The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Historic tax cut package will benefit millions this summer

The House and Senate last week agreed on a final bill to ease the tax burden on all Americans. Consisting of a mix of marginal rate reductions, capital gains and dividend reductions, and measures to improve capital and create jobs, coupled with direct aid to states, the measure will help to grow employment, improve consumer confidence, and stimulate investment.

Is new thinking on taxes and spending possible for lawmakers?
By Darrell McKigney

It's telling what makes front page news these days. Recently, this headline appeared on the front page of the Washington Post: "GOP Eyes Tax Cuts as Annual Events."


Diversity column was biased on race, facts

I would like to thank you for the article on "Diversity and the [New York] Times: Black, white and red-faced." It was a very amusing, although confusing, piece.

Where is the outrage over white reporters who lied?

I am very concerned with the tone of Mr. John Leo's opinion columns concerning the fraudulent reporting by former New York Times reporter Jayson Blair in the May 14 and May 21 editions of The Citizen.

Of diversity, plagiarism, race

I am a recent transplant to beautiful Fayetteville. The two items I have relied upon to help me and my family settle in here are the county map and the weekly newspaper The Citizen. I have usually avoided the regular columns in newspapers and newsmagazines but recently browsed certain columns because of the currency of their topics.

Encounter with deputy probably did occur, just nothing like what was described

Sheriff [Randall] Johnson has told me over and over not to rise to the bait when someone says disparaging things about the Sheriff's Department. After all, I agree with him that not everyone likes or has a reason to like law enforcement officers. Unfortunately, I couldn't not rise to the bait cast by "Name Withheld" [Letters, The Citizen, May 21].

So, all white reporters are well qualified, never make errors?

In his column which appeared in your May 21 Opinion section, John Leo, in his misguided attempt at chastising the New York Times for the Jayson Blair episode, paints all black and Hispanic journalists with one brush stroke. He writes as if all of them have done or will do as Blair did and, because of company quota systems, were hired even though they are under-qualified, unprepared and hired under double standards. Such statements represent the epitome of bigotry and bias and are flat out untrue.

Catholics, Protestants share belief in God's Son, Jesus

May I offer a few remarks about what were evidently derogatory comments about Catholicism in a recent letter to the editor that I missed. I pray that the tone of my comments will be consistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the one who not only calmed the stormy sea, but who also told his disciples when they objected to the actions of someone outside their group who was evidently preaching the gospel: "Forbid him not" and, "If he is not against us he is for us."

Equal pay lawsuit not aimed at tennis center

I never thought that I would file a lawsuit against anyone. Not too long after I filed suit against my former employer, the Development Authority of Peachtree City, my children asked me what would happen if I won.

Fayette has warning system: NWS radio

Reference your headline to Paul Van't Hof's letter in your May 21 edition, "Fayette lacks weather warning."

Residents work to make neighborhood a good one

"Anything" does not go here.

. . . for the melodies, Chorale

The Southern Crescent Chorale and its conductor, Janice Folsom, are to be thanked and congratulated for the artistic musical enrichment they bring to Fayette County and indeed, to the whole of the southern metropolitan area. Fayette Countians have good reason to be proud of this excellent entry into the Metro Atlanta arts scene.

. . . for the Easter baskets

We would like to thank the citizens of Fayette County for all their donations to Operation Easter basket.

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