Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Free market should rule future county land sales

In response to Mike Loyd's and Al Camp's response to my letter from the week before, I apologize for the improper English and the chain link fence remark.

However, whether you like five-acre lots or not, like rural vistas or not, hate traffic or not, etc. you don't have the right to tell others what they can do with their land. It is absolutely hypocritical of existing citizens to restrict others from doing what they themselves have done (i.e., build a house).

If someone wants big lots, they should be allowed to buy what the market has available, and if someone wants smaller lots they should not be restricted from buying them either.

The fact is that this county is about to have a huge wave of baby boomers that have reached their empty nester years. Most of them (but not all) will want smaller, higher quality homes on smaller lots with nice amenities, local (walking distance) shopping, and green spaces.

Don't shove your desire for a rural life down other peoples throats!

Bill Gilmer

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