Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Encounter with deputy probably did occur, just nothing like what was described

Sheriff [Randall] Johnson has told me over and over not to rise to the bait when someone says disparaging things about the Sheriff's Department. After all, I agree with him that not everyone likes or has a reason to like law enforcement officers. Unfortunately, I couldn't not rise to the bait cast by "Name Withheld" [Letters, The Citizen, May 21].

I can't dispute the basic complaint in "Name Withheld's" letter. The simple truth is, that absent the hyperbole and exaggerations present in his description, the encounter on the roadway probably did happen. Even if it did, I doubt it happened the way he describes.

I have found myself in the same position as the deputy mentioned by "Name Withheld" more than once in my career. Not every emergency call dictates an emergency (lights and siren) response. From time to time it is appropriate to drive as quickly as possible to a particular call absent lights and siren. I don't know who the deputy was or what the call was so I can't judge whether their actions were appropriate or not.

I can judge the contents of "Name Withheld's" letter, however. He was obviously spoiling for a fight; after all he did say, "It's not the first time I have had words with the Fayetteville officers." He should keep in mind that it is illegal to follow an emergency vehicle in a manner such as he describes.

Depending on the nature and circumstances of the call the deputy was on, "Name Withheld" could very well have committed the offense of misdemeanor obstruction. I am certain of this much: "Name Withheld" would not have had that conversation with me. He would have been given my business card and instructed to contact the Sheriff's Department to file a complaint and then sent on his way.

Our uniformed patrol vehicles are clearly marked with tag numbers and identification numbers on the roof, front bumper, and rear bumper. They are very easy to identify. I know this because in the course of the year I receive complaints based on this type of identification.

In the final analysis, perhaps what irritates me most is the absolute nonsense expressed by "Name Withheld's" characterization of the Sheriff's Department's response to his concerns. In my career of nearly 18 years, I know of not one single instance where anyone was told not to come to the Sheriff's Department again about a complaint.

Sheriff Johnson has an aggressive complaint reception and resolution program. No complaint is ever "not accepted." Everyone is offered an opportunity to make a complaint, even those that are patently false and occasionally ridiculous. Those complaints are thoroughly investigated each and every time.

"Name Withheld" was right about one thing: it was sad that he had his son with him the whole time. Just as he alleges the deputy was a bad example, perhaps so was he.

Oh, yes, we are hiring! "Name Withheld" can get an application at the Sheriff's Department 24/7 or the Fayette County Human Resources Office. One thing though: he'll have to put his name on it.

Bryan L. Woodie


[Woodie is an officer with the Fayette County Sheriff's Department.]

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