Lord Knight: The Most Important Thing

I think the most important thing for everyone to keep in mind is the dauntless courage shown by Sergeant Bergh. As all of us at the police department know, Chief Murray had a long disgusting history of standing in front of his office engaging in sexual and inappropriate conversations either about or in front of his young and attractive female secretaries. He also built and maintained a reputation of destroying anyone who so much as disagreed with anything he did. He ruled the police department through fear. He directed his subordinates Major Dupree, Captain Pye, and Captain Ernst to brow beat, harass, and intimidate anyone who dared to challenge anything he did. It was in that environment that Sergeant Bergh, an officer with a perfect record, a long list of accomplishments at the police department, and a true Street Cop, stood up and took a stand against Murray’s inappropriate behavior. She had NOTHING to gain and everything to loose in challenging Murray. And let me be clear, she knew the risks. For as long as Murray would have been Chief and for as long as his three stooges are in her chain of command she will always be watching her back. That is how they get you, not many can take intense scrutiny for years. Time was on the Chief’s side, and he could get payback years latter. The Chief’s Staff has lied for him so many times in the past that getting them to do it again was no problem. Corporal Lackey on the other hand IS a close friend of the Chief’s and that is why she was hired and promoted to Corporal and given the internet crimes unit without ever having been a shift cop. For those who think you misread that, let me say it again. Corporal Lackey had no experience in law enforcement prior to being assigned to the internet crimes branch. She never “earned her spurs” as a cop. However, the fall out from her false statement about the harassment incident was immediate, she was promoted to Sergeant. She is not even a real police officer and yet now she has supervisory authority. The Chief’s cover up actually worked. Had he not been involved in other misconduct he would have gotten off scot free. Despite the obvious lies told by Lackey and Dupree the City was more than willing to sweep things under the rug and even went so far as to unfound Sergeant Bergh’s allegation despite the fact that they had found sexually explicit web sites on the Chief’s computer. I guess the thinking was that there is just no way that if you are surfing porn all day you would ever consider making an inappropriate sexual remark to or in front of a female subordinate. That makes sense. And just to let those outside of the PD in on a few things that are common knowledge inside of the PD, Major Dupree and Captain Pye drive around together all day long going to garage sales and other shopping trips. They have falsified other officer’s time sheets and denied paying officers for time they actually worked. They have ordered officers to work without pay or compensation. The off duty jobs, which can be a significant increase to an officer’s pay, have been run for year by Major Dupree as a personal gold mine. As a result Dupree, Pye and Ernst get all the pick jobs and the ones that are difficult or that they just do not have time to work they put out for the officers. They have all either back dated or caused to have backdated reports for their accreditation. Does anyone out their really believe that our department is perfect? It is if you invent reports and back date them for the accreditors. Pye and Dupree have both worked off duty jobs while on duty and getting paid for both. Captain Ernst has both reported for duty while reeking of alcohol and has come out on serious incidents while smelling strongly of alcohol. And he has been seen sleeping on duty.

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