The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Friday, October 24, 2003

What's the big deal about golf?

What is it about golf? I just don’t get it. I realize that I live in the midst of a golfer’s paradise and that this is that land of innumerable golf carts. Even the local police department has a golf cart for patrolling the miles and miles of cart paths. Heck, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a golf course around these parts. At the considerable risk of alienating golfers everywhere, I still have to ask, “Hey, what’s the deal?”

Hobgoblin and Monster Safety
By Rick Ryckeley
Fayette County Fire & Emergency Services

Some things are predictable in this world. Each year you will have a birthday, unless you’re over thirty. (Then, somehow, you stop having them.) Halley’s Comet will come around once every 75 years. There will be an election for your state governor once every four years – unless you live in California, that is. (Then it’s whenever you get tired of the current one.) But, at the end of this month, a special event witch (ha ha) only happens once every seven years will occur. And this has yours truly excited beyond words…well not really; that would mean this column was only one paragraph long. For you see this year dear reader - oh my, what a fright - Halloween will fall on a Friday night!

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