Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Check Wheat's record as F'ville mayor: Rezone, annex, develop

Local politics sure are interesting! Here we have a candidate seeking a County Commissioner's seat, who through his spokeslady, Meredith Wynn, takes exception to any type of criticism directed towards her client from any source.

Ms. Wynn insists that the only things that can be discussed in this campaign are "important issues" that Mr. Wheat wants to discuss. Is this a hoot or what?

I submit to you that the single most important issue in this election is the candidates themselves and their record of public service.

Mr. Wheat, through his spokespeople, clearly wants to distance himself from his record as the maker and molder of the mess that he created while mayor of Fayetteville. His record was one of rezone, annex and develop, regardless of the impact on the community.

Given Mr. Wheat's track record to date, why should we, the voters, assume he would act differently if he were a county commissioner? My best guess is that the only difference would be that he would have a much larger area to rezone, develop, etc., and the current county land use plan would be history.

In the past four years, Greg Dunn has proven he is a man of integrity who tries awfully hard to represent all of us and to preserve our special Fayette County way of life. In contrast, there is nothing in Mr. Wheat's past public service that even suggests he represents anyone but the developers and land merchants.

So, let's ask Mr. Wheat to run on his record, not a lot of vague promises and half-truths from his campaign staff.

Darrell McKinney


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