The Fayette Citizen-Weekend Page

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

I don't like Mondays


Writing this column is the only thing I have to do today, which is probably why I'm having such a hard time doing it. I'm sure if I had a zillion different things going on I would have had a great idea, stormed through the writing process and moved on to my next task. Unfortunately, I've got nothing.

My current condition could be related to the fact that it is Monday. Monday is a bad day. Both Garfield and The Boomtown Rats can't be wrong, can they?

The word Monday derived from the Anglo-Saxon/Germanic word for Moon, which makes sense because the word Sunday comes from the word for Sun. Monday has been historically known as a blue day. Before washing machines were invented, Monday was a day to do the wash and people had to use blue dyes to keep their clothes from yellowing. It is also a blue day because people get depressed thinking about the number of days before their next break.

Monday has also been known as an unlucky day as well as a day that people go insane. This also ties in with the moon. The latin word for "moon" is luna and an English word for crazy is "lunacy."

Well, I'm not blue and I'm not crazy. I think I just have a case of spring fever.

Maybe it's because I haven't really had a spring break. Granted, four years of college plus an extra year of living in Athens equals about 27 spring breaks, but it has been a while. Maybe I need to just take my shirt off (ladies, please don't write in asking for pictures), lather up in some sunscreen, tanning lotion and insect repellent (I call that mixture Piney Coconut Paradise), fill an enormous plastic cup with some form of libation, blare top-40 hip-hop pablum until I can't remember my own name and hoot and holler for everyone to party like it's 1999. I'm sure my wife and neighbors will love that idea. I think they need a spring break too.

That won't happen, though. I know some readers out there were hoping it would. They'd quit their day jobs, seek out my home and have an eternal spring break party in my cul-de-sac. But no. I'm too busy and too dadgum responsible. If you need proof, consider the fact that I just used the word "dadgum."

I'm almost done with this column and there will be more stuff for me to do today. There will be meetings to cover, rehearsals to attend (first plug: I'm in "The Foreigner" at Southside Theatre Guild - Coming This May), stories to write and sleep to catch up on as I have to cover Music Midtown this weekend.

In conclusion, we learned a little about the history of the word Monday and determined that while we all could probably use some spring break, it doesn't appear likely that we will just go hog-wild whenever we feel like it. However, if you head out to Music Midtown this weekend, you may catch the enchanting aroma of Piney Coconut Paradise.

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