Carter’s defense of Muslim center is not believable

Tue, 09/05/2006 - 4:24pm
By: Letters to the ...

The letter from Jeff Carter (the son of former President Jimmy Carter) made the skin crawl on the back of my neck.

I am a senior citizen and I remember the Carter presidency very well. President Carter is well remembered for giving away the Panama Canal, and for bringing the prison population from Cuba to the United States for the taxpayers to deal with.

Oh, yes, Jeff, sing the praises of Muslims; as the son of a former President you are so well qualified.

Now if you think the people of Fayette County believe the garbage you wrote about Muslims, then I have some ocean-front property in Arizona I would like to sell you.

Each and every day we read about the killings done by Muslims. I believe that the hatred of Christians, Jews, etc., will be taught there, and I also believe that weekly donations will be made to help kill our sons and daughters in the military.

I fail to see the need for another Muslim center in Fayetteville. I wonder where all the money comes from to front these Muslim centers, like the building in Fayetteville, priced so high that a Fayette physician couldn’t afford it but a Muslim doctor purchased it without a problem.

People better wake up and start to protest the building of churches in this area that are built without the input of the the taxpayers in this county. The County Commissioners need to put in place a law to give the people in the county an opportunity to vote on this matter.

We had a trailer pull up out here and unload a building that could never have been built in Peachtree City. Property values of homes out here suffer; traffic from the church loads the road each and every Sunday.

The people who profit from the sale of the land, and are being paid to represent the Muslims who bought the land, will never profit from a group who hate the Christian religion. Our country has always been strong because of our belief in God. Today we are losing to other groups who want to destroy us, and do away with any mention of God.

L. Saul
Fayetteville, Ga.

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Submitted by Hardtack on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 7:21pm.

If we make the criteria for killing or discriminating against a religion be that they must believe as we do, then they would
seem to have the same right to judge the condemning religion. Their religion says that they are the only true religion. Christians say that unless you are born again and worship Jesus, you will certainly go to hades. If there is no give and take in those two beliefs then we are doomed, eventually. There are scores and billions of other people in other religions also who need consideration.
I think we are again making the drastic mistake of mixing a personal religion with our government. It can not work. If the new mosque turns out to be against our laws, then we can take action. If not leave them alone.

Submitted by Jersey Girl on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 8:16pm.

Mr. Saul -

First, you accuse the President's son as not being qualified to write his editorial simply because he's a president's son. Can I ask what qualifications you have to voice such a strong opposed opinion?

To clump all people of a certain religion into one category, as you did, and then accuse them all of hating Christians and wanting to kill all Christians is absurd!

It doesn't put any realism to your letter. It just shows what a bigot you are! Shame on you!!!

When the Muslim Temple is built, maybe you should go there and see what it is really all about. I highly doubt you'll be killed while entering!

I am so tired of people stereotyping everyone that is not just like themselves! Open your eyes. It's a big world out there with lots of different cultures and religions.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 3:44pm.

At no time did the United States ever constitutionally, bureaucratically or legally assume sovereignty over the Panama Canal Zone. Therefore, your remembrance of President Carter giving it away is a figment of your imagination. However, the return of the operational control of the Panama Canal to Panama was a highlight of the Carter administration. If you wish more information on the Panama Canal treaties, which are totally irrelevant to the issue of a mosque being built in Fayette County, you can Google John Wayne’s letters to the editors of the Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune where he explained his support for the treaties in great detail and addressed this issue specifically.

Your belief that hatred of Christians and Jews will be taught at the Ismaili center and your belief that weekly donations will be funneled from there to help kill our sons and daughters in the military is your own view, as you state, and you are welcome to it. It is my belief that you are mistaken and it is my suspicion that you are not well versed in the beliefs or teachings of the Ismaili Shiites. They are not radical fundamentalist Moslems. I try to correct this because I believe that it is a grave mistake to lump all Moslems together, gathering them up into a single group for condemnation. By not differentiating between the groups, it seriously hampers our understanding of those who declare themselves to be our enemies which distorts our strategic analysis and therefore undermines our fight against terrorists. Eventually, I hope we will join with the non-radical non-fundamentalist Moslems to project a more united front and defeat the radical Islamic jihadists.

Your statement that: “The people who profit from the sale of the land, and are being paid to represent the Muslims who bought the land, will never profit from a group who hate the Christian religion” seems hopelessly muddled and I won’t try to parse it. However, I do not want your ocean-front property in Arizona. We go to Panama City.

secret squirrel's picture
Submitted by secret squirrel on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 6:56am.

