Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Questioning liberalism, not patriotism

Why is it that every time Max Cleland's voting record is questioned, he fires back with a string of irrelevant arguments about how Saxby Chambliss is calling him unpatriotic?

The latest television ad shows a picture of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein and talks about how Max Cleland has voted 11 times against the President and Homeland Security Bill. It asserts nothing about Cleland being unpatriotic and certainly does not, as he claims, "...attack his very being;" Unless his very being is to be against the President and against what the majority of Georgians want.

Why does Cleland continue to vote against a bill that the President wants and the country desperately needs? Does Cleland want more Americans to be at risk because of his liberal politics?

Cleland claims that he is going to vote for a compromise bill that satisfies everyone's concerns. This a flat-out lie! He just wants to vote for a bill that includes the interests of his union buddies that fund him so well. If his so-called compromise bill passes, then it will make sure that incompetent workers will continue to endanger American lives for months, even years, before they can be fired and replaced with competent people.

Next time you see this advertisement for Saxby Chambliss, remember what it really means and not what Max Cleland would like you to believe. It's time for Max Cleland to stop using his war record to disguise his wretched, liberal voting record. Why won't Max Cleland address the real issues raised in Saxby Chambliss' ads?

Unlike Max Cleland, Saxby Chambliss is the chairman of the subcommittee on Homeland Security and Terrorism. No one in Congress today understands more the dangers faced by our great nation. No one in Congress has supported the President more than Saxby Chambliss. No one else in Georgia has the experience and knowledge of Saxby Chambliss to represent and protect Georgia in these uncertain times.

Mike Caldwell


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