The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Elections mean choices: Wish there were better ones available

Can we postpone the election until next year?

Thoughts about a ho-hum election

Impossible that I should miss the Rotary Candidates Forum. Impossible!

In PTC and Tyrone, how I would vote, if...

Part of my job requires me to attend meetings in Peachtree City and Tyrone. I attend the meetings so you don’t have to, though it would be nice if you stopped by once in awhile. When I attend the meetings, I am impartial, a silent observer. I document what is said on both sides of the issues and, though I have my opinions, I keep them to myself. Until now.


Cellmate: Rapist was once a regular teen

The crime committed at the Hampton Inn on Oct. 22 came as a shock to the citizens of Peachtree City and neighboring towns. Yes, everyone knows these kind of criminal acts occur everyday all around the globe, but not in Peachtree City. But with this heinous and sadistic act, the eyes and fears of this small middle-class paradise have been opened forever.

Too many questions remain unanswered about library

Peachtree City does not need to spend $4.9 million on a new library. Do not get me wrong: PTC is in very bad need for a new library, but spending $4.9 million is not going to get the city the “state of the art, collegiate environment of learning” it wants. A couple of months ago when the Library Commission finally spoke and told the citizens of PTC that the cost of the library was to be $4.9 million, I was floored.

Kedron Target protestors have broad support in PTC

Regarding Tyler Wells’ “Target Protestors Misfire with Clueless Objections” [The Citizen, Oct. 22].

‘Faces’ series reminds us of those who shaped our lives

To be chosen as the family to begin your series, “The Faces That Built Fayette,” is such an honor. We appreciate The Citizen showing such an interest in the history of our county.

Kourajian: Bring business experience to city gov’t

It seems that everyday that we open a local paper, we read something about our city leadership, and most of the time it’s not very positive.

Mayor’s accusations mostly distortions, lies

Peachtree City Mayor Steve Brown, in a letter to the editor in last week’s Citizen newspaper, told readers that he is not endorsing my bid for a second term on city council.

DIRECT-PAC endorses Rutherford for PTC Post 1

In consideration of potential for DIRECT PAC to endorse one of the candidates for City Council Post 1, our organization, on Oct. 9, met with Adduci, Poolman, and Rutherford. The candidates had graciously accepted our invitation to talk with us. Thereafter, we attended the Rotary Forum to again listen as the candidates answered questions from other citizens.

Check for candidate’s character behind all the political smoke

I read Mayor Brown’s recent article and it got me to thinking. As we all know, there are many silver-tongued politicians throughout this world (and locally) who have a certain genius for their ability to blow smoke. Before we vote, citizens have the obligation to look at the facts and not the smoke. Smoke can temporarily seem to have substance, but just evaporates into thin air.

In this democratic republic, your vote counts; don’t use it to take away my rights

The primary difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy is that a democracy is a system of majority rule and a republic is a system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.
Say what? That doesn’t make sense. Or does it?

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