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Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Confusion, lies, mark editor’s Westside views

Mayor, Peachtree City

When I read Editor Cal Beverly’s piece on the Westside annexation on May 19, I thought he was acting like someone shot his dog. Mr. Beverly is a nice guy and he will give you equal time and you have to respect that.

Ex-gays battle to be recognized

Contributing Writer

Ex-gay. Does that term bother you? Are you skeptical that some people can change from gay to straight?

Whatever happened to Sunday clothes?

Contributing Writer

Whatever happened to Sunday clothes? Whatever happened to dresses and suits reserved exclusively for church, funerals and weddings? Clothes that didn’t do double duty for a cookout or a bowling tournament?


Despite residents’ opposition, Fayetteville intends to annex

I had a lesson and exercise in frustration last night along with a crowd of concerned Fayette County residents at the Fayetteville City Zoning and Planning meeting.

Why is BoE pushing more interruptions of school?

At its next meeting, the Fayette County Board of Education will vote on a new week long break during the month of October. As a Fayette County parent of two teens, I can hardly believe that in the process of establishing the 2005-2006 school year calendar the focus of our county curriculum director is “to make it easy during these long breaks for families to travel during the year” as quoted in the May 27 issue of Fayette Neighbor.

Superior court judge’s race: Hankinson has the qualifications

In a political year it’s important to be informed about the candidates who are running for each office. While trying to be informed, I have collected information about Steve Harris, Fayette County’s first solicitor general.

Moffat sex advice example of culture’s confusion

Dr. Moffat’s column offering advice to parents on their children’s sexuality was emblematic of our culture’s confused, misguided notions of sex in general.

Many Americans seem to have a short memory

America is finished. This country has long defended freedom, anywhere in the world, at any time, at any cost. There have been thousands who have perished fighting against oppression and liberating nations. The home front has been a place where the people, who were not fighting in the war, sacrificed to see that the soldiers had whatever they needed in order to be successful in their heroic endeavors. I fear those days have passed.

American cruelty killed Americans Pearl, Berg

After relooking at a map of the Middle East, I noticed that Iran was nowhere near America. There are no Kurds (in large, substantial numbers of course) on our borders and I am just assuming that the sarin gas used by Saddam against the Kurds and Iranians could not possibly cross both a continent and an ocean.

Attempt to glorify South is just whistling ‘Dixie’

Glen Allen’s shrill ad hominem attack on my perspective of a singular aspect of the Civil War is merely incendiary nonsense. His argument, like that of Mr. Scott Gilbert of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, is a contorted web spun not to enlighten but like other revisionists who feverishly extrapolate from a few historic events, attempts to promulgate a specious and mendaciously contrived history.

Wasp sting emergency was handled well at hospital

On May 9 of this year, I found it necessary to seek medical attention in your emergency room. I had been stung by a wasp and had experienced a severe allergic reaction. I tried all the normal procedures to counteract the reaction but to no avail.

Scott Jordan’s eternal life has now begun

Hello, everyone. Scott passed away [Saturday, May 29] at 12:04 p.m. Although I already miss him terribly, I still have a peace knowing that he has begun his eternal life. After struggling to breathe for several hours, I believe he actually died from respiratory failure.

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