The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, September 8, 1999

Award speaks volumes about Krakeel

To get some perspective on the recent announcement that Fayette County's top firefighter, Jack Krakeel, is now the nation's top firefighter, it's necessary to think about what the lives of emergency workers are like.

There's life left in 2-party system yet
Contributing Writer

For years, we have been told by this land's preeminent political prognosticators — ranging from James J. Kirkpatrick on the right to David Broder in the middle to Molly Ivins on the left — that America's historic two-party system is sick.

Why so tense?
Laugh Lines
Why, today, is everyone so stressed out? Almost every event of the hour is approached with a feeling of dread and urgency that everything is about as bad as a Bill Gates' haircut. What is it, that sends dads right past their child's newest refrigerator art to get that beer to relax? How is it that traffic figures as a leading cause of high blood pressure? What is it that prompts people today to have no sense of humor at all, about anything?

Letters to the Editor

F'ville restaurant's drink menu alarming

A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to Tanner's Restuarant [in Fayetteville] for lunch. I noticed that the cooler behind the bar held several bottles of mixer for various cocktails. I was aware of liquor by the drink being voted down several times by the good citizens of this county and I became concerned that maybe the city council or county commissioners had decided to find a way around that law.

`Crazed gunman' cartoon should offer a fourth choice

The editorial cartoon in The Citizen [Sept. 1] asked what people would likely be thinking if a crazed gunman invaded their workplace

Despite growth-happy city officials, no choice but to vote `Yes'

I saw a letter to the editor giving the board of education a rash of grief for SPLOST. I am certain the BOE can and should cut expenses in many areas, especially in athletics. These people need to find out that an education is more important than athletics.

Why is nobody talking about hidden, double fees?

The difference between honesty and dishonesty should be readily apparent to honest folks, and with all the churches in Fayette County, one might think folks would spot, and denounce, dishonesty as soon as they see it.

Never-ending cycle needs to end

I read the article in The Citizen (Sept. 1) outlining the plan of attack for the Fayette Citizens for Continued Excellence in Education and was struck by how odd a choice of a name for this group — Continued excellence in education. Get real.

Officials missing point: The Wolfpac is a gang

My children are now adults, so I do not know any of the young people involved in the recent fight that broke out while camping at Thompson Road. However, as a parent and former teacher, I do have some thoughts regarding this incident.

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