that a lot of our brothers who say that they love the Lord but their lives and their and their actions are far from the teachings of Christ, you will continue to have the same thought process which is it doesn't matter what ethnicity Jesus was.

I will finish this because it is a very intracate if not delicate subject with the hate mongers who cannot bear the fact that it is what it is, I will ask that who can deny the fact that the Bible says that the human being is of "One Blood".

I pray for your understanding and hope that you will see a different point of view. Your view is the view of the Missionary that thought that they were teaching the Africans about Jesus and God because they thought that all of the Africans were pagan worshippers, which in many cases many of the tribes were, but they failed to realize that the Bible talks about these people worshipping Gods made by wood, stone and other materials as they lost tribes that turn away from God and became stiff necked.


Submitted by bobby1378 on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 10:16am.

I do understand that the Bible say's Jesus was of the Tribe of Judah. The point I have is that why should it matter? Why should there be such a debate over the color of God and Jesus? God can be seen as a Black man, white man, white woman, Chinese, and yes even of Middle Eastern decent. It is what God chooses to be seen as in the eye of whom he is being seen.
Why should there be such a debate over what color God is? Just believe in his word

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 9:02am.

Who is "the lord," Jesus or God? Why are we different colors now if we were all of the same blood?

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 5:31am.

Actually, the black Jesus was lynched by racist white Europeans. The mob that turned against him did not shout "Crucify him!" Rather, it was "String him up!"

There is some evidence for this in that Judas chose to hang himself when he realized the gravity of what he had done. It was a sort of do-it-yourself lynching, as it were. Why would he have chosen this act as his just desert if Black Jesus had died in some other fashion?

Further, Judas did not betray Black Jesus with a kiss. A lost text, suppressed by the Racist White European Church and surviving only in a monastery in Turkey, has this passage: "And Judas approached Black Jesus in the garden, with the soldiers looking on, and said, "Hey, Bro, gimme some skin." And when Black Jesus had slapped Judas five, they took him away."

Feeding of the 5,000? Loaves and fish? No way: Fried chicken and biscuits w/jelly.

And it is time to blow the whistle on the European church's reading of John 8:58. Here, in the wake of an extraordinary claim that Abraham "rejoiced to see my day," the Jewish leaders asked, "Are you telling us that you've seen Abraham?" The racist white European translation has the reply, "Before Abraham was, I am."

But the final Greek phrase here, "ego eimi" can likewise be translated, "I is." So the correct reading is "Before Abraham was, I is," which is a clear indication of our Savior's ethnicity.

Indeed, as Bible scholars have noted, "ego eimi" is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew root for the name that God revealed to Moses: YHWH (often transliterated and pronouced, "Jehovah.") YHWH itself should be read as "I is."

Submitted by skyspy on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 8:13am.

So God is not the King of the Jews? He was the founder of ebonics instead? Are you bored?

Submitted by dopplerobserver on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 10:19am.

These comments about ethnicity of people 2000 years ago should have stirred up the fundamentalists something fierce by now. Of course "the bible" can be quoted to prove nearly anything by people who differ enormously. Heresy (which means nothing to a muslim or Hindi) is here, I'm sure of it. Ain't no way that the TV evangelists will hang a black Jesus in their studio (they don't have a church, mostly). Looks like it is time to revise the KJV again and include ebonics, color, and other religions.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 12:19pm.

God is not of any race.

And Jesus being a Semitic Jews means a ton. The covenant promises to Abraham were to be fulfilled by his lineage.

He was a Semite, meaning a Caucasian of Semitic genetic strain.

If of another race, or even another genetic strain, he could not have been a descendent of Abraham.

Keeping it real, and to the core of the issue, not the periphrials.

Submitted by bobby1378 on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 1:31pm.

The Bible and it's many continuations and counterparts were all written by man. According to The Bible Moses "parted the red sea". How did this happen? Man writes things at times and purges the truth to fit the time and scenario it wants. Jesus may have been classified as a Semitic Jew due to what Mary and Joseph were in the class of man at the time.
I ask again what difference does it make of what race God or Jesus is?

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 4:15pm.

Because you don't understand it all does not mean it is true. As God told Job, who are you to question him, and how he works?

Your wanting to appease your thinking. Don't work that way.

You listen to what God tells you. You don't tell him what he has to be.

So, when he chooses to write via men, then that is his will and choice.

You CAN test it.

I have tested countless religions, and always find flaws they cannot answer. But not with the Bible.

If you seriously want to get into Bible analysis, scientific arguments, Historical proofs and the whole lot, I am not going to do that here.

I put on a bunch of materials and it is often out of site, by the way this blog works, within an hour sometimes.

Really tired of repeating myself on so many issues and having a lot of effort wasted.

So. You want to discuss it, in depth? That can most assuredly be done. Here is a site with a lot of materials on it already. To begin your own discussion, go HERE. Then go down to the 'General Discussion and Debate,' click it,click 'New Thread' and post your statements and questions however you wish to formulate them (remember to add the Thread Title). You will NOT get in trouble for being critical. You ARE welcome there.

There are sections on many issues, including data on Islam. So look around.

The plus is the discussion does not get lost, knocked out of sequence, is far more flexible on posting and more.

If you want to get into real depth on local issues, try This Forum.

I just will not even try to do any serious, in-depth discussions, on a blog script any more. Cannot be done.

Keeping it real, and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by bobby1378 on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 10:16pm.

You know all about all don't you PTC Guy. You know all about Islam, you know all about Christianity, you know all about God. If you know ALL tell us how to live our lives. Tell us how to end world hunger. Tell us how to have world peace. Tell us how defy death.

You don't need to repeat yourself all the time. If you only had something new and intelligent to add you wouldn't be repeating yourself.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 2:02pm.

But I do know your kind. You have no interest in truth. You have interest in what appeases you.

The Bible covers your kind. The kind that hears truth but then turns to those who say pleasing things they want to hear.

How to end world hunger? Won't happen as long as Man thinks himself supreme in the Universe.

As for not repeating myself. How lame an answer. I posted a link to where these issues are discussed, a lot. Where there are already multiple forums and topics discussing them.

Do you go read? Ask questions? No. You sit here in your safe little cubby hole and whine, complain and throw accusations at others who point you to where you can have a full blown discussion.

You don't want that. You want your thinking appeased. You don't want it changed.

Have fun. Either actually go and talk, learn or show others the error in their thinking, or sit here and try to sound intellectual and above it all.

Your choice.

Keeping it real, and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

Submitted by bladderq on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 4:26pm.

"I just will not even try to do any serious, in-depth discussions, on a blog script any more. Cannot be done."

We all have gotten the point that your's is the 1 and true. You are right in that you do not need to repeat yourself.

& Hey, the cops are always right.

PTC Guy's picture
Submitted by PTC Guy on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 4:59pm.

You like it because you have no depth.

But even you are welcome on the others. Prove me wrong and give some depth for a change! Eye-wink

The conversaton has shallowed out a ton here. Notice a lot of those that had something to say, in depth,rather than one liners, are leaving more and more?

They are getting burnt out by the frustrations of using a blog script.

Keeping it real, and to the core of the issue, not the peripherals.

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 2:35pm.


Submitted by bobby1378 on Sat, 09/09/2006 - 10:06pm.

what's with the x?

muddle's picture
Submitted by muddle on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 5:12am.

I had second thoughts on a post and tried to delete it. I had to leave at least one character before it would go through. Hence, the X.

Submitted by bobby1378 on Sun, 09/10/2006 - 10:05am.

Makes sense. Thanks

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