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Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Does the Lord have your pocketbook?
Religion Columnist

Let me pose a question to you about your church? Is it a “law church” or a “grace church?” A “law church” would be one that majors on keeping all the laws both of the Old Testament and New Testament with a heavy judgment for not keeping the laws. Right standing with God is constantly in jeopardy on the basis of how well you are keeping the laws. To make sure what I am talking about, let me include laws related to staying current on attendance, giving, making confession, and even taking Holy Communion. The “law church” says, in effect, you must stay up-to-date on the laws of the Bible and the church or you are in jeopardy. Your eternal soul stands in limbo.

Wagons ho! LDS members celebrate Pioneer Day

Local LDS members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Whitewater Ward took a day last summer to rally together and celebrate the memory of their ancestors who settled the west and founded the home of the church in Salt Lake City.

Flaherty to speak at Nov. Aglow

Leia D. Flaherty, a single mother with three children, will be the guest speaker at the November meeting of Peachtree City Aglow, Monday, Nov. 17, at 7 p.m., at the Calvary Temple Assembly of God on Robinson Road in Peachtree City.

Grace Church invites local pastors to luncheon

Fayette pastors and ministers are invited to a complimentary luncheon Monday, Nov. 17, from noon to 1:30 p.m., sponsored by Mission Jesus and hosted by Grace Evangelical Church, 164 Flat Creek Trail in Fayetteville.

FFUMC ladies craft sale is this Saturday

The United Methodist Women of Fayetteville First United Methodist church will have their 20th annual Craft Sale Saturday, Nov. 15, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.

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