The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Clayton schools: lessons for Fayette

NEWS ITEM: Twelve months later, Clayton County finally hires a superintendent.

Me and a gun: Adventures at the range

“Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya? Oh, you do? Well, OK then. I was just asking.”


For more jobs, cut corporate tax rates

There is no more important issue facing our economy today than the creation of manufacturing jobs. All of us are painfully aware of the loss of too many American manufacturing jobs. Over the past three years the United States has lost over three million manufacturing jobs, with an average of 60,000 job losses per month over the past two years. Some of these jobs have disappeared due to increased production efficiencies, but many more have been relocated overseas.

Howard Dean, biotheologian

Does God make people gay? At first glance, this is a question that appears theological. However, Howard Dean, Democratic presidential candidate and a physician, looks to biology for his answer.



'Unloaded' headline misleads readers

Re: “Teen killed with ‘unloaded’ gun”:

Please tell me how an unloaded gun that your paper put as a headline on the front page of the paper of Jan. 7, 2004 could happen.

Drug overdose story short on usable facts

Subject: Officials worry about rash of drug overdoses. In response to the above named article in your Jan. 7 issue, I would just like to point out that you are not giving us nearly enough information with which we may make an informed decision on this subject.

Rare bird discovery ranks as great find

The yellow-billed loon, discovered by Eric Beohm of Griffin, is one of the great finds in the history of birding [The Citizen, Jan. 7].

Nobody really knows what's happening in Iraq except our troops

This is in response to Timothy J. Parker’s letter. First, I enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly. On that point I can assure you that I am no fool.

KidsPeace grateful for community help

We at KidsPeace are moved and grateful beyond words for the magnificent contribution of the Fayette County community to our noble cause of helping foster children in the area have a happy holiday.

We're foolish to think we can stop inexorable migrations of people

Recently, President Bush proposed granting legal status to many of the illegal immigrants in the United States. Some see this as a cynical ploy by the Bush Administration to capture the Hispanic vote and the support of business to ensure his reelection. Perhaps this may be true to a certain extent, but it is also possible that Bush understands the long-term benefits of open borders.


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