Wednesday, September 8, 1999
F'ville restaurant's drink menu alarming

A couple of weeks ago my family and I went to Tanner's Restuarant [in Fayetteville] for lunch. I noticed that the cooler behind the bar held several bottles of mixer for various cocktails. I was aware of liquor by the drink being voted down several times by the good citizens of this county and I became concerned that maybe the city council or county commissioners had decided to find a way around that law.

I then noticed a small menu on the table offering the following drinks in addition to beer and wine:

Margarita, Bloody Mary, Los Cabos Sunrise, Mai Tai, White Russian, Pina Colada, Black Russian, Daiquiri, Kalana and Cream, Coral Reef and Cola, Mexican Coffee, Jamaican Coffee, Kalana Coffee.

We voted this kind of thing down because we did not want Fayetteville to become one of those not just “wet” towns but a “drowning” town with liquor served and sold everywhere.

I want to urge an investigation by the city council or county commissioners, and, if they don't, by this newspaper.

For the citizens of Fayette County, I urge you all to write and demand this kind of thing be stopped in its tracks immediately!

There is another vote coming up very soon. We must remember that we have to vote and stop this again. We cannot let this be passed because of low voter turnout or because the citizens forget to demand an answer. Maybe this time they will get the message and quit bringing it up for a vote so often.

Rachael Reagan

[Editor's note: The Fayetteville City Council was expected to act Tuesday night after press deadline on a petitioner's request to schedule a liquor-by-the-drink vote for Nov. 2. Results of that council action are on The Citizen's website —]

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