Wednesday, October 9, 2002

What's happening to PTC?

What's going on here?

Peachtree City, a lovely, bucolic suburb of Atlanta is suddenly a news item because within the last few months the city attorney, the city manager, and the city planner have all resigned or not had their contracts renewed.

Neighbors are fighting old friends and neighbors.

A well-respected former mayor has brought criminal charges against our incumbent mayor, and the city's affairs have become public fodder for anyone to exploit.

Now I read that a trusted representative and city councilwoman, Annie McMenamin, is a no-good-nik who has spit on an olive branch, and thrown it at the City Council.

May I repeat, what's going on here?

Has the lovely, quiet town I moved to more than 30 years ago changed so much that I'm out of step? Has there been a changing of the guard and I've been asleep at the switch? Have all these people and the reasons I moved to Peachtree City been wrong?

I don't believe it and I don't think so.

Mrs. Annie McMenamin has been on the City Council long enough to know how local politics work. She has promptly and efficiently answered every question put to her, and taken care of every request. She has been a good representative and a fair city council person for our city. She has been here for the growth of Peachtree City, and been part of the reason we all wanted to be a part of this community to begin with.

Stop the public bickering! Stop making Peachtree City a spectacle for others to slaver over!

Pat Broderick

Peachtree City

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