Wednesday, August 4, 1999
On dress code, board should listen to students

The letters from the students responding to the dress code proposals for Fayette County students in the July 28 edition of The Citizen were wonderful.

I am a teacher at Fayette County High School and these two points of the proposed dress code have bothered me as well.

Tucking in shirts and wearing belts were the accepted form of dress when everyone wore oxford shirts and “slacks.” Kids today have so many fashion options open to them that are expressive, creative and fun. They are not meant to disrespect or harm anyone and should be able to choose whether they want to wear a belt or tuck in their shirts.

I hope that the board of education and their committee of safety experts listen to the public, and especially to the students that this will effect. Most of the students at all four of our high schools are respectful to the adults around them. Their opinions need to be heard; they are reasonable and expressed with respect.

Cathy Sanderson
Fayette County High School

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