Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Demos rewrite election law to try to retain Senate power

It was such a thrilling spectacle watching New Jersey's Democrat Senator Bob Torricelli withdraw from his upcoming election against Republican newcomer, Doug Forrester.

The allegations of Torricelli's corruption had long been denied by every Democrat this side of Fidel Castro, but, yet, there was not a single Democrat leader present at the press conference announcing his withdrawal. Just a couple of weeks ago, Senator majority leader Tom Daschle and fellow New Jersey Senator John Corzine both stood at the dais with Torricelli and claimed that they had never been prouder to stand with their fellow Democrat.

I guess that the corruption allegations were actually materializing, poll numbers were declining, the challenger was likely going to win, the leaders forced Torricelli out and, like the cowards they are, headed for the hills.

The Democrats will always use whatever method is necessary in order to hold onto power. If they cannot win an election, then they will go to court and ask their Democratic appointees to rule in their favor. It happened in Florida in 2000 during the Bush-Gore fiasco and it [happened] again in New Jersey.

One thing is absolutely certain: Democrats will always put their party before anything and everything in order to retain their power. Stalin wrote the book on power politics and the Democrats have perfected the art.

I only hope that the American voters will figure out their dastardly ways and send them packing. That is unlikely, however, because so many people are dependent on the government and we have the Democrats to thank for that, as well.

Kevin D. Arnold


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