murphschick: PTC Teens

When I read this story the most disturbing thing for me was that kids scattered and failed to cooperate with police when they arrived. Further that it took a shooting for someone to call the police. My son was cited for Minor In Possession of Alcohol about 3 years ago when he was 17 and attending a similar party in PTC. The neighbors called the police when they figured out what was going on. The entire incident was all over but the crying by 11PM on a Friday night. Same thing happened, bunch of kids ran. Some were cited and their parents called. What is it about these kids that they would run when something so serious had just happened? Why didn't the neighbors call when they noticed there was a party going on? Did they not know their neighbors well enough to know the parents were out of town? Hindsight is 20/20 but I just wish a neighbor had gotten involved before it was too late. And I wish that teens today were a little less self centered than to run rather than risk the consequences of their actions.

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