Wednesday, September 8, 1999
Despite growth-happy city officials,
no choice but to vote `Yes'

I saw a letter to the editor giving the board of education a rash of grief for SPLOST. I am certain the BOE can and should cut expenses in many areas, especially in athletics. These people need to find out that an education is more important than athletics.

The main problem is school overpopulation. Who caused it? The self-serving politicians on the city councils of Peachtree City and Fayetteville as well as certain members of the county commission are the main culprits. These puppets of developers and real estate people allowed the over-development of the county, which resulted in school trailer parks.

The city council of Fayetteville was not satisfied with growing at a rate of 58 percent in eight years. This bunch hired a developer (with taxpayer money) to create a plan for the development of a piece of property. They wanted to put 300 homes on less than 150 acres right beside Fayette County High. I ask why?

I saw in the paper where Peachtree City has reached build-out. That is supposed to be the maximum population — no more. In the same article one council member said that 5,000 or 6,000 more people could be added. I ask where?

There was one county commissioner who was such a “yes man” to developers that he was successfully voted out of office. The city of Fayetteville hired him as a consultant. These developers and real estate people are a close-knit group and they work together for their own good without thought of our children or the quality of life in this county. It is primarily the fault of the city councils of Peachtree City and Fayetteville that we are in this predicament with the schools being overpopulated. There is a great need for some new faces on the city councils in this county.

I would rather kiss Bill Clinton, or the backside of a mule (same thing), than vote for any tax increase. It seems that I have little choice. From all the research that I have done I have resigned myself to the extremely unpleasant possibility that we will have to suffer with SPLOST for five years. During this time I hope that the people of this county will wake up and remove the special interest representatives on our city councils and county commission. People need to stay informed and vote at every election.

Chris Burdette

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