Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Fayette Faces: The feud continues

Mr. Lowry, your intentions are as clear as glass. You have no desire to try and provide any documentation or history as to the contributions of blacks here in Fayette County or elsewhere. You have shown with your replies that your intention is to berate Bruce Jordan for his works and writings.

Again, I offer that if you really want to see more information about black contributions to society, both here in Fayette and elsewhere, then put your writings where your mouth is and do so.

You have shown your true colors and intentions: To bring animosity and divisiveness to a community known for its acceptance of any person regardless of color, religion or creed as long as that person desires to live in peace and harmony.

While your comments are your right to voice, the true intentions of your comments are well known. People like you have been around since the beginning of time. You work to tear down what others have worked to build; you want to have given to you what others have worked to accumulate; you want anarchy where others have sought to strengthen society.

Bruce Jordan has proven his worth to our community. He puts his life on the line day in and day out to protect us in our fine homes and open spaces here in Fayette County. Do you have any proof of what positive contributions you have made here or anywhere else? And if they were good works, why did you ever leave?

Exactly what brought you to Fayette County? There had to have been some attraction here; or did you see that there were not enough black leaders or businessmen here and you chose to correct this travesty?

My desire for you, sir, is that you move back to wherever you came from because your desires are not pure at all. They drip with envy and maybe a little anger because things are not what you believe they should be.

Understand that you will never be welcomed here as long as you seek to destroy and divide. Spend more time on becoming comfortable with yourself, work with the leaders of our community, not against them, and make good contributions, not bad ones.

In closing, seek out the information you seem to think should have been provided by Bruce Jordan and publish it yourself. I assure you there are publishers out there who would love to print this information. I’d even be willing to bet that Cal Beverly would offer you the opportunity to provide this history to us himself. Rather than berate those who provide their views of history, try providing your own works.

John Nance

Fayetteville, Ga.

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