Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Kathy Cox's plan to help schools remains invisible

Vote for Kathy Cox or Barbara Christmas Georgia's "Guardians of Mediocrity!"

Or, vote for kid friendly, parent friendly and taxpayer friendly Lynn Krogseng.

I've know RINO Kathy Cox for over four years since she ran against and beat conservative Dan Lakly for state representative. With Dan, you knew, very clearly, where he stood; and he ran a simple, low budget, meat and potatoes campaign.

Ms. Cox, however, ran a brilliant, Clintonian campaign that served up warm fuzzies with a side order of squishy answers and focused on the fact that most voters are single issue voters focusing only on one specific issue but neglecting nine important other issues.

During and since Ms. Cox's brilliant 1998 campaign, Ms. Cox has refused to answer my own very important single issue question, "The Quality Education Litmus Question," which is: "If you, as an elected government bureaucrat could send a child to an academically inferior, violent, government school for $10,000 per year of taxpayer money; or send that same child to an academically superior private or parochial school for $5,000 per year of taxpayer money, to which school would you prefer to send that child?"

Simple question, right? The last time I asked Ms. Cox the "Quality Education Litmus Question" was at the South Fulton Republican monthly breakfast at the Shannon Mall Piccadilly in the summer of 2002. As usual, Ms. Cox would not answer the question but did attack the questioner (me) as being "misinformed," "ignorant," etc. According to other people and fellow churchgoers at Peachtree City United Methodist, this is typical Kathy Cox behavior. If she doesn't like a question she is asked, she verbally attacks the questioner.

The closest I've ever seen, read or heard Ms. Cox answer any question about the education voucher issue was in an article in the AJC a few weeks ago where she answered: "I (Kathy Cox) intend to make public (government) schools so good that no one will want to use vouchers." How is Ms. Cox going to do this? How is Ms. Cox going to quickly improve government schools when they've been in a downward spiral for over 50 years?

Government schools (K-12) were so bad 50 years ago (50 YEARS AGO!) that a concerned educator wrote the book, "Why Johnny Can't Read" followed up 20 years later with "Why Johnny Still Can't Read."

Ms. Cox's plan to improve education must be top secret like Nixon's secret plan to win the Vietnam War because I can't find her plan on her web site. I haven't read anything in the newspaper to give an inkling of her improvement plan other than she plans to spend a lot of taxpayer money and then blame students and parents for government schools' failure.

Ms. Cox is blaming the victims and getting paid big bucks to do that. If Kathy were a car mechanic, we'd fire her. But, in the wonderful world of monopolistic government and government schools, Ms. Cox has a vested interest in doing a bad job because she gets paid more money! Brilliant! Machiavellian.

Ms. Cox has a great plan to get elected; but, it's not a good plan for Georgia's kids.

That's double ditto for Ms. Cox's "opponent," Ms. Barbara Christmas. I say "opponent" because a vote for Christmas is a vote for the American Federation of Teachers or the NEA while a vote for Ms. Cox is a vote for the NEA or the AFT. Notice any difference?

So, who are you going to vote for? Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumb? Kang or Kodos?

Hopeless? The AJC, NEA, AFT, etc., want you to think so; but, there is a candidate who is kid friendly, parent friendly and taxpayer friendly Ms. Lynn Krogseng (rhymes with Frog Sing), Libertarian candidate for state school superintendent. Ms. Krogseng answered my Quality Education Litmus Question with a kid friendly response:

"If the parents desire it, I would send their child to the academically superior private or parochial school for $45,000 per year of taxpayer money."

Democrats, Republicans, conservatives and liberals! You have a real choice in November 2002. If you like being frustrated by the highly salaried government clowns running our government schools, if you like torturing kids and throwing your tax money down a rat hole, vote for the guardians of education mediocrity, vote for the NEA's own Kathy Cox or Barbara Christmas.

However, if you'd like to save money and let kids get an Olympic quality Education at Wal-Mart prices, vote for Krogseng.

Bill Bryan

Goldwater conservative

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