To quote myself...

Well said, Jeff
Submitted by secret squirrel on Wed, 08/30/2006 - 8:48am.

"Very compelling and well articulated commentary, Jeff. Unfortunately, this site has become little more than a right-wing coffee klatch of knee-jerk xenophobes; your well-researched facts and logical information will undoubtably be attacked with bigoted religious and cultural epithets as well as more than a few personally directed at you and your family. Nonetheless, kudos to you."

Predictibly true.

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 9:28am.

Thanks squirrel. You would not believe the database and facts I have to call on to rebut them. This is my new hobby!

Submitted by OldSchoolFootball on Sun, 09/17/2006 - 5:57pm.

Does your database have the figures for inflation, unemployment, the number of days the hostages were held and the price of gas adjusted for inflation during the Carter years? I can tell you the number of dead Airman at Eagle One during Operation Eagle Claw - can you? I thought pardoning the draft dodgers that went to Canada was the highlight - you say it was handing over the control of the Panama Canal (which actually began in 1964 under a joint resolution) I'll give you credit for both and throw in a misery index of 20.6 (unemployment added to inflation). The purchasing power of the American dollar, computed in 1967 dollars, was worth 55 cents in 1977; by 1980 it had shrunk to 41 cents. In 1977 the index of consumer prices, according to Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, stood at 181.5; it hovered at 246.8 in 1980. In 1977 the average unemployment amounted to 6.991 million; in 1980 it stood at 7.637 million. During the same period, Federal unemployment insurance taxes which obviously increase the cost of labor, according to Treasury Department statistics, rose from $92.61 billion to $139.27 billion. The number of Americans living in poverty, according to Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census statistics, amounted to 24.7 million in 1977 and to 29.27 million in 1980. Federal outlays, according to the Office of Management and Budget and Treasury Department, soared from $409 billion in 1977 to $590.9 billion in 1980, budget deficits from $53.6 billion to $73.8 billion, and the Federal debt from $709 billion to $914 billion. And in matters of energy crisis, Jimmy Carter strongly urged Congress to continue price controls on natural gas, impose heavy taxes on crude oil and fuels used by industry, and rebate energy-tax revenue to consumers. Ad that to your 'data base'.

Submitted by mltbmlcb on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 11:41am.

Dear Jeff, I'm proud to have a former Presidents son living here, and to have had him answer my letter is really quite special. I thank you for that. And I am sincere when I say that.

All Muslims follow the Koran, the Koran instructs convert or kill the infidel. Seems pretty straight forward to me. The leader that you had dinner and spoke with is probably a nice person, but if he is a Muslim, he follows the Koran. I understand that there are many sects, much as Christians have many denominations, but all Christians follow the Holy Bible. Muslim = Koran

Christians = Holy Bible

J. Miller

Submitted by bowser on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 11:56am.

J: the koran is a lot like the bible in that it can be used to justify and rationalize just about any type of behavior or moral code you want. if you are a muslim inclined to convert or kill all infidels, you can use the koran to make your argument. (apparently a lot of muslims haven't gotten the word on that, though, because there are a whole lot of jews and even christians living in muslim majority nations...). And if you are a muslim inclined to live in peace with people of other faiths, the koran's got you covered there, too. you can look it up.

Basmati's picture
Submitted by Basmati on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 9:44am.

Jeff, please realize you will be debating people who form their facts from their opinions, as opposed to people who form their opinions from facts.

We reality-based posters will help you keep track of how many times you are demonized. You'll accumulate points towards the Basmati Cup which is awarded on a monthly basis to the most demonized poster.

You'll collect one point for each epithet thrown at you by board wingnuts. Epithets thrown at you may include, but are not limited to:

    "Christian Hater"
    "Muslim lover"
    "America hater"
    "Hezbollah admirer"
    "N****r lover"
    and "closet Linda Wells supporter"

In any event, welcome to the bare knuckles Citizen blogs!

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 09/07/2006 - 11:32am.

Clarification dude:

"Christian Hater" - Has only applied to you Rice Guy.

"N****r lover" - That's a damned fabrication. You know very well that term is not used by legit conservatives discussing subjects on this site to describe anyone. Is that the best you can do on your list. How about the epithets thrown around by you left wing whackos? I love you pompous and self rightous attitude.

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